I don't think it has anything to do with punish.
It's clear that that most people clearly recognize that those CEO's wouldn't be making that kind money except for the fact that the people on the bottom are being squeezed down to nothing.
How about that evil prick that bought the rights to Daraprim and jacked it up from $13 to $750 overnight?
A drug that had been around for sixty years, worked fine, all the research was done, and this hotshot CEO decided that he had to make more money off of desperate AIDs and cancer patients.
And even after being called out on it, he hasn't changed the price.
You think we don't have every reason in the world to punish people like that?
All the countries in the world that have a higher standard of living than we do (and I mean for everybody, not just the rich) tax the rich more heavily.
They also have something else in common, they have a higher happiness index than we do.
Make of that what you will.
(edited for clarity)