Archived Bye Bye MAX FSTL.... Hello MY TIME........

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Sounds like you have a good gig Joe. I'm scheduled BR for trucks next week at 4.75 per truck. Not sure how that's possible, but of course I'll ask at my scheduled time if I should leave or not. Also don't know if Mytime did this or STLtime.
@PA 0701 myTime gives consumables a ton of hours. Until your STL screws around with it and gives you 100+ less hours each week. And doesn't seem to understand why the floor is empty with pulls piling up in the coolers all day because you don't have the hours to schedule anyone between 11-3. Or why you never seem to get all your salesplanners done. Or why the zone usually looks half assed. Etc.
Sales planners...... I have a feeling those are coming my way. Being the PA I did not think doing sales planners thought dry grocery, freezers, coolers and possibly pets and paper were part of "my" role. But, it seems the PA is taking on the TL role.
People should let go of the mindset that certain tasks, like adjacencies, sales planners, and such are TL tasks. Target's eliminating redundant TLs precisely because a TM is more than capable of those tasks. Get used to the idea that a leader leads and doesn't spend all week doing tasks, because that's where target is heading. Things used to fall on TLs because there were TLs for each department who had nothing else to do. Target's thought process: why pay a TL wage to get a SPL tied and dropped, when it can be done for minimum wage?
People should let go of the mindset that certain tasks, like adjacencies, sales planners, and such are TL tasks. Target's eliminating redundant TLs precisely because a TM is more than capable of those tasks. Get used to the idea that a leader leads and doesn't spend all week doing tasks, because that's where target is heading. Things used to fall on TLs because there were TLs for each department who had nothing else to do. Target's thought process: why pay a TL wage to get a SPL tied and dropped, when it can be done for minimum wage?

The idea used to be team leaders were doing them because they were held responsible for their endcaps being well merchandised and selling. Salesplanners weren't micromanaged by corporate like they are now and leadership had more flexibility when it came down to it.
I heard today that we're all just sales floor TMs now. No hl and no sl, so the robot will be scheduling anyone anywhere. I've already made pacts to give any hl shifts to friends from hl in exchange for first dibs on their sl shifts. Theoretically, I could do hl. I do baby gondolas pretty well, push those cafs often and all that jazz. I don't want to do hl, though. We don't have PDAs often enough for it to work out. It now makes sense though why the new girls didn't know whether they were hard or soft lines... Also, the fact that they've been doing both since starting.
I heard today that we're all just sales floor TMs now. No hl and no sl, so the robot will be scheduling anyone anywhere. I've already made pacts to give any hl shifts to friends from hl in exchange for first dibs on their sl shifts. Theoretically, I could do hl. I do baby gondolas pretty well, push those cafs often and all that jazz. I don't want to do hl, though. We don't have PDAs often enough for it to work out. It now makes sense though why the new girls didn't know whether they were hard or soft lines... Also, the fact that they've been doing both since starting.

Ha...that would never work out at our store! Glad they haven't done that with us. There is one girl that they will schedule for both, but everyone else has stayed in their hl or sl roles.
As far as a Brand TM is concerned, myTime doesn't even consider it when scheduling, which is fantastic. I love not having my brands working in their departments ever and getting to speak to why shoes looks like garbage now. I think our last walk got HR on my side, so we'll see if they still make us obey myTime or if they let us actually run our store.
Flow TL is completely ignoring Mytime. Talking about how only certain TMs will work FDC and editing everyone's schedule to meet his needs.

Logistics does not have to follow MyTime necessarily. They are allowed to do set schedules for those TMs since the truck schedule is a regular pattern. As long as they are following the hours they are allocated.
As far as a Brand TM is concerned, myTime doesn't even consider it when scheduling, which is fantastic. I love not having my brands working in their departments ever and getting to speak to why shoes looks like garbage now. I think our last walk got HR on my side, so we'll see if they still make us obey myTime or if they let us actually run our store.

If the hours are under Softlines, they should be guest centered. This is why it is important to pay attention to not spending payroll extremely early (6am or too many people at 8am) since the only way you can get green metrics is using your hours wisely. If you want them to spend time in shoes zoning, you have to cancel other projects for it. As an example, you may have one opener and one closer in softlines, with a few mid shifts (930-5 and a 230-930 as an example)... Your shoe TM may have to take that 930-5 and zone/ptm shoes, but the other TMs that day will need to focus on service, backups, reshop, and pulls so they do not get pulled away.
As far as a Brand TM is concerned, myTime doesn't even consider it when scheduling, which is fantastic. I love not having my brands working in their departments ever and getting to speak to why shoes looks like garbage now. I think our last walk got HR on my side, so we'll see if they still make us obey myTime or if they let us actually run our store.

If the hours are under Softlines, they should be guest centered. This is why it is important to pay attention to not spending payroll extremely early (6am or too many people at 8am) since the only way you can get green metrics is using your hours wisely. If you want them to spend time in shoes zoning, you have to cancel other projects for it. As an example, you may have one opener and one closer in softlines, with a few mid shifts (930-5 and a 230-930 as an example)... Your shoe TM may have to take that 930-5 and zone/ptm shoes, but the other TMs that day will need to focus on service, backups, reshop, and pulls so they do not get pulled away.
Nope. If my brand is scheduled, they're usually my only closer. I can never seem to "luck out" and have them working a mid, and as my only closer, I can't neglect the other 90% of softlines to get shoes back to brand.
  • Our brand SL team members only work day shift and rotate their weekends off. Do other stores do this?
our store switches in about a week or so and most of us are gearing up for a shitstorm of sorts. despite reassurances from my HR that hours will be largely unchanged I was told by my STL last night on the topic of redcards and how my luck has run out on them he told me "that when your luck runs dry so does your job" word for word. and being that I am extremely paranoid about losing my job this sent my alarm bells ringing away. was he referring to mytime or was he just trying to get under my skin idk but something tells me that I should be worried once this thing hits. any thoughts?
that's not entirely true. We have MyTime and my STL requires me to go in and take hours away from people who are bad at REDcards and give them to people who are good. It doesn't really work though since we are always down 4-5 cashiers and most of them are maxed on their wanted hours.
I have heard, not sure if true. that PA's are scheduled like Team Leads in their area.

Meaning the Computer selects from TLs/PAs and then fills with TMs for guest needs. This would go for Market I am not sure about where else.
I have heard, not sure if true. that PA's are scheduled like Team Leads in their area.

Meaning the Computer selects from TLs/PAs and then fills with TMs for guest needs. This would go for Market I am not sure about where else.
Nope. My understanding is that MyTime actually generates a schedule with "open" shifts, which basically tells us when to schedule someone, but does not allot anyone for those hours. Your CTL/HR/whoever does scheduling will select who they want for the shifts MyTime generated.
The recommended jobs that have set schedule guidelines are: Instocks, Flow team (unload and stocking), Reverse Logistics, GSTL - GSA, Brand Attendant, HR. APL-APTL, APS, TPS and SFT. This also includes some Rx/Clinic TM's but I don't know which ones.
All TLs are also supposed to be on a set schedule, but from my experience, do not have your salesfloor TL over food (formerly CTL) have any set shifts in consumables. Either give them a set schedule in hardlines or don't give them a set. If you give them a set in consumables it royally fucks up the open shift generation for consumables. There are days where there is no shift for 6am, no closer, or there's a shift for 5am all due to the fact that if your consumables TL is working at 8 or 9, myTime thinks you already have coverage. It doesn't realize that there needs to be someone to do the routines.
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