I wouldn't have been as eager to finish College if i was making over $15 as a GSA. Is that a good thing?
Then of course you can finish college, hell even get a couple of degrees and still make less than the average TL.
My friend was a college professor for years had multiple degrees and yet didn't make enough to keep from loosing his house.
He also didn't get health insurance.
For every tenured professor there are a dozen adjunct professors who are barely getting by because colleges have become like retail and are cutting corners like you wouldn't believe.
There was one last year who died of malnutrition and she was a leading expert on Greek Lit.
It's bad for teachers too.
A profession that was once respected is being treated like garbage.
My wife had a degree in Mathematics and could have worked as an actuary making six figures, as a teacher she made a third of that.
College, the trades, they aren't a magic solution.
What was a hot job one year, a couple of years down the road can become obsolete or glutted.
If someone is working a full shift they should be able to afford a roof over the head, food, electricity, heat. water, clothes, communication, and health care.
If they have kids they should be able to send them to school.
Now there are ways we can do this.
Support them through the government, which currently spends 10% of the federal budget on working and non-working poor (which includes some of your TMs) which of course would make all the "I don't want to pay more taxes deficit arglebargle." people very unhappy.
Tell the people who control rent, food and health care costs that they can't charge as much... right, that's going to work in AMURICA!!!!!
Or ask the companies who have been making massive profits and sucking off the government tit by paying their people starvation wages so the workers have to go on welfare to survive (not to mention the tax breaks the companies get from states and cities as incentive to set up -- which we pay for) to start keeping pace with the level of inflation and production.
Door number three sounds like the best option to me.
tl:dr Screw em, people deserve to get paid.