Archived How much did yours drop?

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Went down from 37.5 to 22.5. Expected a drop, but didn't expect that much. A little offended now because my STL and other TLs were were complimenting my work and calling me a good worker.

I mean, I'm not seasonal and I'm almost hitting a year with Target so...
Just saw the schedule for the week after New Year's - so went from 22.5 to 30 to 26.5 to 24 over the past month. I had changed my availability to 28-32 hours after Black Friday because I work two other jobs and was killing myself. So, overall, I can't complain. Most of the college kids are still here until around Jan. 19th, so I'm sure HR is trying to give them some hours. My only objection is that I keep getting scheduled to close even though my availability is for day and night. I don't mind closing a couple of times/week but since my other job is in the evenings, I hate that I don't have very many nights off any more. It puts a crimp in having any kind of social life.
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i am scheduled for 24 hours the week of jan 3 , down from an average of 32 hours in the last quarter of 2015
Went from a solid 40 per week to 37.5 for the week ending the 9th. My hours dropped from 40 to 25ish last year. Thank you SFS for giving me hours lmao. My ETL HR just quit too, so things are all fucked up. So many TMs are getting single digit hours in a week.
36.5 the week before Christmas
39.5 the week of Christmas
32.5 the week after Christmas
28.5 the next week

But we have cashiers that went from 40 to less than 20. I feel bad for them.
My hours are half of what they were the past 2 months. I went from 38 to 19.
Hopefully it goes back up to 26-28 like it was back in the summer.
I got picked up seasonal so I'm not all that surprised at the loss of hours.

This week 32, next week 18, week after that a whopping 6 hours.

Seriously 6 hours...they might as well just say they don't need me to stay on.
That could be the plan.
from 40 to 38. Not a big deal since BR gets a call out every week I can usually just stay 2 hours during a six hour shift.
I was originally scheduled 5 days this week, total of 27 hours, but it keeps getting changed. I'm now scheduled for 4 days instead of 5, and 33.5 hours instead of 27. Have a 9.5 hour shift, and a 11.5 hour shift. The 11.5 hour was today, scheduled 10-6, actually worked 10-10.
40 Christmas week and 30 this week. I think it's funny to work til 930pm on a Saturday then come back at 11am and work til 730pm on a Sunday. Oh well, I don't make the schedule.
It's funny that my LOG ETL wants me to have open availability for 15- to 20 hours. Fucking retarded bitch. Good thing I got another job that's full time. Target has seriously gone stupid. She even denied my new availability...fucking taking this to the STL , how dumb can she be. 15 hours for five days a week...🙄 been there for a few months now , never been late or called out. Time to start I guess.
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I understand that you're frustrated with your supervisor and some of the decisions they've made, but I do not understand why you used the words that you did. There are better ways to vent. 🙂
I went from 32 to 15 but I guess that is expected because of my availabiltiy I can only work friday - monday 😱
So 40 this week and 40 next week. Plano workload is pretty big. Our team has been downsized due to various reasons. Today we blitzed through Toys with a ragtag team of cross trainers.

Reset Bullseye playground single handedly. Hate those acrylic dividers. Nearly put up all metal fencing. 😡
Seasonal (cashier) TM here...

My usual availability is 20-30 hours. Since Thanksgiving, I've been scheduled anywhere from 32-36 hours. This week, I have 21 hours, plus a New Year's Day shift I picked up from the board. (Money, yay!) Next week, I have 28.5.

My store still has the "Now Hiring" sign still up, and I did see someone being trained last week on the register, so I'm hoping I'll stay on for a while. The TM's and management are really nice, and it's a pretty pleasant place to be.
Usually been getting 32-37, only with Target since 10/2. This week only 20 hours but got a slight "promotion" (did internal app and ETL & STL interviews). Got the position of brand visual merchandiser. Next week, I have a M-F schedule with the same time. Would love to keep that and it was at 36 hours.
Scratch that, I'm back to 36 this week. Since I'm now brand for home/visual, VML needs help with the holiday transition of our focals. Got an incessant call at 730 this morning pleading me to come in. I came in and then asked again for tomorrow (Wed) for a 4a-1230 shift, I stupidly said yes.
I had been getting close to 40 hours per week for the last few months. Last week and this week it was closer to 30 hours, but I will be paid for Christmas day.

Next week I was scheduled 17.50 hours 😱. I was understandably upset, but tried to reserve that until our Pharmacist came back from Vacay. Sure enough, HR just put in random hours and he ended up re-writing the teams entire schedule for the coming week so we have adequate coverage. Whew! I now have 39.50 hours for next week. 😀
Mine hasn't changed at all, but we also lost a long time electronics TM (PSA: Don't take tips folks) So I'm still at 38~40.

If it's anything like the past couple of years I'd probably be getting around 32 until the middle of January then drop down to around 26~28.
I'm consistently been at 33 or higher so far. this week 2 of the tls needed a day off so I'm the fill in person. tho I'm not on the bench the leadership team treats me in all good ways of course as being on it. besides that I'm the main person for our electronics area.
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