COVID-19 Is anyone else's Target enforcing masks?

I hope pulling a gun on someone is a felony. I will check my state laws later. If it's a felony they will never be permitted to own a firearm for life. The charge will remain on their record forever. So much easier to slap one on, buy your shit and leave.
I hope pulling a gun on someone is a felony. I will check my state laws later. If it's a felony they will never be permitted to own a firearm for life. The charge will remain on their record forever. So much easier to slap one on, buy your shit and leave.
When checking state laws the likeliest name will be "brandishing a weapon" or "brandishing a firearm". Hope this helps shorten your search.
T120 Yes, that is correct. There are many shades of gray in this predicament. Whatever the outcome the perp will be doing hard time somewhere, likely the county jail. States that are essentially "shall issue" can be potentially more dangerous simply because of the higher number of guns in circulation. Tension, economics, impatience are among the many reasons there are many more incidents of road rage. Tempers, guns and stupid ass drivers are bad medicine. Put a moron like that in a large retail store enforcing the mask rule can be trouble. The young testosterone filled young buck with a concealed weapon combined with rules and alcohol can be dangerous. Not only the young bucks, anyone. I went to my local gym today. Almost. Parking lot was quite filled thus the possibility of pumped no maskers exists. Signs at the door requiring them posted. Assholes on the treads and ellipticals "chin masking". I left. Generally the more very large black pick ups with oversized wheels and noisy mufflers the more stupid people. Demographics my friends, demographics.

Good. Don't harass people. If the mask is supposed to protect you from getting and transmitting it then let these people get it and die. You're already wearing one so you shouldn't get it.

No, that woman is a fucking monster and that leader is awful for enabling that.

Good. Don't harass people. If the mask is supposed to protect you from getting and transmitting it then let these people get it and die. You're already wearing one so you shouldn't get it.
This goes well beyond the normal Karen behavior. Purely deranged, indeed.
No mask? tell the bitch politely and firmly the law (rule). If the locality mandates it say so. Ignore the medical excuse bullshit. Give her a few minutes. Get AP into it, get them to call the police and walk her sorry ass out of the store.
We went to Walmart this morning for a few things, I saw no karens. Everyone was masked and behaving. An awful lot of very freaky looking customers but, again it's Walmart. They have a good wild bird food section.

Good. Don't harass people. If the mask is supposed to protect you from getting and transmitting it then let these people get it and die. You're already wearing one so you shouldn't get it.
Is there any chance that since it hit the news the TM was going to be fired for saying to wear a mask, leadership will be overruled on firing the TM and he'll keep his job?
Once the mask mandate went into effect in MN, we were not told when we signed on for the day what the procedure was for compliance. I'm assuming the same for other stores, so punishing a TM for enforcing the policy without telling them "oh, we're not enforcing the policy" is spectacularly shitty and only rewards even more shitty behavior on the part of asshats that visit our stores.
If the mask is supposed to protect you from getting and transmitting it then let these people get it and die. You're already wearing one so you shouldn't get it.
That's not what the masks are supposed to do. It's mostly a one-way street. They hardly protect you from getting it (unless its a properly fitting N95 or equiv/better mask being worn properly)...that is why it matters that *everyone* wears one.
One schmuck without one that is (a/pre)symptomatic can still readily infect a multitude of people that are wearing cloth/surgical style masks.

Good. Don't harass people. If the mask is supposed to protect you from getting and transmitting it then let these people get it and die. You're already wearing one so you shouldn't get it.

Expect a directive from HQ that TMs are not allowed to video Guests while on the clock.
No, that woman is a fucking monster and that leader is awful for enabling that.

We have had a few incidents similar to this and the leaders have always sided with the guests. No TMs have been fired or anything but it’s still ridiculous that we don’t have support from higher ups. It’s like, why bother having the policy if you’re not going to enforce them...just for the good PR, not for people’s actual health and safety.
Are team members allowed to wear the plastic face shields instead of regular masks? I feel like it does so much less than a regulsr mask since it has huge gaps on each side.
I thought that was a given.
Yeah I’m there is something in the handbook we cannot film without permission, guests are expected to do the same (obviously not enforced for them)
Are team members allowed to wear the plastic face shields instead of regular masks? I feel like it does so much less than a regulsr mask since it has huge gaps on each side.
no we cannot. We can wear in addition but not instead of
I will not be not telling anyone anything about wearing a mask. I will step back if you get too close to me. Luckily I'm not in a front of store position. I have a real fear of being shot over this crap.
As strongly as I feel about masks, I have not and will not confront guests. I'm not front of store and if we are monitoring this properly at the front, then I should be seeing very few guests without them. Thankfully it does seem that we are seeing less since the announcement and placing the "masks required" sign more prominently on the front door.

I just avoid those guests as much as possible and give them dirty looks as I quickly walk away - hopefully some of them can see the disdain and judgment in my eyes, lol.

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