Let's see them Black Thursday/Black Friday Scheds!

They scheduled me for 4:45-9 on Thanksgiving and that's it. I was hoping for more Thanksgiving hours honestly, so I'm going to try to split someone else's shift.
Yes. That is what pricing used to do for black Friday weekend. Pricing would do nothing but reshop. They knew the store inside and out so they could just whip that stuff out.
Love that the pricing plano team doesn’t have workload Q4 because they could be so useful in so many other places. We’d have a few do fufillment and a few style and a few random places. Definitely the most versatile TMs
4:30-12:30 Thurs
Off Friday and Saturday
As Fluttervale said “Perks of consumables”. Since working Friday would have been my tenth day in a row they must of figured I wouldn’t mind being off even though it’s a C&S day.
Thanksgiving - closed (blue laws)
Black Friday - 1am until 3pm (flex) they might kick me out after 8 hours but who knows?
Also Black Friday - 3pm until 11:30pm (Closing Team Lead)
Off Saturday
Leading up to Thanksgiving, closing Sunday through Wednesday
You’re working 22 hours willingly?
For Thursday I go in at 7pm and leave Friday 6am. Does that mean I only get time and a half for the 5 hours I work Thursday? If so I’ll have to ask to change something around. Don’t want to be there 11 hours of only 5 will be time and a half.
As of this morning our wall schedule was still not up. Got on computer to see I have normal schedule 6-2:30 Thursday,Friday and Saturday. I'm good!
Thur- 6-2:30
Fri - 7:30-4:00 (I'm really not thrilled about this - probably won't be able to find a parking spot - rather come in on my usual time at 6am.)
Sat - 6-3:30
On Thanksgiving I grabbed a 6a-3p Fulfillment shift, then scheduled 4:30-Midnight in HR. Supposed to be back 9:30-7 for HR on Black Friday but that might get moved back an hour. Saturday and Sunday off 😁
You’ve gotta be back in 6 HRS? Should be 8 HRS in all states from what I’ve heard about other cases of this, but that would do me in my body wouldnt make it on that short of a break thats basically like working 24 hours , we never get off on-time anyway so no way I’d try to take those two shifts on! May God be with and bless you if you do!

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