Archived Price Accuracy 8 AM

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It just sucks. We are forecasted a certain amount of hours in mytime. Our workload forecasts Hella low in the computer.. So they only give us what the forecast says. Then, what do you know? The workload pops up to exactly what MyTime forecasted us at... IDIOTS. By that time, anyone good or who knows Pricing is already scheduled and can't help. It is so frustrating.. Working later in the day is only going to exacerbate the problem because there will be even less (NO) people in the store to help. We get help from a girl in flow who used to do pricing. I am going to express my concerns and see what happens. I know we will still have to work 8-430 but we need a better routine for our hour forecast. Is there a pricing/plano TL that can tell me how your store does it?

I am not a pricing TL, but the same crap happens at our store. They base the hours off the forecast but it ALWAYS ends up being more than what was originally forecasted. Sometimes I will get help from a fellow presentation TM when they have nothing to do. Thursday is our biggest day usually and last week it was forecasted at 1300 so of course i was the only one scheduled, then once that day actually came the workload was 3,000. Anyways, i am not happy with the 8 o clock thing, and no one at my store has even mentioned it to me yet. Should every store know about this by now?
I am not a pricing TL, but the same crap happens at our store. They base the hours off the forecast but it ALWAYS ends up being more than what was originally forecasted. Sometimes I will get help from a fellow presentation TM when they have nothing to do. Thursday is our biggest day usually and last week it was forecasted at 1300 so of course i was the only one scheduled, then once that day actually came the workload was 3,000. Anyways, i am not happy with the 8 o clock thing, and no one at my store has even mentioned it to me yet. Should every store know about this by now?

I don't think it's been announced at our store yet, I do pricing sometimes & I don't like the idea of guests being in my way when I am trying to blitz through an aisle to put up labels and TPC balloons so I can get to the thousands of clearance markdowns waiting for us in softlines. Most of our PC people aren't cashier trained so they can't even back up if needed. Yes they can help guests with questions on the floor, but that is not a good substitute for Hardlines hours. If they're going to schedule PC as if they are sales floor, they should be allocated more hours for taking on more responsibility. We all know that's not going to happen....

I hate how the forecast always changes at the last minute, one day we'll have too many TMs on PC. Then 2 days later it seems the workload doubled. This is why I ended up PC after Xmas instead of cashier, gotta mark down those toys before the clearance hungry guests come rolling in at open!
Maybe they will give you extra hours since it will take longer?

Hahahahaha I could not even type that with a straight face.

They won't at first. but it always comes back and bites them in the ass because it needs to be complete each day. And if they would give us the hours the first time they wouldn't have to add. Now they are paying whoever they gave my hours to, plus an additional 10 hours to finish the workload. Sucks for them..
I am not a pricing TL, but the same crap happens at our store. They base the hours off the forecast but it ALWAYS ends up being more than what was originally forecasted. Sometimes I will get help from a fellow presentation TM when they have nothing to do. Thursday is our biggest day usually and last week it was forecasted at 1300 so of course i was the only one scheduled, then once that day actually came the workload was 3,000. Anyways, i am not happy with the 8 o clock thing, and no one at my store has even mentioned it to me yet. Should every store know about this by now?

They should know by now. They might have chosen to hold off announcing it for awhile. My hr wanted to get the conversation over with so we could scream at her and get it over with.. lol
How big is your Boys/Girls/Infants Department? Wednesday and Thursday are our biggest workloads. Friday is aways the smallest, followed by tuesday and maybe monday unless its season transition. I wouldn't mind if they spaced shoes and intimates/C9 into two different days. And put infants into its own day and just had pricing 7 days.. but right now our team is too small to accommodate that.
Mmm, that's a good question. Maybe the northwest is different but every store, even the smallest, had an absurd amount of workload in ITBG and RTW.
If you can show your STL how off the estimated workload is, versus workload is, they can up the estimated eaches ahead of time to generate more hours. That is if you have a good rapport with your STL.
Mmm, that's a good question. Maybe the northwest is different but every store, even the smallest, had an absurd amount of workload in ITBG and RTW.

ours is hugeee today. I spoke too soon. Plus we don't get very much of the cold weather clothes or anything. Soo that might explain it.. location.
If you can show your STL how off the estimated workload is, versus workload is, they can up the estimated eaches ahead of time to generate more hours. That is if you have a good rapport with your STL.

He is very good about adding payroll for us, even if he has to cut it elsewhere, but I can NEVER EVER get them to add early. It is always the day of, and I'm pushing compliance/overtime every single time.
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They should know by now. They might have chosen to hold off announcing it for awhile. My hr wanted to get the conversation over with so we could scream at her and get it over with.. lol

I actually asked my TL about it today and she said she has heard nothing about this. I wonder if HR knows, because they are notorious for not telling us anything
It just sucks. We are forecasted a certain amount of hours in mytime. Our workload forecasts Hella low in the computer.. So they only give us what the forecast says. Then, what do you know? The workload pops up to exactly what MyTime forecasted us at... IDIOTS. By that time, anyone good or who knows Pricing is already scheduled and can't help. It is so frustrating.. Working later in the day is only going to exacerbate the problem because there will be even less (NO) people in the store to help. We get help from a girl in flow who used to do pricing. I am going to express my concerns and see what happens. I know we will still have to work 8-430 but we need a better routine for our hour forecast. Is there a pricing/plano TL that can tell me how your store does it?

This is my problem. Doing a schedule 2 weeks in advance according to a forecast that changes or like I have been seeing lately doubles by the time we are in that schedule. Now I have to stay late, switch work centers from POG to PC, ask my team to work late, or beg someone from Flow to stay to help. God help my poor team on my day off because there's nobody there to try and get them help.
I actually asked my TL about it today and she said she has heard nothing about this. I wonder if HR knows, because they are notorious for not telling us anything

Funny. My TL knew nothing of it either. They still haven't told her anything. She said until they tell her different she's just gonna schedule us at 6am. Let's hope they never talk to her LOL.
They told us today. Ideally they want us staggered from 8 am to at least 6 pm, though it can go through to close if someone wants those hours. Mentioned changing work centers if necessary to fit in with availability. No one is too happy.
Yup, found out from the pricing veteran that our store is going to 8am pricing. They might stagger shifts until closing. She was not happy to hear about this! Since I am not strictly pricing, they didn't pull me aside to tell me about the change. But they did tell her and a couple others who have pricing listed as their workcenter about the 8am and staggered scheduling. She never closes because this is all she does, she likes being home early so she can fix dinner for her kids and have quality time with her family in the evenings.
I don't blame her for not wanting to work up until closing to finish the workload, there was nothing wrong with coming in at 6am. Hell, she did 4am for years before that!

How are we supposed to do toys at store opening when that area is being shopped? How do we get market labels/clearance done everyday with guests in every aisle?

Obviously corporate has no idea how crucial our two hours before store opening is to getting our work done for the day.
Staggering = setting up for failure. if we are only scheduled what the stupid forecast schedules, it jumps up, and then we are scheduled a closing shift.. I can't stay late to finish the workload because the store is closing. So it's now late? We haven't had a late workload since I started 3 years ago And I'll be damned if we do now because corporate is a bunch of idiots.

I think my HR is on the same boat and she literally told me "eff this. I really wish they would stop messing with your schedule. We are going to schedule you as early as possible but I'm pretty sure your shifts will be 8-430 from May until further notice"

Best practice even says to put up market labels before the store opens.. They are out of their ever loving minds..
Pog is next. They already change instocks 11-730 at my store some days.. next thing you know POG will be getting closing shifts. Resetting shampoo during peak hour will be great 🙂
Its bad enough with Pog being dayside. Why is it guests have to go down the aisle that we are working in even if it is EMPTY?

idk but it happens way too often. My plano TL will caution tape the aisle off if it is completely empty and they are working (seasonal, one time in HBA.. lol)
I could see guests ducking under the tape at my store. When I am putting up big overhead signs on the wave I use orange caution cones to block off the "danger zone" only to hsve people walk right past them and under the wave. Once I used some shopping carts because I couldn't find cones only to have guests angrily push them out of the way so they could walk under me. Like it would kill them to go five feet to the right and down the next aisle over.

No one respects the cones. 🙁
ClearanceMaster that is a good point .. scheduled to close, dont finish the workload ... then what? lol this is ridiculous. They are still saying at my store that they 'havent heard about this yet' so its only a matter of time till they drop it on us
I could see guests ducking under the tape at my store. When I am putting up big overhead signs on the wave I use orange caution cones to block off the "danger zone" only to hsve people walk right past them and under the wave. Once I used some shopping carts because I couldn't find cones only to have guests angrily push them out of the way so they could walk under me. Like it would kill them to go five feet to the right and down the next aisle over.

No one respects the cones. 🙁

Or like our cart attendants cleaning the restroom. There's a cleaning cart in front of the door. an orange cone in front of the cart so nobody can move it. And a restroom closed sign. Guests STILL get in there and say "oops, I didn't know.. hehe" I used to tell them to step back out and use the ones in the back when they were mean lol..

Oh, and flip the carts upside down next time. I've done that before.. I've carted off an aisle the day Seasonal was going salvage and they didn't schedule me until 830.. because... MYTIME.
I can see my store not knowing anything or knowing about it already. If the HRTM was the one who informed the TLs about it, they might not know. But, if it was the HRTL (who is very nice and understanding, but gives news as she gets it), they most definitely know and are probably putting up a stink because most of them joined PA to get away from guests.
I am bringing this thread back up .. just curious if anyone else has heard any info about this? TL at our store still denies this news is true, says she hasnt heard anything about it. Should I believe her or has not every store been notified yet?
My ETLs have been telling us about it for a few days. It's supposed to be effective in March and transitions the PA team to dayside hours, not just 8 AM. Its purpose is to put more red shirts on the floor when guests are shopping.
March .. how come the OP said it starts in May? I cant believe they still havent said anything to us about it!
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