The whole point of scanning each bag is so you don’t miss any bags. And the color coding idea wouldn’t work. At my store we have 4 preppers and 6 runners and 2 organizers. When there is 100+ bags in our prepped area scanning each bag is extremely important to make sure bags don’t get missed. They should add dots next to each order like how it does with bags except for the hold locations it has. If it has a bag in SD then a white dot with SD in it will pop up. The dots would be next to their name on the open orders page. If it has a bag in MC then it will also have a MC dot. And the third says C/F for cooler/freezer and it will have one if the order has cooler or freezer items. If the order has a item in SD and had a cooler/freezer item then those dots will be white at the start. Because the order doesn’t have MC there won’t be a mc dot. Once a team member scans one of the SD bags then the dot will go from white to red showing a TM is prepping it. Once all the SD bags are scanned by that TM the dot will go from red to yellow showing all the bags have been grabbed from SD for that order. If you personally have scanned all the bags for SD then it will be green. So essentially all the orders will have those circles that look like the bags before you had to scan them.
White: Order is still in hold location
Red: The hold area labeled is being prepared
Yellow: Orders bags in a certain hold area are all scanned by a tm
Green: you have scanned all the bags from that hold location.
The dots would look like the bags do just with SD if it has a bag in the SD hold location. MC if it has a bag in MC etc. Hard to explain but I think would help.
I love this although I am not sure what the difference between yellow and red are or how the pickup app would know the difference.