Archived Certain workcenters thinking they are better than others

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I dont know why people think everyone on pricing thinks they are above everyone. Just because pricing and presentation are assholes at your store, doesn't mean we are all that way.
Oh I know they're not all that way. I trained at other store where pricing and POG didn't act that way. My store is just a weird place.
True this.
I was waiting to pick up a scrip one day & the woman ahead was ranting about how her pills weren't ready yet.
"I JUST left their office & the nurse told me they were calling it in RIGHT THEN! WHY don't you have it READY?!"
The pharmacist was patiently explaining that they hadn't got the scrip yet & asked if this was the location they were sending it to.
The woman said "YES! I told them to send to XXX Target pharmacy on XXX road! I'm NOT an idiot!"
Evidently she was, as the pharmacist explained that we were the Target on YYY road.
After the woman stormed off, the pharmacist called the other store to warn them about the "pissed-off idiot" headed their way.
Whatever their paygrade, it isn't NEARLY high enough.

Or, as I've also come to find out, doctors and nurses lie. When they say they are calling it in, what they really mean is that they will call it in before the end of their day. So then the patient goes to the pharmacy and screams at the pharmacist who has done nothing wrong because the doctor's office hasn't actually gotten around to calling the prescription in. Only they will believe the nurse who said it would happen over the pharmacist who must be inept for saying it hasn't happened.

Though, red, I think Starbucks guests are right behind pharmacy for being awful.
We get alot of crap from our BR team. The one guy thinks he's better than everyone. "Do you see me trying to work here? Get out of my way" ... Umm yes I do, you dumb sumbitch, and can't you see me ticketing my clearance and sorting backstock from the tub that you threw there because you needed an empty tub and couldn't be bothered to STO 20 items before you pulled your precious CAF? Well let me just BS this item in a random Waco 10 isles down then since you don't care... why should i? (I would never do that)

I believe they think we should box their shit in a golden case and put it on a pedestal. Newsflash, the store won't burn down if you only finish 90% of your batches, just like it won't shut down if I only ticket and push 75% of my clearance. No one team is better than the other. Get rid of one team, and the others will pick up the slack. We are all replaceable.
We get alot of crap from our BR team. The one guy thinks he's better than everyone. "Do you see me trying to work here? Get out of my way" ... Umm yes I do, you dumb sumbitch, and can't you see me ticketing my clearance and sorting backstock from the tub that you threw there because you needed an empty tub and couldn't be bothered to STO 20 items before you pulled your precious CAF? Well let me just BS this item in a random Waco 10 isles down then since you don't care... why should i? (I would never do that)

I believe they think we should box their shit in a golden case and put it on a pedestal. Newsflash, the store won't burn down if you only finish 90% of your batches, just like it won't shut down if I only ticket and push 75% of my clearance. No one team is better than the other. Get rid of one team, and the others will pick up the slack. We are all replaceable.

You haven't been around my leadership team when we miss a CAF! Now don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not siding with your BRTM but I make it a point to help out who ever I can and help other work centers when I can. If ONE batch is missed, its a solid week of the LOD calling back and checking on us every half hour and if I keep my pull times green, its less time telling the LODs to leave me alone and more time pulling unfinished pog batches or pulling hanging BS down for PC to scan through.
You haven't been around my leadership team when we miss a CAF! Now don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not siding with your BRTM but I make it a point to help out who ever I can and help other work centers when I can. If ONE batch is missed, its a solid week of the LOD calling back and checking on us every half hour and if I keep my pull times green, its less time telling the LODs to leave me alone and more time pulling unfinished pog batches or pulling hanging BS down for PC to scan through.

I definitely get what you're saying. My leadership can be huge D-bags if our Price Change Timeliness doesn't show at 100% every week.. they come after me and treat me like a kid.. And i generally help other teams with small tasks whenever I can as well.. But this particular guy dumps on me and acts like it's justified... well one day he'll be pulling a blender from the top of the HBA steel (conveniently back stocked under his number when he leaves his pda laying around so as not to trace back to me)

Oh and kudos for you pulling down hanging backstock for price change.. I have to get on the wave every day and scan up top by myself (After some person back stocked swimsuits in the maternity section lol). It would be nice to get a little help
Last edited: locate hanging backstock?

Wait wait have hanging backstock?

Can't tell if that's sarcasm or not.. lol

We have bars that run along the outside of the tops of the aisles that we hang clothes from.. Usually swim, pajamas, or jeans..there's signs at the end of each aisle that says what is supposed to be up top. I didn't think we were doing anything special.. the sign is on the end of the aisle along with the fill group and dept. #s
We have bars to hang stuff, but we usually don't have much hanging backstock unless there's a huge adjacency. Even then it's usually just puffy and poofy clothes that absolutely will not fit out. It all gets pushed out to the floor.

What I'm more confused about is if you actually locate it or if you are just scanning the hanging stuff in NOP and pulling down whatever has gone clearance. We never have hanging backstock that needs to be ticketed. It's all on the floor way before markdowns start.
We have bars to hang stuff, but we usually don't have much hanging backstock unless there's a huge adjacency. Even then it's usually just puffy and poofy clothes that absolutely will not fit out. It all gets pushed out to the floor.

What I'm more confused about is if you actually locate it or if you are just scanning the hanging stuff in NOP and pullingn down whatever has gone clearance.

Noooooo. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat. Haha.. it is not Physically located just put where it belongs. And unfortunately since they set the wrong adjacency in SL we now have fewer racks and they keep sending us clothes for more racks.. most of it is jeans and swim though
Okay I feel way better now. I was like... uh... @ClearanceMaster's store is so far off process!! Or maybe my store was never on it, but yikes either way! Sucks about your adjacency. That's like when for a while we kept getting the wrong POGs for tables in softlines. The adjacencies would say they were to be set on tables for our store but then the pogs were for convertibles. Also that one year we got snow gear in... And the other time we got paper planogram and strips for old adjacencies and wrong footages... And then that one time during remodel that we got three different sets of strips for every home decor pog and none of them fully matched our adjacency and we had to piece things together, and then had to reset the department a week later when we got the right strips.
Okay I feel way better now. I was like... uh... @ClearanceMaster's store is so far off process!! Or maybe my store was never on it, but yikes either way! Sucks about your adjacency. That's like when for a while we kept getting the wrong POGs for tables in softlines. The adjacencies would say they were to be set on tables for our store but then the pogs were for convertibles. Also that one year we got snow gear in... And the other time we got paper planogram and strips for old adjacencies and wrong footages... And then that one time during remodel that we got three different sets of strips for every home decor pog and none of them fully matched our adjacency and we had to piece things together, and then had to reset the department a week later when we got the right strips.

yeah when we got the mannequins they cut out a lot of racks. And then to make it worse we set a 15(I think) rack adjacency instead of an 18
Gross. Just gross.

And of course you're still getting the old amount of freight.
We have hanging back stock pretty often. Sometimes puffy stuff, sometimes I just think there are mistakes when they ship stuff.

Now, on topic, I get along with people from every department. There's been a shift in early morning where training is done less so sometimes I say things on here about them, but I don't think every store is the same and I don't even really blame flow at my store. They don't get enough training (do any of us, really?) and they don't get equipment. And they're honestly just following orders. I blame their etl. That said, there's definitely a culture in my store that looks down on flow.
That said, there's definitely a culture in my store that looks down on flow.
Unfortunately, I think this is pretty common across the company. Sometimes warranted. Sometimes its just easy to blame them even if it's not their fault. Dayside hates on flow for stocking poorly. Flow and early morning/overnight hate on the dayside and closing teams for doing crappy zones. The sooner people start working as a team, the sooner we can all stop hating on each other.
I think we need more people, more hours and for target to actually care about training new TMs. As it is, it's impossible for any team to finish their work. So what happens is it's a never ending cycle of no one being able to do their job right/completely because the previous team had to cut some corners. And in my store in particular, we need to replace some etls... And maybe, probably the stl too.

Then we need to set some break room rules lol. The biggest factor of my store's dislike toward flow is that if food gets put out in the morning for the whole team, flow takes it all home. I don't really care except on the days when those nearly expired red velvet cookies from the cafe get put in the break room.
Can't tell if that's sarcasm or not.. lol

We have bars that run along the outside of the tops of the aisles that we hang clothes from.. Usually swim, pajamas, or jeans..there's signs at the end of each aisle that says what is supposed to be up top. I didn't think we were doing anything special.. the sign is on the end of the aisle along with the fill group and dept. #s

Yeah, not sarcasm, if it hangs it's on the floor at my store.
There are no small jobs, only small people, apply to affected area. I've worked flow a few years and I expect and get respect for the hard physical labor I perform as well as my age and gender. I'm still at Red largely because of the people I work with, who are terrific (ok usually). Our store has a spirit of cooperation that comes from a--busting - together. Anyone who doesn't play nice ( or shower regularly) eats lunch by himself.
OK, I must be the only store where everybody gets along. Maybe there's some gossip going on that I don't know about, but I don't ever think I've even seen a TM being rude to a TM from a different work center (unless it involved a personal issue). We may complain about other work centers, but we don't look down on them. If anything, there seems to be a culture of "I could never do what you do". The Instocks team always compliments softlines for helping them find things (which may explain why I love logistics so much), and I in turn tell backroom and the cart attendants that I lack the physical strength to even push a flat (This is unfortunately not an exaggeration).
I think the only people that get looked down on in my store are the ETLs and TLs that do really stupid shit.
OK, I must be the only store where everybody gets along. Maybe there's some gossip going on that I don't know about, but I don't ever think I've even seen a TM being rude to a TM from a different work center (unless it involved a personal issue). We may complain about other work centers, but we don't look down on them. If anything, there seems to be a culture of "I could never do what you do". The Instocks team always compliments softlines for helping them find things (which may explain why I love logistics so much), and I in turn tell backroom and the cart attendants that I lack the physical strength to even push a flat (This is unfortunately not an exaggeration).
I think the only people that get looked down on in my store are the ETLs and TLs that do really stupid shit.

I work at a store that is much like yours. Basically we are all screwed under this corporate regime with hours being constantly slashed and the rigors of getting through our daily work load with so few TMs and even fewer hours. There's a lot of passing the buck going on.... but the thing is we're in it together. We do our best to help one another. I can't say it's always without "grumbling" but it isn't directed at the person requesting help so much as it is at the PTB who created the whole mess in the first place.
Unfortunately, I think this is pretty common across the company. Sometimes warranted. Sometimes its just easy to blame them even if it's not their fault. Dayside hates on flow for stocking poorly. Flow and early morning/overnight hate on the dayside and closing teams for doing crappy zones. The sooner people start working as a team, the sooner we can all stop hating on each other.

if flow would stop throwing away my shippers then I think 90% of my issues with them would be solved.
if flow would stop throwing away my shippers then I think 90% of my issues with them would be solved.

I loved being told I was responsible for for displays and shippers that it turned out had come thru flow.
Because they had always thrown them away, 90% of the time they couldn't be ordered and I was always going to shit about it, like it was all my fault.
I loved being told I was responsible for for displays and shippers that it turned out had come thru flow.
Because they had always thrown them away, 90% of the time they couldn't be ordered and I was always going to shit about it, like it was all my fault.

yeah I had to explain it off to the district AP guy the other day. Cosmetics being high theft area, he walks it every visit. I find myself interacting with him far more than I would normally like to.

Dunno why they can't be ordered.

I'm glad my store's signing ninja lets me hide the shippers in her signing steel.
You guys are all forgetting one thing. ONE TEAM, ONE DREAM! Without teamwork the stores would fall apart. Everyone's job is hard, but in a different way. Everyone's job contributes to our final goal: getting the guest out the door with what they came for with a smile on their face! Let's stop taking about who does what and why someone's job is more important. ONE TEAM, ONE DREAM!
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