Archived Bye Bye MAX FSTL.... Hello MY TIME........

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Depends on numbers of employees... Wouldn't always work due to coverage needs, etc.

I think we're rolling out mytime soon, they just asked for my availability to put into mytime, but I haven't seen anything new yet.
I heard it from my ETL, he said that it was rolling out in march for our store and that it was a HQ created schedule. It also had to do with the new part time employees not getting health coverage anymore, it would actually be giving all TMs (not TL or SRTL) less hours to make them part time... I couldn't believe it when he said that. I am not sure how it would work with Electronics and FR. I could see how it would work for the salesfloor though it would create less gaps on the floor for better guest service so you wouldn't have to worry about waiting for someone to return from their lunch.
I know this thread is old, but we just got MyTime and I hate it already! I have a question/concern. I was scheduled on the newest schedule for ALL cashier shifts, and i almost never get scheduled to cashier. i am actually quite fustrated by it. another TM who almost always cashiers has ALL sales floor shifts ??? Is it always going to be like this? If i am always going to be scheduled to cashier now there is no way im going to be happy
I heard it from my ETL, he said that it was rolling out in march for our store and that it was a HQ created schedule. It also had to do with the new part time employees not getting health coverage anymore, it would actually be giving all TMs (not TL or SRTL) less hours to make them part time... I couldn't believe it when he said that. I am not sure how it would work with Electronics and FR. I could see how it would work for the salesfloor though it would create less gaps on the floor for better guest service so you wouldn't have to worry about waiting for someone to return from their lunch.

Its not a coverage gap when you know no one is coming to help you.
We now have myTime. It's Thursday, well after noon. The new schedule should be up, but it's not there when I view my schedule at home. Are we not able to see the two week out schedule until it becomes the one week out schedule or is my store seriously behind this week?
The schedule is also not posted when i click to view it online... wonder if its up on the scheduling board back at the bullseye
We now have myTime. It's Thursday, well after noon. The new schedule should be up, but it's not there when I view my schedule at home. Are we not able to see the two week out schedule until it becomes the one week out schedule or is my store seriously behind this week?

You won't be able to view your next next week schedule until Sunday if you're accessing it through
We now have myTime. It's Thursday, well after noon. The new schedule should be up, but it's not there when I view my schedule at home. Are we not able to see the two week out schedule until it becomes the one week out schedule or is my store seriously behind this week?

You won't be able to view your next next week schedule until Sunday if you're accessing it through
That's what I was wondering. That's fine. I can live in bliss until tomorrow afternoon to find out what mytime did to my schedule.
Our ETL-GE told us Monday that the hours for GSA shifts would be set in stone for now on. Except for weekends, because our TLs still get every other weekend off. And except for when the SrGSTL's schedule needs to be switched up for LOD needs. And except for when one of the five of us needs a day off. So basically, it will never be set in stone. *roll eyes* I don't care where my hours come from as long as I have at least 32. Tomorrow will tell, I guess.
Our first week of my time has one team member scheduled at 47 hours and another not scheduled at all. It also has large gaps in coverage including not scheduling a closing GSA/TL one night. It's just another software rollout mess from this company.
Our store has not even told TM's how to check their schedule from home. I only know from here. The ETL-HR said it would be a smartphone app.

I don't think the ETLs have been as transparent about this new release as they should have been.
Unfortunately I was disappointed by this rollout as well. Do I think that MyTime will eventually start working? Sure... however the implementation of the system is completely wacky. It took everyone a long time to figure out what they were doing, and we are not even sure if we are executing it correctly... Does someone already have MyTime who has had it for a while able to answer some basic questions for the rest of the stores out there?
Our store has not even told TM's how to check their schedule from home. I only know from here. The ETL-HR said it would be a smartphone app.

I don't think the ETLs have been as transparent about this new release as they should have been.

Cause they don't know either, my ETL's can't tell what OS the app is available for. But then most of mine don't know there are other OS besides iOS.
We rolled this out this week as well and it was a bit rough. I worked on the schedule for 11 hours and finally went home. I think that once things get worked out it'll be much better than MAX but there's quite a bit of stuff i find frustrating with writing the schedule.
I find it weird that when the schedule was populated that I was over by 27 cashier hours but yet my graphs weren't good. I thought this was suppose to take care of this issue? I did more edits than i would have with MAX.
I spent about half a day Wednesday writing the schedule for logistics (BR, Flow, Instocks, FDC). First thing that was really apparent was that now that BR and BR Day are combined hours, we have much less payroll for that. Before, I was given 200 hours (140 for backroom, 60 for backroom day). With mytime, those two work areas are down to 110 total hours! Just insane! I'm not sure how we're going to get backstock done, CAFs pulled, and truck days will be suicide with only 1 person back there until the afternoon! Flow was pretty much the same (only 20 hours less), Instocks gained hours, and FDC team was totally forgotten of.

It's an okay system, I didn't think MAX was horrible, but with mytime, it doesn't auto save, jumping between reports isn't as smooth as they made it out to be, and scheduling for non guest areas (like logistics) isn't really system generated. I made my edits like I do every week for truck days/non truck days. Still miffed that it only allocated 110 hours for backroom but it'll all be okay (or that's what I tell myself as I enjoy a frosty beverage).
In stocks for us were short 40hrs, backroom 50hrs, and our poor HR team has been about to throw the PC across the room. 500+ schedule "violations" people scheduled outside avail, work center and other idiocy. They took until I think 4pm yesterday to actually have a schedule to print and even then put a note on the top page "please read and bring any issue to HR immediately, schedule is subject to change!"

Yeah the rollout has been so smooth.. NOT!
I know this thread is old, but we just got MyTime and I hate it already! I have a question/concern. I was scheduled on the newest schedule for ALL cashier shifts, and i almost never get scheduled to cashier. i am actually quite fustrated by it. another TM who almost always cashiers has ALL sales floor shifts ??? Is it always going to be like this? If i am always going to be scheduled to cashier now there is no way im going to be happy
The same thing happened at my store....there were hardlines TMs that were scheduled to cashier that hadn't cashiered since TRAINING, cashiers who "technically" are cross-trained, but have never worked a soft/hard-lines shift scheduled in those work centers, etc.
Anyone from salesfloor who was scheduled to cashier was usually pulled off the lanes & sent to the floor but I've seen softlines TMs sent to hardlines & vice versa.
Just a question for those of you that have this already. Work centers that always get planned hours taken form them by their STL's ,will they finally be given the hours they deserved?(EX: electronics is planned at 160 hours but STL only gives them 100 and the rest of the hours go to backroom). Will STLs still some how be able to move hours from work center to work center with Mytime?
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