?????what????? I can make a living off returning things to target now???
$250/yr does not a living make. Let's be realistic about this everyone. If they have the receipt for a year and the item is new and unused then take it back. The vast majority of people are not going to be returning toilet paper, toothpaste, milk, laundry detergent, or tampons a year after they bought them.
Owned brand home goods and softlines might see an increase in returns, but most people are not going to return clothes a year after they bought them if they've actually worn them several times. And if they do, you don't have to take them back if they are heavily used. We will not be returning torn, tattered, and/or soiled clothing. Yes, there will be people who try to make these returns, and yes your LOD might just say to go ahead and do it. This will not be the norm.
If the company is saying "take their word for it" regarding price, and the register won't keep track of the lowest selling price, then people will potentially get a higher return value than they do now...which will be on giftcard and must be spent in the store. On the bright side, if someone comes in and returns a coat and claims they paid $250 for it (and you process the return for $250), then they are done for the year. You don't have to take any of their no receipt returns again for a year. Yeah, they made $250 that they'll have on a giftcard that they'll have to spend at Target. So everytime you see them come in to shop you can be happy knowing that you'll not have to honor any of their fraudulent returns until next year.
I'm not a front end TM, but I back up guest service daily. I've seen a lot of the stunts some of our guests pull and it can be totally frustrating. Right now though, most of these complaints are hypothetical (though some are very probable hypotheticals). I just hate to see everyone getting so worked up before there's even been anything to get so worked up about.