Archived Bye Bye MAX FSTL.... Hello MY TIME........

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Spot has been taking pages out of Walmart's playbook for years now. By pushing as many employees as possible to part-time benefits can be significantly reduced, saving the company millions.
Remember having to verify dependents & spouses? That was just the start.
Also, by making as much of the store workforce as possible into part-timers they can hire more & increase the pool. After all, a large pool of employees is necessary when you have as many call-outs, NCNS & flat-out walk-outs as we're seeing these days.
I'm sorry if this has been discussed, but I had a question for anyone who has experience with my time.
How does mytime impact Presentation/Pricing scheduling? Can I still schedule like I did in MAX? Does mytime decrease or increase POG hours ?(or was there a noticeable difference between mytime and max?)

A majority of workcenters kept their normal hour allocation formulas. Presentation is still based on the adjacency calendar (I believe it just removes the SP's from the hours and divides them into HL/SL still)... Pricing still uses its same projection as well.

The nice thing about these workcenters is that they are rigid. This means when the STL or ETL-HR keys hours in training (these have to come from somewhere) they get pulled from cashier, hardlines, softlines, and market as they are the flexible ones. When before they could just remove 5 hours from all workcenters to get the store to payroll, now many of them retain their hours... Hence why many stores on MyTime end up on the lanes all day.

Is InStocks rigid or flexible? I always thought they borrowed IS hours from my store and put them elsewhere.

I believe it is rigid? I am not sure. It got a boost in hours when we transitioned over to MyTime by about 30%... The issue is that this puts all the pressure on the flexible workcenters. Since Instocks cannot lose hours, cashier has to essentially. Same with most workcenters.
I know I sound like a cry baby and have asked this probably a million times but I just want an honest answer from a human being on this planet: I would normally get 37 hours a week last year and this year I've been scheduled per week anywhere from 30 to 34. I just want to know why. If it's because Target is cheap and doing whatever it takes to be number 1 then fine, I get it. It's cutthroat. Just be honest. Don't lie and just say "payroll is tight this month". Why is it tight? And don't say "because we didn't make sales". I want to know the bigger picture. I want to know why I make less money because silly people don't buy crap at Target. Target is a billion dollar company so money is infinite in my opinion.
When I hear people talk about hours and money problems at Target, I just laugh and smirk. Sorry for the rant but like I said, Target is a billion dollar company so to me money is infinite in TargetLand.
Many things to say... stores are expected to beat 5% over last year so it is a numbers game ..corp likes data and doesn't actually consider people a factor . And what isn't reported is the money they blow on test projects..oh and the lawsuit against target..oh the lawsuits.. let's just say that number is growing.. and stores having entire overnight crews having enough and walking out..the data breach has killed the company and so has canada.. I remember during 4th quarter how canada was going horrible.. and I'm sure its company plan to over hire people so nobody gets enough hours to get benefits (and media puts good light on it because look at all the people they have working etc.)..there's more also could also be losing hours cuz you pissed some lead off... there's other crap I know I forgot but hopefully this answers your question
The thing is, this isn't new. Maybe to Target, but 12 years ago when I started at Best Buy we used CBS - customer based scheduling. Apparently target used the same software. But about part time people... Part-time at BB was 1 shift. 1 measly 5 hour shift. That was part-time. Did they tell you that when you were hired? Nope. But you better have open availability when it comes to scheduling or you wouldn't get more than 5 hours. Now, each department had 1 supervisor that got FT hours, then at least one more person. After that, if your department was lucky you might have 1-2 more FT's. Departments earned hours for the future weeks based on accessories. So if you complained about hours, they could say, sell more accessories.

MyTime is doing the same thing. The non-"FT" positions at Spot are getting reduced in hours, then comes the payroll dollar stuff in fall..... So the newbies will benefit because they are cheap. I'm more worried about that, really worried, my hours will go down to that one shift. If I'm lucky.

But what Spot is doing? Retail everywhere over the years. The problem being, they have big stores to run on such skeleton crews. They need to figure it out.... But will they before they drive everyone away??
So HR has been boasting for weeks about the fact that the new Mytime has the app for us to check our schedule. I just went to google play to download the app and they charge $1.99 for it. Come on really? They make us pay for it? I know it's only a couple bucks but that still pisses me off since HR says "now there's no excuse to not get your schedule right." Am I looking at the wrong app?
So HR has been boasting for weeks about the fact that the new Mytime has the app for us to check our schedule. I just went to google play to download the app and they charge $1.99 for it. Come on really? They make us pay for it? I know it's only a couple bucks but that still pisses me off since HR says "now there's no excuse to not get your schedule right." Am I looking at the wrong app?

Its a web log in, not an app.
No closing or opening cashiers on most days no cafe tms, no back room tms, the majority of tms have 10 hours etc.
The HR tm at my store was pulling her hair out today. Trying to fix huge gaps in the schedule. I have been a GSA working 37 hours a week for
3 years, and now my schedule shows 20 hours. I hope they get this fixed, or I see a mass exodus from Target.
The HR tm at my store was pulling her hair out today. Trying to fix huge gaps in the schedule. I have been a GSA working 37 hours a week for
3 years, and now my schedule shows 20 hours. I hope they get this fixed, or I see a mass exodus from Target.
A mass exodus is exactly what we've had at our store. We're losing so many experienced people because of hour cuts and poor management. I work at a Super and some idiot up the food chain decided it would be a good idea to combine Hardlines and Salesfloor (probably in preparation for MyTime) and with MyTime we now often have 2 or only 1 person for all of HL+SF actually closing during the week. In addition, we can't zone during the day because (surprise surprise) we're constantly responding for backup!
From the look of things, myTime has not been working out for our pilot stores. Fortunately, my store has not yet (will be soon) transitioned into myTime. These are the cons I've gathered:

-lowest team morale from hour cuts
-1 or 2 cashiers during weekend rush hours
-CONSTANT backup, which defeats the purpose of "guest driven scheduling", when all TMs have to head to front lanes
-low Redcard conversion, from guests waiting in line
-1 or 2 sales floor closers (HL+SL) at night, resulting in poor presentation for morning

I am a SF team leader at my store, I will not let my ship sink without a fight. At the rate this joke is rolling out, it will be the worst workplace just because some "higher up" individual think we just sit around drooling in a cup all day. Can we pool together some ideas to relay this message to the company?
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Our poor hr team was so stressed out. People put all over the place. In stocks put as cashiers cashier's who have done market once in market. I was told I will be all over because I am crossed train in most areas. But don't count on more then 25 hours. Now that's a problem. I will be looking else where of that is a every week problem. Shame I love what I do that's why I cross train all over. Oh well it's the nature of the beast.
From the look of things, myTime has not been working out for our pilot stores. Fortunately, my store has not yet (will be soon) transitioned into myTime. These are the cons I've gathered:

-lowest team morale from hour cuts
-1 or 2 cashiers during weekend rush hours
-CONSTANT backup, which defeats the purpose of "guest driven scheduling", when all TMs have to head to front lanes
-low Redcard conversion, from guests waiting in line
-1 or 2 sales floor closers (HL+SL) at night, resulting in poor presentation for morning

I am a SF team leader at my store, I will not let my ship sink without a fight. At the rate this joke is rolling out, it will be the worst workplace just because some "higher up" individual think we just sit around drooling in a cup all day. Can we pool together some ideas to relay this message to the company?
Spot is aware of the my time issues with tm's schedules, already.
Biggest problem I can see is too many TMs at each store. If you have 10 TMs for 200 hours of work, MyTime wants to give each 20 hours. If there were only 5 TMs, each could get 40.

@Voicetarget , I've heard that partial unemployment claims get noticed (for TMs who have seen a dramatic drop in hours through no fault of their own). As far as the SF poor coverage, encourage guests to fill out surveys & to be honest.
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+TLs and ETLs reduced per store to be achieved by Sept.
+MyTime cuts TM hours which results in TMs leaving and I bet very few if any will be replaced
+6AM Flow process, new InStock process result in few scans and smaller trucks
+Project VIPER

This is all by design so that VIPER is in place for the 4th quarter.
So my Stl and I butted heads on whether I am still going to be writing my own schedule since I'm the only one who chooses to be aware of my electronics scans and holidays. So I asked if I could be trained on mytime and he said I couldn't right now Bc it's not official but yet we are implementing the use of mytime in our store at this very moment and they are really effing up my schedule. That I should be emailing him my scans despite me handing everyone the scan schedule at the beginning of the fiscal year. I am very effective with my schedule. I keep in mind where plano is, if they are setting in electronics I'll bring someone later seeing as there is slight coverage over there saving some time for a small mid later when I need it. Ugh it's all a mess.
Now that September is coming now they're concerned about our overage on tl heads. I hope a transfer comes in for me Bc I need change dire.
I'm still waiting too see the mess our two week out is going to be. Normally it's done and posted by lunchtime, but it still wasn't finished when I left for the day at 4. Mytime must REALLY have screwed things up.
I went it at like 4:15 and ours wasn't up either, one of the senior TLs said it wouldn't be up today.

Does it really go thru the ETL-HR now? Apparently ours was on vacation... That could explain my lack of hours.
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