Archived Certain workcenters thinking they are better than others

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Yeah, my store doesn't seem as strict as most in regards to walkie protocol, depending on who is LOD they have me take an AP walkie, and answer LOD calls when they are busy. Then again we're a store with ONLY a APTL, no other AP positions, so channel 5 and 6 are used for much more than AP related discussions.
Yeah, my store doesn't seem as strict as most in regards to walkie protocol, depending on who is LOD they have me take an AP walkie, and answer LOD calls when they are busy. Then again we're a store with ONLY a APTL, no other AP positions, so channel 5 and 6 are used for much more than AP related discussions.
Ap wakies are used by ap, stl, etl, and srtl at our store. Seems like overkill to me.
Besides the occasional TM who is a shmuck to everyone else I don't get a sense of it at my store... if there is I don't notice or I just ignore it and do worry about my own job. 🙂
im sorry but this is hilarious. i couldn't even read all 6 pages it's so ridiculous.

as a former TM who learned every work center before promoting to ETL... every TM position is easy as eff. is logisitcs important yes, but are they above answer calls, covering breaks, call buttons, vibing, backing up at the lanes??? phuck no they arent. not when im LOD and not my team... i will blow up any and every TM who, including my morning flow team if they think they are above putting the guest first and let them know that it will be documented and i will be following up regularly to see that behaviors are changing. lol such a damn joke. again, logistics is important but lets not get it twisted here.... they arent top tier
I call out my ETLS for not getting on a register because THEY are not above it. If there is a GSA/GSTL and an LOD up front, one of them better be on a register or I am NOT coming up. "I'm with guest." or "I have a mess on the floor I can't leave".
Haha....this is so pharmacy is always slammed.....when I looked at a MTD sales report by $ Healthcare/Pharmacy was the highest in the entire store. We have a couple people trained who can backup and the other day one of them spent at least an hour backing up
Your people actually RESPOND to the pharmacy back up calls???? Can I come work at your store? We called 5 times the other day and were told "nobody is available" EVERY.DAMN.TIME!!!! I was on lunch during one of the calls and there were TWO people who are trained to backup standing in the TSC (NOT on break) chatting about the remodel one of them is doing on her house!!! When I walked out and said "REALLY???" they took their conversation into an office. Needless to say, I relayed the information to the ETL, who went straight to the STL and complained. Didn't really matter, when we called again about an hour later, we got the same response 😡
And I'm not saying pharmacy is "better than" any other department (although I can't imagine working in any other....), but don't say you "know my work center" when you really have no clue what goes on back there. People think we just "count pills" and there's so much more involved than that....if I had $1 for every time I heard "pharmacy has to be the EASIEST job in the store....all they do is count pills (or all you have to know is how to count by 5)," I'd be rich 😉
Well honestly who cares if your job is harder. Just do it and stop complaining and thinking you are over someone else just because you lift heavy boxes, count oills, deal with snotty people. Just do your job and try to enjoy it.
i will blow up any and every TM who, including my morning flow team if they think they are above putting the guest first and let them know that it will be documented

I just imagined an ETL going around and literally blowing up the flow teams because they're too busy to work lol

like, with grenades
Your people actually RESPOND to the pharmacy back up calls???? Can I come work at your store? We called 5 times the other day and were told "nobody is available" EVERY.DAMN.TIME!!!! I was on lunch during one of the calls and there were TWO people who are trained to backup standing in the TSC (NOT on break) chatting about the remodel one of them is doing on her house!!! When I walked out and said "REALLY???" they took their conversation into an office. Needless to say, I relayed the information to the ETL, who went straight to the STL and complained. Didn't really matter, when we called again about an hour later, we got the same response 😡
The only time we don't send backup is if there is nobody trained. But we will rearrange the store to free someone up to backup pharmacy. Same for Starbucks. It's checklanes or guest service we avoid helping.
Never in any of the stores I've worked at have I heard back up to the pharmacy. Idk how busy they get but the pharmacy people at my job don't really have interaction with the rest of the store. They get awesome survey scores though.
Never in any of the stores I've worked at have I heard back up to the pharmacy. Idk how busy they get but the pharmacy people at my job don't really have interaction with the rest of the store. They get awesome survey scores though.

Same at mine. IDK how they do it.

I've also noticed pharmacy has the least amount of turnover.
Same at mine. IDK how they do it.

I've also noticed pharmacy has the least amount of turnover.

The pay is decent, they don't have to put up with a lot of the crap the rest of us do, the hours aren't black Thursday or long as they can get along amongst themselves, they are good to go!
The pay is decent, they don't have to put up with a lot of the crap the rest of us do, the hours aren't black Thursday or long as they can get along amongst themselves, they are good to go! is pretty good and for the most part they just get to do their own workcenter. You never see pharmacy have to step out and push some flow, back up at the front, answer call boxes, grab carts outside, do long smart huddles or help backstock in the backroom is pretty good and for the most part they just get to do their own workcenter. You never see pharmacy have to step out and push some flow, back up at the front, answer call boxes, grab carts outside, do long smart huddles or help backstock in the backroom
ETL-LOG at my store had one of the pharmacy techs trained to make bales. At the time, the rest of the store except for pharmacy was slammed and there was so much cardboard sitting in the back.
Though I will say they probably have the most difficult guests to deal with.
True this.
I was waiting to pick up a scrip one day & the woman ahead was ranting about how her pills weren't ready yet.
"I JUST left their office & the nurse told me they were calling it in RIGHT THEN! WHY don't you have it READY?!"
The pharmacist was patiently explaining that they hadn't got the scrip yet & asked if this was the location they were sending it to.
The woman said "YES! I told them to send to XXX Target pharmacy on XXX road! I'm NOT an idiot!"
Evidently she was, as the pharmacist explained that we were the Target on YYY road.
After the woman stormed off, the pharmacist called the other store to warn them about the "pissed-off idiot" headed their way.
Whatever their paygrade, it isn't NEARLY high enough.
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