Archived Cashiers and salesfloor TMs, what do you wish you could tell the GSTL/GSA at your store?

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Jun 6, 2013
In the interest of becoming the best GSA I can, I'd love to hear what you would love to say to or about GSTL/GSAs. Please keep in mind that we already have a thread to gripe about REDCards. Thanks!
You asked -
Get rid of the sing song voice over the walkie.
I will back up if you get me off the damn lane. Cashier filling candy, pushing carts, moving baskets, chatting at guest service while I am on a lane will not make me want to come back up.
How about a "thank you" for responding to the lanes, helping with carryouts, restroom checkups etc. Sure its our job too but how many people actually do it? Its easy 2 little words that mean quite a bit
When you need to call me for information on a product, please speak clearly and I will do the same
Stop with the passive aggressive shit on the walkie.
If you are slow up on the lanes, please reciprocate and send a cashier to the floor to help fold or put away reshop
Please speed weave
Please call off the back up if you don't need it.
If we get a visit and you freak out by calling a back up when its not needed you will look like someone who doesn't know how to do your job. Again speed weave, anticipate whats going on, move people around, manage the breaks. You will be viewed positively by the visitors not like someone who is over their head.
Stand next to the cashier who got the red card so they can actually hear the recognition over the walkie. Its amusing when you announce the red card and the leadership gives congrats over the walkie. Its not for you its for the cashier, they need to hear it.
Some GSTLs are great, some not so much. I think its great that you are looking at it from all perspectives
Please get the cashiers to do something when they don't have guests. Groups of them standing together chatting pisses me off.

Why are so many of you spending so much time standing at the last lane staring at your grid/break sheet? Does it take that much time to figure it out?

The sing-song/I'm a kindergarten teacher voice is awful.

I know it's a difficult job. Those of you that do it well are appreciated.
Please recognize the importance of rotating team members to come up for guest first, Yes I think the CA should be very high on the list of first responders but when I've watched our Cart Attendant go from the back of the parking lot into the store to help the 2 guests remaining after the 3-4 minutes it took him to get here while one of our soft line members is clearly visible just wandering around I get a little upset because the CAs are my store are very hard workers and this is just another way they get the short end of the stick.

Understand and appreciate the difference in team members, we aren't all the same believe it or not even though we are all mindless drones different things affect us different ways, I generally can laugh off most of the jokes and conversations we have about Redcards because I know I try my hardest and hopefully you know too? But some of the front lanes TMs are older people who are quite frankly bordering retirement and they want to do their absolute best job and they could very easily take that copy and pasted speech you gave me about it a completely different way as they are generally more sensitive to criticism from leadership. Also on the note of uniqueness understand the strengths of your TMs some as said are just want to stand there and make friends with anyone who passes by making the guests feel a lot more welcome, those that are more likely to stand in their 3 foot prison might be better off pushing/zoning 1 spot or checklanes instead of zoning out and day dreaming at slow times.
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Cartwheel does actually works no matter when you scan it.

Please see me for what I'm actually worth. I have a feeling you don't actually like me.. or it could be a personality clash.

I would appreciate being up at the service desk more. I actually do know what Im doing and I'll call for help when I need it. Which happens periodically Cuz I'm still growing my balls and learning to say no.

And for the love of god.. please put me on a front lanes. I'm under 5 foot and therefore have a huge blind spot.. and guests can't always see me.
Pay attention to the registers that have been requesting 015's!! I don't know how many times I have to yell at my GSTLs/GSAs to not forget to bring my change. I've even gotten GSTL keys and gotten it myself when I'm there.
I always get my own!
Please recognize the importance of rotating team members to come up for guest first, Yes I think the CA should be very high on the list of first responders but when I've watched our Cart Attendant go from the back of the parking lot into the store to help the 2 guests remaining after the 3-4 minutes it took him to get here while one of our soft line members is clearly visible just wandering around I get a little upset because the CAs are my store are very hard workers and this is just another way they get the short end of the stick.
I think CA's should be at the bottom of the responder list. They areat our store, and they're barely able to keep te Carts stocked with everything they have to do.
I would say and this is just my personal pet peeve..

Don't cry wolf for back up.. Please.. And one from backroom, when you stock candy and you bring back empty boxes, please if you have access to the bailer please put the empties in it.. Not leave a cart by said bailer..

That was my biggest issue when i was in the backroom. Not that hard to throw cardboard into the baker if your certified
1. You don't need to yell about Red Cards. A simple announcement will do.

2. Be smart about calling for back-ups. Make sure all your cashiers are actually on lanes and speedweave. Revise the break schedule if you have to so you always have as many cashiers as possible at all times.

3. I know it can be difficult when it's busy, but please pay attention to what's going on. There shouldn't be 4 blinkers at the lanes while you're filling an endcap.

4. Don't forget about Food Ave, Starbucks, and electronics; they need change and supplies too!

5. Support your team. Stand up for them when a guest isn't getting their way or an ETL is mad about the lack of Red Cards.

6. This one is a pet peeve of mine. Please make sure the service desk TMs are sorting re-shop and processing defectives correctly. In my hardlines days, few things were worse than a poorly sorted re-shop cart that had items without barcodes, NOF, and even missed salvage.

And one from backroom, when you stock candy and you bring back empty boxes, please if you have access to the bailer please put the empties in it.. Not leave a cart by said bailer..

That was my biggest issue when i was in the backroom. Not that hard to throw cardboard into the baker if your certified

The only time you should ever leave cardboard instead of putting it in the baler is if you're a minor. If you're at least 18, you have no excuse; you don't have to be "certified" to break down your boxes and put them in.

Would you like to go get a drink sometime? Oh, that's not what you meant? Er, nevermind then.

My cute GSA quit. 🙁
Wow! These are great! Thank you for taking time to respond. I will take to heart your feedback. I actually love being GSA and I'm hoping to be a TL someday. You guys are the best!
I read the title and I thought it was going to be about the gsa at your store, and for me that would be fuck off and go to hell, you evil prune.

But towards gsa's in general-
Please don't act like you own the store and you're the big boss, really annoys us when a gsa says one thing and the GSTL tells you that's wrong or made up.

Please don't "almost coach" us in front of guests (gsa at my store will pretty much act like they're coaching you, but can't pull you offstage) and they often do it while bringing change.

Try to be fair, don't send the same cashier to spot every day, unless they ask, try to send everyone on break timely, and not just the cashiers you like.

Don't let the cashiers boss you around, and try not to boss us around too much.

Long story short, don't act like tough shit, and try to be part of the team instead of just a boss.
1. We know to ask for red cards and surveys. It would be more effective to let us know how many we need to reach goal.
2. During busy times please make sure to have re-shop/hangers collected. Having to work with our bins overflowing can be challenging.
3. If we have new cashiers please introduce us to them.
4. Since the front end is rarely involved in a huddle, we would like to still know what is happening within the store.
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