Archived Bye Bye MAX FSTL.... Hello MY TIME........

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Spot's rule is 31.5. The ACA rule is 30, only Spot isn't adjusting it down this year because there is no penalty for using the higher number until next year.
Is it a new rule you can't over 10 days of vacation?? I was going to be gone for 11 days for vacation but when I put it in it said anything over 1o days requires a leave of absence. Is this new? I do not remember this before......
Not a Republican. Just stating how I see it. A computer program shouldn't decide how many hours I get. Thank you. I think most people will agree with that.
And when they are stuck for so long, they can't get anything done so once they get away from the lanes they go dark just to get their work done.

I have had to do this after being asked why we don't scan as much on weekends.
Is it a new rule you can't over 10 days of vacation?? I was going to be gone for 11 days for vacation but when I put it in it said anything over 1o days requires a leave of absence. Is this new? I do not remember this before......

Use two different time off requests.
Jack, businesses have always been looking for ways to drop employees from qualifying for benefits.
Spot dropped HMOs & PPOs just 2 yrs ago, substituting HRAs & HSAs. Then they dropped the part-timers' discount plan saying that "it was seldom being used" knowing full well that - after MyTime cut enough hrs - all the TMs who were just above the full-time benchmark would be pushed into part-time status.
MyTime is a convenient way for leadership to blame a faceless, computer-generated entity for your lost hrs because they can simply throw up their hands helplessly rather than admit they could override the system.
I don't want to start World War Z but Barrycare has done more harm than good. I know it had good intentions but good intentions can only be stretched out so far. America keeps bragging about jobs being added but most of those jobs are crappy jobs that people only take because they're desperate. Sorry for the rant but this country is held hostage by two parties and they've run America into the ground in my opinion.
I don't want to start World War Z but Barrycare has done more harm than good. I know it had good intentions but good intentions can only be stretched out so far. America keeps bragging about jobs being added but most of those jobs are crappy jobs that people only take because they're desperate. Sorry for the rant but this country is held hostage by two parties and they've run America into the ground in my opinion.
Target didn't need Obamacare to give them an excuse for what they're doing now. It was going to happen anyway. Target stopped valuing long-term, full-time Team Members a long time ago. On the not on adding jobs... I don't have the link to the article, but I believe I remember seeing a statistic stating that while the # of jobs had risen, unemployment still managed to go up a little. I assume this was because the people who already had jobs were taking on an additional job, perhaps as they were being cut to part time. Thought you'd find that interesting, Jack.
Well the whole job crisis thing is a joke. Our idiots in Washington DC destroy the economy by building up stupid debt and huge deficits because we go overseas and nation build and tell people how to be Americans while in America, we baby people from cradle to grave. When you do that for a long time, it creates a bubble and bubbles always pop. Instead of all of those hospitals and schools that were built in Iraq, why not build some in America? Why not fix the freakin' roads too? Do crap that actually helps people. Is that too hard?
Will all TMs have access to the myTime view schedule?
I'm unable to log into viewschedule, I get this message
You do not have access to myTime. Please contact your ETL-HR if you received this message in error.
We have had myTime for about three weeks, so I'm hoping this will change. Does anyone have an answer? I'd rather not go to HR.
Will all TMs have access to the myTime view schedule?
I'm unable to log into viewschedule, I get this message
You do not have access to myTime. Please contact your ETL-HR if you received this message in error.
We have had myTime for about three weeks, so I'm hoping this will change. Does anyone have an answer? I'd rather not go to HR.
They are working on that access point. It should change in a few more weeks. It has some bugs in it.
Using mytime:
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At my store we are currently hiring cashiers while none of our current cashiers even reached 20 hours and all but four of them are under 10 hours.

Sounds like my store, except one or two of our cashiers did get 20+hours.

At my store, we're still hiring cashiers, and my hours have decreased every week for the last 4 weeks :/ My time doesn't even roll out until next week. A month ago I was getting between 30/37 hours. Then I had 20 hours, then 19, then 18 and on the two week out I saw I have a whopping 12. I'm cross trained in Guest Service and Photo. I've hounded everyone in the place I can think of to cross train in more places. This sucks so bad. I've been applying at every place I can think of because I can't live on this. Doesn't even give me enough to pay my bills, let alone things like.. oh.. food and gas in the car to get to work for those 12 hours. I check the swap shift board 4+ times a day. Once when I get there in the morning, on my breaks and before I leave. Spot has royally screwed me over, since they knew my limited availability when they hired me, knew that I needed a certain amount of hours to support my child. Yet now all I hear is "open availability gets preference on shifts" Of course this WASN'T disclosed to me when I was hired. If I could open mine up, I would, but the only childcare option I have is daycare. No family/friends that could take my child. At least not any friends that I would trust with her. I'm at the point where I wish they never hired me -_-
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Spot's rule is 31.5. The ACA rule is 30, only Spot isn't adjusting it down this year because there is no penalty for using the higher number until next year.
So, does this mean unless you average 31.5 hours a week for a certain period of time, you are not eligible for the health care? Is this why they don't want to give significant hours to anyone?
You just have to know how to work the system. Pad your vacation hours up to the max then start adding some of it every time you get screwed on the schedule.
I actually don't care about the health insurance. I'm on my husband's insurance, and I'm sure that's better than Spot's. I just don't like being scheduled for only 2 or maybe 3 shifts in a week. I want as many hours as I can get without it inferring with the insurance, because if I become eligible somewhere else I can't be on his.
2 questions

1. If you already took days off in max will they show up in my time?

2. How do you take days off in mytime?
You just have to know how to work the system. Pad your vacation hours up to the max then start adding some of it every time you get screwed on the schedule.
I thought they changed it so that vac hours don't go towards avg hours. We can still buy hours from people, but then you have to think about if the amount you spend paying other people is less than the cost of insurance.
We're going live in a month and I have heard word zero on it. Everything I know I learned on here or workbench.

Here are my updated concerns:
1.) How does scheduling routines work out? Ex: I comp shop Monday and half of Thursday. I do signing on Sunday and prep the ad Thursday and Friday (or Saturday). Will I just be manually scheduled?
2.) How do workcenters work for auto fill? I'm coded as pricing now, so could MyTime give me 5 shifts in 5 workcenters? (Pricing, comp, softlines, fitting room, cashier) My outgoing STL always says to work our scheduled shift and not to edit after posting (unless we swap).
You just have to know how to work the system. Pad your vacation hours up to the max then start adding some of it every time you get screwed on the schedule.
I thought they changed it so that vac hours don't go towards avg hours. We can still buy hours from people, but then you have to think about if the amount you spend paying other people is less than the cost of insurance.

Wait...what?!?! Buy hours from people? What does that mean?
If I am not able to use my vacation hours to keep up my average hours that is NOT awesome... I've used mine as much as possible since forever. As far as I understand it you aren't able to use sick time to make up average hours.
I could be wrong about vac hours. Think I read that on here. By "buy hours" I meant pay people to give you their shifts.
Also a tip for the those about to go to MyTime, when you request time off, request it unpaid - this takes you off the schedule. If you request it paid, at least at my store it leaves you on the schedule and you will be scheduled for your days off.. Then request those days be paid once the unpaid request is approved.

Yes that argument with HR was fun.. Not..
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