Got some more direction on this. So there will be task list for specific positions (market tm1, market tm2) so if there is a callout. It will be easy for someone to plug in and complete someone else's task.

The market guide oddly doesn't include the PA position. Stay tuned...
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Doesn't mention food assistant either.

I have heard everyone in food is an n7 so it's a raise for consumables tms but I am curious if this is coming at the expense of the n9 FA

I would highly be surprised of this, consumables TMs, will not be ordering for PFresh (if they do we we all be in for some hilarity). Whoever this responsibility will lie with (Assuming PA/FA is still a thing) should have a higher pay grade. Not to mention Inventory.
I am wondering how this will effect the Presentation team in the future, unless they redesign the whole process (From Planograms, to Pushing) from the ground up, I could see it be the ultimate cluster of cluster fucks, if they decide to split them up team by team

(We are just starting end to end and I am seeing a We are Better than you attitude on the Market Team in my store, though they would never dare act that way toward me), it is interesting to see how people react when they are separated "From end to end"
Holy shit! We had a 2:00 huddle with nearly 40 TM present!

The STL was asplaining about this 'end to end' shit.

I've never seen so many TM in one place (we are a ULV store) before!
I don't believe there are changes to the FA postion other then the name change. All the same routines should be followed. I swear I may have read that in one of the guides.
I would highly be surprised of this, consumables TMs, will not be ordering for PFresh (if they do we we all be in for some hilarity). Whoever this responsibility will lie with (Assuming PA/FA is still a thing) should have a higher pay grade. Not to mention Inventory.

So from what I've seen from the scheduling and routines packet, ordering is done by the evening Consumables TM. It says they should spend their last hour or so doing order but I can't remember if that TM leaves earlier in the evening or if cutoff is adjusted.

We're still unsure as to what exactly the Food Assistant role is, but I'm envisioning it as my right hands when I'm not there. The packets make no mention of them but the store facts or whatever WB link shows how many specialists your store is allotted still shows them.
My ETL keeps trying to get me to do this new 'Unload, Breakout, Stocking Efficiency Audit.' I keep trying to put it off thinking to myself that this is useless if unloads are going to be completely changed soon. I should tell him to just come check this thread. 😵 I assume Cornell is just trying to prove to shareholders how terribly inefficient our current process is.
My ETL keeps trying to get me to do this new 'Unload, Breakout, Stocking Efficiency Audit.' I keep trying to put it off thinking to myself that this is useless if unloads are going to be completely changed soon. I should tell him to just come check this thread. 😵 I assume Cornell is just trying to prove to shareholders how terribly inefficient our current process is.
My STL showed up at 4am one day last week to watch the unload. She kind of stood around the line, taking notes on a legal pad without explaining why. A lot of TMs were unnerved by it...
Day 3 of end to end at my store and (knock
On wood) all things running smoothly. Truck completed yesterday, some backstock left but less then some truck days the prior way, minimal Abandons left, store looked good zone wise, price change done, rigs done, no batches left on pda to pull. Everyone was working together to teach and learn. Will see how the rest of the week goes. The test will be what happens on big set weeks and big markdown weeks- this week is small but that's a good thing so we can get people trained. We did struggle with getting people into the back to do manuals so we definitely need to figure out how to get that done too.
and provide enough hours to those personnel.

ETA: You give a team member 10 hours a week, how much ownership or pride are they going to have over an area? Or are they going to just put in the time, and leave the "work" and messes to others?
Our stl literally told us if this is our plan we can basics gtfo sooner rather than later. Lots of semi-omnious talk about how he will be able to yell if we "get" the new ideas.
My ETL keeps trying to get me to do this new 'Unload, Breakout, Stocking Efficiency Audit.' I keep trying to put it off thinking to myself that this is useless if unloads are going to be completely changed soon. I should tell him to just come check this thread. 😵 I assume Cornell is just trying to prove to shareholders how terribly inefficient our current process is.
Redwire on this, you can't skip it. My guess is it will be used to get a fresh look at the team and how they work so they can be best utilized as the process changes.
My STL showed up at 4am one day last week to watch the unload. She kind of stood around the line, taking notes on a legal pad without explaining why. A lot of TMs were unnerved by it...

Even if this end to end program is the direction they decide to go in it will be 6 months to a year before it goes store wide and even then there we be some issues at various stores. So like all things Target deal with whats going on now since everything is kinda in the air.
Day 3 of end to end at my store and (knock
On wood) all things running smoothly. Truck completed yesterday, some backstock left but less then some truck days the prior way, minimal Abandons left, store looked good zone wise, price change done, rigs done, no batches left on pda to pull. Everyone was working together to teach and learn. Will see how the rest of the week goes. The test will be what happens on big set weeks and big markdown weeks- this week is small but that's a good thing so we can get people trained. We did struggle with getting people into the back to do manuals so we definitely need to figure out how to get that done too.
I have several questions.
Whats your plan when plano workload gets heavy? Currently its very light. How long are you testing this? What dept. Did you take over? Did your team go to specific depts. Or will they be used as transitions set all over the store? I have many questions I've been the plano tl for over 20 years. With a very good team I'm having trouble seeing how this can work in busy weeks.
I have several questions.
Whats your plan when plano workload gets heavy? Currently its very light. How long are you testing this? What dept. Did you take over? Did your team go to specific depts. Or will they be used as transitions set all over the store? I have many questions I've been the plano tl for over 20 years. With a very good team I'm having trouble seeing how this can work in busy weeks.

*Imagines the chaos as a result of newbies setting a major cosmetics reset.*
I have several questions.
Whats your plan when plano workload gets heavy? Currently its very light. How long are you testing this? What dept. Did you take over? Did your team go to specific depts. Or will they be used as transitions set all over the store? I have many questions I've been the plano tl for over 20 years. With a very good team I'm having trouble seeing how this can work in busy weeks.

I went to Softlines. I had 2 full time pog tms and one went to 1 dept and 1 went to another dept. We do have multiple tms cross trained for pog that I used when needed and we are continuing to train tms as we go. The current plan for heavy set weeks is to schedule as many people as we can on non truck days to come in and just get it all done. We would use people from all departments at that point to get through the workload. This would be the only way we could get through a major set. My DTL explained it as like setting an area when you are opening a store. Bring in as many people as you can and get it done as fast as possible. My 2 pog tms will still work in their specific depts on truck days and then be scheduled with everyone else on non truck days to help with whatever is setting. Not sure how long we are testing this. Leadership seems to think if we get this right then there's no going back.

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