Archived Bye Bye MAX FSTL.... Hello MY TIME........

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Sorry to hear you're going through all of that.
Hope things get better for you soon.

Thanks, i have to say it has been overall a great week at home. Which we needed really. I'm scheduled off on Saturday - we will see if they call. I might take it because for a change we are on track on things here at home.

I guess it is just the tilt of being home more than there that makes the difference. That and not starting until after 1.

Who know what the next schedule will bring... maybe it won't matter as much because my ex will decide to pay his support? Wishful thinking....

You could have some of your more intimidating flow team/BR folk go over and collect.
I'm sure they would be happy to help out.
Hello everyone! I was on the site as a fairly active user a few years back and was found out then. I still lurked around but now I'm back to contribute!

This MyTime thread figured like a good one to jump into. Is there anyone who is in a MyTime store that work logistics or instocks? I'm really curious as to how MyTime handles it? We switch over soon and I'm kinda worried after hearing your cashier/sales floor schedules.
Hello everyone! I was on the site as a fairly active user a few years back and was found out then. I still lurked around but now I'm back to contribute!

This MyTime thread figured like a good one to jump into. Is there anyone who is in a MyTime store that work logistics or instocks? I'm really curious as to how MyTime handles it? We switch over soon and I'm kinda worried after hearing your cashier/sales floor schedules.

I'm In-Stocks so see previous posts.. My TL writes our schedule, our hours were gutted from 180 to less than 120 for 5 people. I will say she does a great job loaning us out to other work centers to keep hours up. But those hours are pretty slim right now..

My TL tried to loan one of us out to market she is keyed for it, and My Time deleted the shifts when it posted the schedule, my schedule it added shifts after publishing. Its a cluster. So if you have time off saved this will be the time to use to fill out your hours.

We are lucky to have enough hours to scan and push our batches and my store is a large volume overnight process store that is a top 3 in sales in our group.

This is what we have seen in the first two weeks of My Time. Watch and document your time very carefully and make sure you do not miss punches, paychecks go over it with a fine tooth comb. HR has issued over 20 vouchers this week alone since things did not cross over. Punch corrections, vacation hour requests not paid out, vacation requests, approved not scheduled in My Time.
You could have some of your more intimidating flow team/BR folk go over and collect.
I'm sure they would be happy to help out.
HA. if only.....

He's driving a truck OTR, and only here 3-4 days a month at most. Next up the Child Support Enforcement Office will have a hearing to suspend his license....

I got a text he made a payment today - I'll know tomorrow how much. I don't know if it was going to happen regardless - but I did drop my exMIL a note (telling her it was the only time i'd say something, but he should NOT be self-employed) along with some pictures of the kids.

Hopefully it is enough for some breathing room....
So is there an app on the PDA to view whose on the schedule for the day? I noticed yesterday the old app no longer works.

It was probably tied to Max and is now broken with My Time.

Today, my copy said leave at 3:30p, nope 1:45p "you are working past schedule!" so we double check what my TL wrote since she is off today. Yep 1:30.
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Hello everyone! I was on the site as a fairly active user a few years back and was found out then. I still lurked around but now I'm back to contribute!

This MyTime thread figured like a good one to jump into. Is there anyone who is in a MyTime store that work logistics or instocks? I'm really curious as to how MyTime handles it? We switch over soon and I'm kinda worried after hearing your cashier/sales floor schedules.

Instocks/Logistics here... I hate MyTime. We do not have our full truck team in the morning.. as in everyone that was getting scheduled before on MAX.. we lose 2-3 per truck day due to scheduling. We are not finishing our trucks. Backroom is getting backed up because of it.. I feel it was an unnecessary change. My Backroom/Instocks TL said backroom hours got cut as well.. from 80-50... she was scheduling them under instocks because we got a boost in that work center for hours (we have 3 active instocks members right now) for backroom and she got told that she couldnt do that... I am not looking forward to where target is heading.
Flow and instocks teams are (along with GSA)essentially the only people who have set schedules. Even backroom is no longer set, and it doesn't discern between backroom and backroom day so anyone with availability can be scheduled for those dayside shifts.

For flow, it looks at the sizes of your trucks from the past several years and compares that to the sizes of trucks you've recently received. You are allocated the amount of hours that Spot calculates a store should need to complete a typical truck. It won't be perfect because sometimes you get a monster truck, however, this is not a new problem since used to happen under MAX too. In fact, stores used to received the same payroll for each truck no matter the size. Now, when you start more product, you will actually be allotted more hours so that you can handle it.

There will be a period of adjustment for stores because many stores were using their stronger workcenters to save hours for others, and they can no longer do that. At my ULV, it was not uncommon for our sales floor to receive negative hours, so my STL had to steal from other areas just to get back to even. She then had to steal even more hours so that we had a sales floor team. With My Time, Spot "knows" what you need for your workcenter and gives you that, so it should be much more consistent.
Wouldn't that cause all backroom to change their availability to mornings only? Or do they want BR day shifts?
Mytime has worked out great for my workcenter so far. For the last 1-2 months market has only been 7am to 7pm or so. Since Mytime rolled out we have got all of our hours back plus more. We now are scheduled 6am to closing every night. So nice having 111 or so hours instead of 84 or so
In my store, the only ones really struggling with My Time are the ETLs (which is just part of their job, IMO) and people who cannot (or refuse to) open up their availability or insist on limiting their work centers. I don't want to hear our GSTM whine that her hours are being severely cut when she cannot work until 6pm on weeknights, we no longer schedule a GSTM until close, and she refuses to be put on the cashier schedule.

Interestingly enough, ever since we started using my time, my number of hours have stayed the same, but every single weekend I manage to get Saturday and/or Sunday off and the number of nights I close every week is no longer four or five. So while some people feel as if they have gotten the short end of the stick, in reality, it seems to be evening it out so it's not favoring the same people over and over with the weekends off and the day shifts.
In my store, the only ones really struggling with My Time are the ETLs (which is just part of their job, IMO) and people who cannot (or refuse to) open up their availability or insist on limiting their work centers. I don't want to hear our GSTM whine that her hours are being severely cut when she cannot work until 6pm on weeknights, we no longer schedule a GSTM until close, and she refuses to be put on the cashier schedule.

This is why I work a process team, my schedule has some hard limits. But having our hours gutted by 40 per week, has not been fun. Its fun when you have sales floor people stumbling over each other to push the CAF pulls or reshop but you can't get two hours a week to work your PTM..
Is it possible they're using mytime behind the scenes without making it accessible to us yet? Today an overnight.. Ahem, early morning person was scheduled in the fitting room and I have trouble believing a human made that mistake. We don't even have men in sl at my store.
Mytime has worked out great for my workcenter so far. For the last 1-2 months market has only been 7am to 7pm or so. Since Mytime rolled out we have got all of our hours back plus more. We now are scheduled 6am to closing every night. So nice having 111 or so hours instead of 84 or so
OMG I hope this is how mytime works once we get it at my store.
Except...I don't know when we're getting mytime. No one knows anything, lol.
No...if they are on my time, everyone is on my time. Max and my time are not compatible in any way.
Is it possible they're using mytime behind the scenes without making it accessible to us yet? Today an overnight.. Ahem, early morning person was scheduled in the fitting room and I have trouble believing a human made that mistake. We don't even have men in sl at my store.

We are finding when that happens its the persons profile in MY Time that is screwed up. Have to look at his profile and see what he is keyed for. Its probably wrong.
No...if they are on my time, everyone is on my time. Max and my time are not compatible in any way.

Ahh, okay. That means my hr guy's just an idiot, then, sometimes. He schedules people without the key thing for electronics. I overheard that. Idk what key thing I'm referring to.
When either GSTL opens, we have a new printout that has breaks scheduled on it, and a spot for lane assignments and such. It is NOT what we were getting before - and the GSA opened yesterday and we had the old "schedule" thing and she wrote on the bottom.

It *sounds* like the MyTime form that the GSTL is using, but I'm still able to view my schedule in Max Selfservice and submit breaks there.

Is there a transition period at all? I should have asked a TL yesterday that i'm friendly with about it, but didn't think of it. We have had notes up everywhere about updating our availability the last couple of weeks - i assumed MyTime was close.

Also, when we go MyTime, will the portal online for the schedule automatically open??
Yes, when you get my time, you will be able to see your schedule online right away. But you may wait a week or two because there is some weird overlap in between the two where schedule changes are made one place, but not another and then what's on my time might be incorrect until the old max schedules are gone. At least that happened in my store.

Anyway, turns out, since the stupid system makes you change your password every three months, if you are at home and want to check your schedule, you are out of luck until you go in to work and change your password. I had been relying on my phone to check my schedule, and I wanted to see when I work Friday because I cannot remember for the life of me, but it will have to wait until I get to work. Good thing I remember what time I am scheduled for today!
I work in a high volume apparel store. Mytime sucks. No one is getting any hours. They are operating with one person for the entire day for apparel and even during weekends, and two in hard lines, with only one after 5pm. We leave with 6 un-sorted carts, 5 z's at the fitting room. Plus we never get done with zone. On top of that, they are hiring 20 new people. I went from 30 hrs a week to 11. Other people got 6 or less, but most were cut at least a third. I am quitting after 9 years. Our store makes it's sales goals, but no one gets raises. Only more stupid slogans, and getting hassled about the vibe. We have 1 cashier after 7:30. The salary cap is 11/hr. I hate what Target is doing. Our store relies on college students, and Target claims that they provide a flexible schedule. Not anymore. Don't tell people you give a flexible schedule but require open availability to get more than 6 hours a week. Even people who have almost completely open availability had their hours cut in a big way .
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Can anyone comment on how My Time affects the pricing schedule? Im kind of worried.. our workload always forecasts low in the forecasting tool 2 weeks out.. and then shoots up "10" or so hours the week of.. our old STL thought it was good to give us what it forecasts in the computer plus 3 hours for labels even though MAX clearly gave us another 15 hours. Ummm, hello your college educated highness.. that's not going to work.. just give us what we are forecasted in MAX and if we finish early we will help out elsewhere..
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