It just sucks. We are forecasted a certain amount of hours in mytime. Our workload forecasts Hella low in the computer.. So they only give us what the forecast says. Then, what do you know? The workload pops up to exactly what MyTime forecasted us at... IDIOTS. By that time, anyone good or who knows Pricing is already scheduled and can't help. It is so frustrating.. Working later in the day is only going to exacerbate the problem because there will be even less (NO) people in the store to help. We get help from a girl in flow who used to do pricing. I am going to express my concerns and see what happens. I know we will still have to work 8-430 but we need a better routine for our hour forecast. Is there a pricing/plano TL that can tell me how your store does it?
I am not a pricing TL, but the same crap happens at our store. They base the hours off the forecast but it ALWAYS ends up being more than what was originally forecasted. Sometimes I will get help from a fellow presentation TM when they have nothing to do. Thursday is our biggest day usually and last week it was forecasted at 1300 so of course i was the only one scheduled, then once that day actually came the workload was 3,000. Anyways, i am not happy with the 8 o clock thing, and no one at my store has even mentioned it to me yet. Should every store know about this by now?
Maybe they will give you extra hours since it will take longer?
Hahahahaha I could not even type that with a straight face.
I am not a pricing TL, but the same crap happens at our store. They base the hours off the forecast but it ALWAYS ends up being more than what was originally forecasted. Sometimes I will get help from a fellow presentation TM when they have nothing to do. Thursday is our biggest day usually and last week it was forecasted at 1300 so of course i was the only one scheduled, then once that day actually came the workload was 3,000. Anyways, i am not happy with the 8 o clock thing, and no one at my store has even mentioned it to me yet. Should every store know about this by now?
Mmm, that's a good question. Maybe the northwest is different but every store, even the smallest, had an absurd amount of workload in ITBG and RTW.How big is your Boys/Girls/Infants Department? Wednesday and Thursday are our biggest workloads. Friday is aways the smallest, followed by tuesday and maybe monday unless its season transition. I wouldn't mind if they spaced shoes and intimates/C9 into two different days. And put infants into its own day and just had pricing 7 days.. but right now our team is too small to accommodate that.
Mmm, that's a good question. Maybe the northwest is different but every store, even the smallest, had an absurd amount of workload in ITBG and RTW.
If you can show your STL how off the estimated workload is, versus workload is, they can up the estimated eaches ahead of time to generate more hours. That is if you have a good rapport with your STL.
They should know by now. They might have chosen to hold off announcing it for awhile. My hr wanted to get the conversation over with so we could scream at her and get it over with.. lol
It just sucks. We are forecasted a certain amount of hours in mytime. Our workload forecasts Hella low in the computer.. So they only give us what the forecast says. Then, what do you know? The workload pops up to exactly what MyTime forecasted us at... IDIOTS. By that time, anyone good or who knows Pricing is already scheduled and can't help. It is so frustrating.. Working later in the day is only going to exacerbate the problem because there will be even less (NO) people in the store to help. We get help from a girl in flow who used to do pricing. I am going to express my concerns and see what happens. I know we will still have to work 8-430 but we need a better routine for our hour forecast. Is there a pricing/plano TL that can tell me how your store does it?
I actually asked my TL about it today and she said she has heard nothing about this. I wonder if HR knows, because they are notorious for not telling us anything
Pog is next. They already change instocks 11-730 at my store some days.. next thing you know POG will be getting closing shifts. Resetting shampoo during peak hour will be great 🙂
Its bad enough with Pog being dayside. Why is it guests have to go down the aisle that we are working in even if it is EMPTY?
I could see guests ducking under the tape at my store. When I am putting up big overhead signs on the wave I use orange caution cones to block off the "danger zone" only to hsve people walk right past them and under the wave. Once I used some shopping carts because I couldn't find cones only to have guests angrily push them out of the way so they could walk under me. Like it would kill them to go five feet to the right and down the next aisle over.
No one respects the cones. 🙁