Archived Certain workcenters thinking they are better than others

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Between the two I'd rather be barking my shins on pallets, getting my fingers smashed, sweating like a Sumo wrestler, smelling like a gym locker, taking a ride in the baler than standing at a register getting my face screamed off by a guest after asking them to sign up for a red card.
I'd like to think our backroom team works harder than anyone else, at least on the day side of things. I used to cashier at another store, so I have a ton of respect for those who go all out on the front end--it ain't easy. At the same time, I've seen so many poor cashiers, service desk, and GSAs. We've had a few stinkers in the back, but that's far less common. Our TL/ETL staff is good at picking logistics folks.

The biggest thing that stands out to me is about once every month or two, some new salesfloor TM will be in the back for whatever reason and say something like "Man, I'd love to be back here. You guys can just chill and take it easy."

Fortunately for the salesfloor, those people are usually gone before their first 90 days are up.

I don't even know where I'm going at this point. Erm...I think it's that I have back room bias, but customer service is tough, and I really take offense to people (at least those who can be hands-on with us) thinking our BRTM's don't work hard. i don't think we're necessarily "better" than anyone, though a lot of our guys probably do.
It is difficult to be in the store break room listening to 3 BRTMs discussing how completely useless my position is, and how it's "only good for women who don't want to do any real, back-breaking work." I would never say that about them, or anyone else. So, pardon my frustration.
Cart attendants have a Very difficult and tedious job. They are also under-appreciated, in our store, in my opinion.
Everyone at our store, including all the Leaders, works very hard.
Scowlers on any workcenter make everyones jobs harder. They dont even bother to try to put on a fast fun and friendly face . That is part of everyones job description. And it is difficult, even though it doesnt involve lifting a box or forcing some guest to get a red card whether they want it or not.
Try smiling at a leader who repeatedly scowls at you, speaks rudely to you, and ignores your questions. Its hard work for me not to speak my mind to some of these petty dictators and their youth army of 17 year old Trainers.
What would you suggest we tell LOD why CAF pulls didn't get done, where we pull things that were bought the previous hour? How about the backstock? Can't replenish the products that were sold when they're all still in tubs and flats. Now who would the LOD back up now? Can't make any sales when your backroom TMs can't get their work done.

Some of you guys definitely don't know how the workcenters work.
So if we don't have guests because we pissed em off for not getting their orders to them, it won't matter if there's anything on the floor, will it? Ten minutes won't demolish replenishment. Ten minutes will make a guest walk out the door without the product.

It's pretty clear you don't know how the workcenters work.
"Getting yelled at" is even a minus really. I mean, it's not like you need to win the argument. Target policy is to pretty much give the guess what they want. If they say something was under another tag, either override the price or call a leader. I don't know why cashiers try to make cashiering personal. At the worst case, you can call an ETL and they'll do the same thing you probably should have done.

I'm not saying it isn't hard, well, i did it at another place and tbh, it isn't hard. but to use it as a comparative to what flow/br does doesn't add up.

Also No one cares if a FF was late and a guess walks out the door, it isn't your problem, it's BR's, yet another thing they usually can't control and yet get's in trouble for.
Cart attendants have a Very difficult and tedious job. They are also under-appreciated, in our store, in my opinion.
Everyone at our store, including all the Leaders, works very hard.
Scowlers on any workcenter make everyones jobs harder. They dont even bother to try to put on a fast fun and friendly face . That is part of everyones job description. And it is difficult, even though it doesnt involve lifting a box or forcing some guest to get a red card whether they want it or not.
Real talk: Cart attendants are some of the most underpaid and underloved folks in retail. I did the job for two days at a different retail chain. I was a cashier and they asked me if I wanted to switch it up for a few days.* That was a rough two days, though. Ice and snow all over the place and people leave their carts wherever because someone else (me) would get it.

*7-8 years later and the answer to that question would still be "yes." Unless there was a recent blizzard.
The first team that came to mind for this thread was Pricing. I want them to switch to 11-7 so bad, but I don't see it happening.
So if we don't have guests because we pissed em off for not getting their orders to them, it won't matter if there's anything on the floor, will it? Ten minutes won't demolish replenishment. Ten minutes will make a guest walk out the door without the product.

It's pretty clear you don't know how the workcenters work.

The sad part is you're both right.

But @Leonhart621 doesn't have metrics for helping guests where he does for getting his CAFs pulled on time.
If he doesn't get it done, the dept won't be green and people will be yelled at.
And yes, there is a timer, it's not a vague number, if everything isn't scanned in by a certain time --- Boom.
So yeah, you both have valid points.

The person you both mention is the LOD and they are supposed to be handling this even if it means running back and getting the stuff for the guest themselves.
Viper: People that don't have to do it will think they are better than people that do. People that have easier sections will think they are better than the poor TM that gets cosmetics.
So if we don't have guests because we pissed em off for not getting their orders to them, it won't matter if there's anything on the floor, will it? Ten minutes won't demolish replenishment. Ten minutes will make a guest walk out the door without the product.

It's pretty clear you don't know how the workcenters work.

Actually working as a Backroom TM, I know how all other workcenters work because I deal with them everyday though it's pretty clear you have no idea how the Backroom works. I've worked all shifts in the backroom. Like I said before, some of you don't know what other workcenters do.

Every single minute counts in the Backroom. CAF pulls drop every hour and their time goals differ. Sometimes it will take 20 minutes, sometimes it take an hour. Most of the time there's only one TM in the back doing the CAFs and we only have one hour to do them. Yes, even if those 10mins don't demolish replenishment, it will affect our time goals.

I suggest you spend some time in your backroom so you can understand how it works. We have to do the CAFs, deal with flow backstock, presentation backstock, deal with salesfloor backstock especially when they do a planogram, trash people just leave by the baler because you guys are too afraid and lazy to ask us to use our keys to use the baler, clean out the trailer if we're taking a truck the next day, EXF batches, oh don't let me forget the guest orders.

Unlike you, we understand how other workcenters run in my store. Rather than telling the guest how they have to wait because us BRTMs are to busy to help you, our GSAs and GSTLs actually have the time to actually use their feet to walk to the back and do the pull by themselves. They also know how to ask us and how to ask us nicely if they need our help. If you can't do that, clearly there's something you're not doing right in the front end to run effectively without you gone for a few minutes. Actually I have no idea how the LOD will happily back you up because you didnt fully assist the guest.
Actually working as a Backroom TM, I know how all other workcenters work because I deal with them everyday though it's pretty clear you have no idea how the Backroom works. I've worked all shifts in the backroom. Like I said before, some of you don't know what other workcenters do.

Every single minute counts in the Backroom. CAF pulls drop every hour and their time goals differ. Sometimes it will take 20 minutes, sometimes it take an hour. Most of the time there's only one TM in the back doing the CAFs and we only have one hour to do them. Yes, even if those 10mins don't demolish replenishment, it will affect our time goals.

I suggest you spend some time in your backroom so you can understand how it works. We have to do the CAFs, deal with flow backstock, presentation backstock, deal with salesfloor backstock especially when they do a planogram, trash people just leave by the baler because you guys are too afraid and lazy to ask us to use our keys to use the baler, clean out the trailer if we're taking a truck the next day, EXF batches, oh don't let me forget the guest orders.

Unlike you, we understand how other workcenters run in my store. Rather than telling the guest how they have to wait because us BRTMs are to busy to help you, our GSAs and GSTLs actually have the time to actually use their feet to walk to the back and do the pull by themselves. They also know how to ask us and how to ask us nicely if they need our help. If you can't do that, clearly there's something you're not doing right in the front end to run effectively without you gone for a few minutes. Actually I have no idea how the LOD will happily back you up because you didnt fully assist the guest.
I do know how the backroom works. I also know how the front end works better than you do. As the GSTL, I'm not allowed to leave the front lanes because I, too, have to multitask - taking care of the guest waiting for their order, making sure that guests aren't waiting in long lines, engaging the guests to be certain that their shopping trip was AMAZING, moving guests around because the flippin' POS POSes have failed yet again, (and who do you think has to repair those POSs?) hijacking fraudulent couponers and fradulent returns, approving alcohol sales by minors, . Oh yeah and driving REDCards and surveys at Guest Service Desk, StarBucks, Food Ave, Electronics and Pharmacy. If there are no other guests, sure I'll grab a Flex Fulfillment, but I can't leave long enough to pull an item from the back. Just can't happen.

I'm glad that you have multiple GSAs and GSTLs who can leave the lanes, but when there's only one of me with only one TM either at IGS or on a cash lane (there are times when it is just me on the front end), there's no way I can saunter to the backroom to do a pull. Your timer is a metric. My timer is a line of guests glaring at me while the BR team member states on the walkie, in full hearing range of the guest, "Uh, I'm busy. I'll be there in 15, OK?" And I have metrics to meet too. Have you heard about the VIBE scores? They're pretty important at my store.

I know that all stores are different. I'm glad I don't work at yours.

ETA: And just so you don't think that's all I do, that's just all I do at the same moment. I also set endcaps, keep the endcaps full and impactful (because for some reason instocks has forgotten that there are often two locs and never replenish the front end), set revisions for gift cards, keep gift cards full and impactful, order supplies, maintain supplies at the registers, interview and train the cashiers and Service Desk TMs, maintain all equipment (including all the myDevices for the entire store) which includes troubleshooting, repairs, returning to DRC for replacement, bank the lanes, unbank the lanes, back up Food Ave and Pharmacy, maintain the keys for the store, document coachings, write and present annual reviews (only 35 this year), zone the card wall, green cartwall, essentials, candy/gum, endcaps and Dollar Spot, write the schedules including breaks/lunches, push carts (well, there's no cart attendant until 2:30 most days), clean restrooms, clean spills (well, there's no cart attendant until 2:30 most days). I'm also responsible for weekly status with each front end team member which requires a written and verbal conversation and writing a minimum of ten VIBE cards per day (8 general/3 safety). Oh, let's not forget the fun games and cheering for every REDCard and encouraging the ETLs and STLs to motivate our team to be simply AMAZING.

That's not all of my duties, but I'm tired thinking about it now.

Yes, I have a peer and two GSAs but there is never double coverage so that's pretty much my day every day.
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I didn't realize that so many stores had such huge divides between the salesfloor and flow team. When I read the OP, all I could think was, "Electronics, we're on to your sh*t."
What would you suggest that we tell the guest who needs the item? "Oh, sorry, but backroom is too busy to pull anything for you." or "Yeah, I know you placed an order online and it's in the backroom, but sorry. You'll have to wait until the backroom TMs aren't so busy. You don't mind, do you?" I'm quite sure the LOD would be happy to back me up on losing a sale.

Have someone from salesfloor grab the item from the backroom and run it up? Depending on where you are in my backroom it could be the furthest possible distance away from guest service/checklanes at my store.

Also, we dont sell stuff from the backroom, we sell it from the floor. If NOBODY is able to bring the item up just suck it up and take the few minutes to do it. I know ive had to do my share of that with Flexible Fufillments and other misc items the few times I have covered a backroom closing shift.

Usually someone can help our backroom out and bring it up but sometimes everyone is just too busy or there is nobody even on the floor.
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The POG team is the only team at my store that people have a problem with. They never assist guests, respond to backup, or are even friendly to anyone else. They take long breaks and their TL is just as bad. On my service desk shifts, they always all come up to me at the same time looking to buy their food for lunch and all they do is bash other TMs and workcenters, and never say thank you or anything to me.
If BR doesn't have time for guest request, they should switch to 1 and ask for help, ask the gstm to ask someone, or ask the LOD if he/she didn't get the hint when nobody responded to the first option.
7a - 11p is 16 hours
16 x 7 is 112
112 / 40 is 2.8

Am I missing something?
Yeah, we don't get 40 hours a week and our GSAs have to cashier or cover service desk and work Cash Office. We're scheduled from 7:45 till the other person comes in to close. Not even 15 minutes of overlap. A GSA can't work as a GSTL when he's on the cash lane or the only one at Guest Service.
Just so it's clear, I love my job. I work really hard and I work really well with the other workcenters in my store. I don't have the problems outlined by Leonhart but I feel bad for the other workcenters at Leonhart's store.
I never understood this. Why is flow putting stuff into the trailer?! The only thing going into a trailer should be the sweep.
I don't know what your receiving area looks like but at my store the trailer is the only place there is room to put stuff. We put pallets back in there if it will be a while before we can work them and full trash cages go in there until someone can get back there to start making bales.
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