Archived My time 2.0

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My time has all our good salesfloor/aa people on register lately... and cashiers complaining about hours. Hopefully 2.0 does something about that
My ETL HR told me that when mytime gets upgraded next week, all functions won’t be accessible. Does that mean the schedule won’t be able to get written on our normal day of Wednesday?
That's actually terrible someone written this. Sorta displays cognitive dissonance byproduct of target's everything is always positive. Can't accept mytime is far from perfect but you have mytime 2.0, so it obviously isn't perfect, why make a passive aggressive packet on how great it is instead of letting it show us how great it is.
Mytime itself will be down Wed thru Friday. Schedule has to be posted Wednesday by noon and we won't be able to print daily grids and breaks unless it's done in advance
Ah ok got it.

Hopefully they sent out emails about it, because nobody at my store has opened the redwire yet.
That's actually terrible someone written this. Sorta displays cognitive dissonance byproduct of target's everything is always positive. Can't accept mytime is far from perfect but you have mytime 2.0, so it obviously isn't perfect, why make a passive aggressive packet on how great it is instead of letting it show us how great it is.
MyTime cannot fail, it can only be failed.
I'm guessing all VMs lost their mytime privileges.

I also noticed they put all brand coded team members into hardlines.
I'm guessing all VMs lost their mytime privileges.

I also noticed they put all brand coded team members into hardlines.

I couldn't get on my time at all...couldn't even print a grid. GSAs can print a would think VMs should be able to as well.
Okay that makes so much more sense. I’m in A&A and I noticed that mytime had me listed as hardlines which really confused me.

Haha lol my etl ge blamed me for this. It was quirky this week hopefully it goes back to normal. Especially with the raises supposed to kick in on Sunday
It will do like it does now probably, schedule a short shift then leave it empty. Like starbucks, service desk and GSTL.. Or an ETL will plug someone into that shift that is empty and then have them work something else. Like my store is doing, Cosmetics has to be staffed but after the mid leaves, it is a SRTL who is doing an LOD shift but was scheduled as Cosmetics to close.. But it looks good to Corp - all Staffed!!!

Our DTL goes to cosmetics and sees if there is a TM there when ever he visits.
Wait so is the HR side going down too? So if wanted to put in a vacation pay request, I'd need to do it by Saturday and have it approved by that day in order for it to be on my October 13 paycheck?

We've had signs up for about two weeks that all requests - including PTO - must be submitted before end of business today (so, roughly an hour ago) and that the system will be down until Friday. Any requests for the week ending 10/28 had to be in by today.

Hope you got your PTO request in on time. I hadn't noticed your post date when I started to respond 😉
We've had signs up for about two weeks that all requests - including PTO - must be submitted before end of business today (so, roughly an hour ago) and that the system will be down until Friday. Any requests for the week ending 10/28 had to be in by today.

Hope you got your PTO request in on time. I hadn't noticed your post date when I started to respond 😉
It's all good, HRZone answered my question and my HRTM took care of it for me. Although the original post said self service would be down through Monday but I was able to get into it just fine.

No signs were posted in advance at my store, but at some point yesterday the ETLs found out they needed to do the schedule.
It will do like it does now probably, schedule a short shift then leave it empty. Like starbucks, service desk and GSTL.. Or an ETL will plug someone into that shift that is empty and then have them work something else. Like my store is doing, Cosmetics has to be staffed but after the mid leaves, it is a SRTL who is doing an LOD shift but was scheduled as Cosmetics to close.. But it looks good to Corp - all Staffed!!!
I've done that numerous times. Covered in cosmetics but in reality did no such thing. It was left unstaffed.
As of yesterday (Monday) there was nothing in my store about mytime being down. Next time I work (Thursday) I'll have to see what's going on.
I’m still able to view my schedule on mytime at home. I thought that was gonna go down for sure. Go down and never come back lol
As of yesterday (Monday) there was nothing in my store about mytime being down. Next time I work (Thursday) I'll have to see what's going on.

The outage started at 12pm central Monday.
I didn't see anything from my HR team about the myTime outage.

Nothing about getting your flu shot from the pharmacy.

No notice about the break room floor getting waxed so it'll be inaccessible. Oh you put something for lunch in the fridge? Tough shit.

My ETL-HR is so completely useless, god damn.
The first post in this thread said that My Time would be down Oct 8-11.... then I'm reading today is the last day you can use it. Mega confused here. When is it going down and how long will it be down for?
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