Archived How are store sales figured and applied to hours

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Its generated off of the future sales forecasts and the assumption of a certain productivity number that generates for your store. The productivity number actually creates incentive for the STL to spend every single hour they can (without going over) because it tells corporate you needed all those hours to run your building successfully. It therefore means you are "less productive" and will try and keep that payroll for the following years. If you go a long time without using all your hours your productivity is very good then, and you "could" run on less hours as a whole.

It then spits out a total hours for your store based on the weekly/monthly sales. The total bucket is then divided by workcenters depending on each individual formula (so flow is based on trucks and average carton count, front end is transactions and units rang etc). The fixed workcenters will receive their total no matter what happens and the flexible workcenters will receive the remained (basically it figures their average workload between hardlines, softlines, market and scales it evenly between). There are a few other specific factors at play but that is a very basic idea.

The problem is that most STLs just send out their own excel sheet with their own allocations anyway, so the entire system doesn't matter except for the total hours you receive each week based on the sales.
Let's stop all the bullshit and tell the truth. The bosses get incentives for cutting hours and maintaining payroll.
We don't get incentives for cutting hours. We do get points on AE for payroll, but so does everyone from TL and up. The goal is to actively manage payroll so you don't have to slash at the end of the month. But believe me when I say that I allocate every hour of payroll that we are given every week. I don't try to hide any or save any. No one should as that just results in you getting less next year if you spend less than you're given this year. Golden contribution stores are stores that make payroll and make sales. There's no super golden contribution for being way under payroll and way over sales. That just means you were understaffed and your sales could probably have been even more if you had staffed appropriately.
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