Archived New one year return policy

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How do you suppose we're gonna know the refund amount after a year if there is no receipt?

And by simplify, do you mean, give the guest the override code and leave the cash drawer open?

We aren't going to know the amount. REDWire info. states to take the guests word for it (Date and amount).
Will there be people who abuse this policy? Yes. Absolutely. Will they be new people or the same old people who try to get away with this already? I'm hesitant to answer.

By and large, the guests I encounter follow the rules and are pleasant enough. We get a bunch of price checks, but many of them are valid price discrepancies due to TM or company error. I really don't think increasing the return period will significantly increase fraudulent returns. I'm more concerned about the $250/yr no-receipt return limit.
250?!? Wow. My lego-returning lady will LOVE this.

I read the new return policy today and I'm okay with the year long thing. That means I can buy my kid a bunch of Cherokee and Circo clothes and then return them when he grows out of them, right? You know damn right that's what everybody is gonna start doing.

I do have a few questions. If no-receipt returns no longer require an exchange in the same dept/class, why not just give them a gift card?? What's the difference? Also, does anyone know if the even exchange policy for open air beds remains the same? I swear to god I will be so pissed if I have to take back everyone's used airbeds after their camping trip.

And my DTL better not revoke our no-HBA returns rule. I adore that we won't take coupon scammer's crap back.

We do just give them a gift card for the exchange policy.

And now I'm confused about the whole airbed thing. They put that into affect in October, and now basically we are forced to override it when the guests who used them for camping trips get pissed when they can't return them. Why in the hell is coporate putting policies into place that we have to override when the guest gets upset with it??
We do just give them a gift card for the exchange policy.

And now I'm confused about the whole airbed thing. They put that into affect in October, and now basically we are forced to override it when the guests who used them for camping trips get pissed when they can't return them. Why in the hell is coporate putting policies into place that we have to override when the guest gets upset with it??
It's my understanding (and I haven't seen the Redwire yet) that the extended return period is only for Target branded items with a receipt. Maybe it won't be as bad as we envision; however, it will be as confusing and ambivalent as the $5 promo gifts cards, I'm guessing. I'm not saying it won't be a shitshow cause it will be. But maybe not as overwhelming as it seems on the first day.
It's my understanding (and I haven't seen the Redwire yet) that the extended return period is only for Target branded items with a receipt. Maybe it won't be as bad as we envision; however, it will be as confusing and ambivalent as the $5 promo gifts cards, I'm guessing. I'm not saying it won't be a shitshow cause it will be. But maybe not as overwhelming as it seems on the first day.

You're probably right. I am conflating two issues. The whole "return our brand no matter what" and "don't say no to the guest...they must leave the store happy" that seems to be coming back just seems like it is going to collide in ways that are going to make people unbearable.
You're probably right. I am conflating two issues. The whole "return our brand no matter what" and "don't say no to the guest...they must leave the store happy" that seems to be coming back just seems like it is going to collide in ways that are going to make people unbearable.
I know. There's terror in my heart, but I'm trying not to stress yet.
We aren't going to know the amount. REDWire info. states to take the guests word for it (Date and amount).
What the fuck? Oh so glad I quit when I did.

*guest gives torn mossimo jeans, no tag or DPCI*
Guest: I'd like to return these
Guest: I bought them yesterday for 99.99
GSTM: Great, I need to see your drivers license
Guest: Here *hands* can I get cash?
GSTM: Sure, I'll make it easier for you *removes cash drawer, presents to guest*
Guest: *takes wad of 20s* Wow this is great service 😛 thanks!
*GSTM goes insane*
LOD: Oh fuck how much did they take this time?

This is the story of how a company went bankrupt...
What the fuck? Oh so glad I quit when I did.

*guest gives torn mossimo jeans, no tag or DPCI*
Guest: I'd like to return these
Guest: I bought them yesterday for 99.99
GSTM: Great, I need to see your drivers license
Guest: Here *hands* can I get cash?
GSTM: Sure, I'll make it easier for you *removes cash drawer, presents to guest*
Guest: *takes wad of 20s* Wow this is great service 😛 thanks!
*GSTM goes insane*
LOD: Oh fuck how much did they take this time?

This is the story of how a company went bankrupt...

I would totally laugh at this if I weren't too busy crying...
These 1 year return products better not go back on the floor, as a shopper and employee that disgusts me.
Some of the things that get sent back to the fitting room from the service desk are appalling. Wrong brand, smells like cigarette smoke, or smells strongly of detergent happened a lot. Then there was that one pair of white capris that were still damp from being washed and hung to dry. When I volunteered to help the other night, I found a tee with a salvage sticker on it folded on one of the tables. It had what looked while white paint on it. Hope that's all it was.
These 1 year return products better not go back on the floor, as a shopper and employee that disgusts me.

Don't worry. They will be defected out...especially with clothes, after a year most of them will have gone salvage, anyway. But, for the privilege of this, Spot will be making up the money somewhere...higher prices, less hours (and less TMs available). Isn't it great!
So wait... what if you scan an item and the register says you can't sell it yet? I had that happen once, apparently someone from hardlines put some DVDs out a few days early. I was seriously considering "vibing" it to the guest anyway, but the STL came over and told the guest she couldn't buy it. I wonder what your ETL would've said...
Under that circumstance of street dated items we can't sell it. Period. No matter how much the guest bitches & whines. That has penalties and the store could get in trouble.
The lower hours have started in the front end with a few cashiers, not sure if it's the new ceo or because the store needs more red cards badly so more hours are being given to the cashiers that get a lot.
returned clothes can be a mess, i found a sealed (thank goodness) condom in the pocket of pants i bought, but not just target though I have horror stories from shopping at walmart too.
What I want to know is, why would the big-wigs ever implement something like this? Returns take away from profits. By extending no-receipt limits to $250/year and allowing returns up to 1 year for all Target-branded items, they are cutting more so into their profits. You can only cut so many hours and close so many stores before you're just digging yourselves into a new hole.
Making guests happy is what counts but at what expense? If the CEO reads this (and I don't think that would happen even in my best dream ever) please reconsider these changes in the policies. please bring back proper staffing, and give us a reasonable wage increase that will match what we are making currently. I have been a loyal Team member for almost 10yrs and when I started things were really great but now things have been going down hill and the ship is sinking fast.
They're focusing on enticing people back into the store when they should be trying to figure out why they left in the first place. People are getting sick of Target not having enough workers to run the store properly. I'm sure our number one complaint has been about that, not about Target's return policy. Corporate should stop trying to disguise these changes as being a benefit to the "guests" when none of the guests asked for this change in the first place.
?????what????? I can make a living off returning things to target now???
$250/yr does not a living make. Let's be realistic about this everyone. If they have the receipt for a year and the item is new and unused then take it back. The vast majority of people are not going to be returning toilet paper, toothpaste, milk, laundry detergent, or tampons a year after they bought them.

Owned brand home goods and softlines might see an increase in returns, but most people are not going to return clothes a year after they bought them if they've actually worn them several times. And if they do, you don't have to take them back if they are heavily used. We will not be returning torn, tattered, and/or soiled clothing. Yes, there will be people who try to make these returns, and yes your LOD might just say to go ahead and do it. This will not be the norm.

If the company is saying "take their word for it" regarding price, and the register won't keep track of the lowest selling price, then people will potentially get a higher return value than they do now...which will be on giftcard and must be spent in the store. On the bright side, if someone comes in and returns a coat and claims they paid $250 for it (and you process the return for $250), then they are done for the year. You don't have to take any of their no receipt returns again for a year. Yeah, they made $250 that they'll have on a giftcard that they'll have to spend at Target. So everytime you see them come in to shop you can be happy knowing that you'll not have to honor any of their fraudulent returns until next year.

I'm not a front end TM, but I back up guest service daily. I've seen a lot of the stunts some of our guests pull and it can be totally frustrating. Right now though, most of these complaints are hypothetical (though some are very probable hypotheticals). I just hate to see everyone getting so worked up before there's even been anything to get so worked up about.
If that happens regularly, then your leadership team is plain stupid. Making things right for guests is one thing, letting them take the store is another thing entirely. Thy need to grow a backbone and learn what good business is.

Overall though, I think this thread is taking extreme cases and making them seem to be the norm.
Why not put a big banner up we take it all back no ? Ask please come shop.with us better would be ..if you use a red card we will take anything you buy back within a year no ? Ask now that's how the red card may use that a my new pitch
My new pitch is get a red card and you can gladly return.things now up to a year if you purchase it on a red card ...lies are ok.I was told as long as you get them..guess the look up will change too if not why would you use your red card ....
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