Archived Price Accuracy 8 AM

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My ETLs have been telling us about it for a few days. It's supposed to be effective in March and transitions the PA team to dayside hours, not just 8 AM. Its purpose is to put more red shirts on the floor when guests are shopping.

How is that going to work? Our PA team doesn't answer the radio or phone calls is always missing for any smart huddle and pigs will fly before you see one of them on a register.

So they can helps guests! That is a good one!!!!!😡
Our ETL Log told the PA team today. " Oh yeah, (Judith and Mary), just wanted to let you know price change will no longer be coming in at 7:00 AM starting next week. You will be coming in at 8:00 AM."
Mary, "So we will be working til 4:30 PM?"
ETL Log, "Yeah..."
Judith, "Cool..."

So, it obviously didn't bother anyone they were told only three days prior.
idk but it happens way too often. My plano TL will caution tape the aisle off if it is completely empty and they are working (seasonal, one time in HBA.. lol)
I had a guest come down the toothpaste/toothbrush aisles while it was being reset this week. Like 90% empty toothpaste & brushes boxed up in repack boxes, "is this aisle closed?" I wanted to say bitch, I wish so you would get out of my way so I can finish.

PS. I wish we could caution tape aisles off. Our STL would flip even if it was empty. Had a guest the next day as we were resetting the deodorant aisle say, y'all won't sell me any deodorant. It was all boxed up, too. Had another guest say "seems like they would have you do this at night" I looked up and said "I wish they would!"
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I am bringing this thread back up .. just curious if anyone else has heard any info about this? TL at our store still denies this news is true, says she hasnt heard anything about it. Should I believe her or has not every store been notified yet?
Its true my stl set with all teem leads and told us first then pulled in my price team and told them.
Yeah we start in May. We will be doing the bare minimum required by this change so 8-430.. no staggering, forget that. We can sneak in on weekends (Sunday) at 6am too per our STL. We will also be training backups to help when the workload fluctuates since flow will be long gone by the time we are finished with our workload.

I'm fine with the change as long as it stays at 8am. I forsee cussing my GSTL out though. Everytime he sees us in girls he calls us out by name for fast service, even when it was one extra guest they could have taken behind guest service/cafe. One time he asked me by name to get on and I said "Umm, no. When you learn not to call me out and I am at a stopping point, then I can respond.. just because I am close does not mean I am your bitch. Thank you."

The worst part is the guests that crowd you and screw up your spot in the rack and then say "you should do this when nobody's here". Umm, Biotchhh my company won't let me. Now get your 3 dollar shirt and get the f*C# out of here. How's that for guest service?!
Yeah we start in May. We will be doing the bare minimum required by this change so 8-430.. no staggering, forget that. We can sneak in on weekends (Sunday) at 6am too per our STL. We will also be training backups to help when the workload fluctuates since flow will be long gone by the time we are finished with our workload.

I'm fine with the change as long as it stays at 8am. I forsee cussing my GSTL out though. Everytime he sees us in girls he calls us out by name for fast service, even when it was one extra guest they could have taken behind guest service/cafe. One time he asked me by name to get on and I said "Umm, no. When you learn not to call me out and I am at a stopping point, then I can respond.. just because I am close does not mean I am your bitch. Thank you."

The worst part is the guests that crowd you and screw up your spot in the rack and then say "you should do this when nobody's here". Umm, Biotchhh my company won't let me. Now get your 3 dollar shirt and get the f*C# out of here. How's that for guest service?!

I hate when we do jewelry and accessories because its right there by the registers and everytime they need a backup they will ask me to get on. I dont mind every once in a while, but we have a workload that has to be complete by 230 and just because I am right there doesnt mean I can hop on every 5 minutes.

Well now that I know everyone elses store knows about this, i am going to confront my TL again. I dont know why they are holding this information from us but id rather them tell us now instead of later
I hate when we do jewelry and accessories because its right there by the registers and everytime they need a backup they will ask me to get on. I dont mind every once in a while, but we have a workload that has to be complete by 230 and just because I am right there doesnt mean I can hop on every 5 minutes.

Well now that I know everyone elses store knows about this, i am going to confront my TL again. I dont know why they are holding this information from us but id rather them tell us now instead of later
When I am the only one scheduled I tend to say "this is Cmaster.. I can't respond Im all alone today and approaching OT".. they usually leave me alone. One time I had a TL challenge me.. I said "our workload is big, I can't today" and he told me "everyone's Is big.. hop on" and I said.. "well mine is due by 230, your "zone" doesn't HAVE to get done and your Sales planners aren't due until the end of the week... YOU hop on." I got pulled into the office for that one (my TL was laughing and said the point I'm trying to get across is good but be careful the general WAY I say things.. lol. It tends to get people upset)

And I believe it was in the Achieving Excellence Folder they got.. there was definitely a memo our HR had. She looked really fidgety when she was telling us, like I was going to cuss her out.. lol
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I had a guest come down the toothpaste/toothbrush aisles while it was being reset this week. Like 90% empty toothpaste & brushes boxed up in repack boxes, "is this aisle closed?" I wanted to say bitch, I wish so you would get out of my way so I can finish.

PS. I wish we could caution tape aisles off. Our STL would flip even if it was empty. Had a guest the next day as we were resetting the deodorant aisle say, y'all won't sell me any deodorant. It was all boxed up, too. Had another guest say "seems like they would have you do this at night" I looked up and said "I wish they would!"

No that would only make too much sense...but...cant be handing out all that overnight and shift differential pay...that is just way to much money to pay out 🙄
My store is moving to 8am next week. And price change and Plano are finally moving to rotate weekends. My last store started doing that in 2010.
I am bringing this thread back up .. just curious if anyone else has heard any info about this? TL at our store still denies this news is true, says she hasnt heard anything about it. Should I believe her or has not every store been notified yet?

The pricing team lead at my store was waiting for the right time to just have a little meeting with the PA team.
She was also trying to convince the STL to allow the whole team to start at 8am, rather than different times.
It's difficult news to deliver, so I wouldn't be surprised if your TL is just putting it off.
I know people on the plano team who will be moving on if they go to the weekends bit.
Before anyone jumps on the 'retail just has to work weekends' bit, the plano team at my store was made up largely of older men who were retired from other jobs and worked because they wanted to.
They have been doing the job for years with a M-F schedule and are good at their job.
But their weekend are for being with their wives and grandkids.
So my store will be hiring a new plano team.
I hate having to work Sundays on my Plano team. A whole waste of a day because we are setting the ad, sometimes up until 10 or 11am, then lunch. Don't have time to do anything except a few revisions and thats it. Such a waste.
Planogram, dayside on a weekend? These people have finally gone mad

They may not necessarily be doing plano though; they might be scheduled under a different workcenter. When my pricing and plano TLs work on the weekends, their non-ad-set hours are spent on the sales floor.
Ok so my take is:

Plano and Price Change (at lest in the stores I have worked) had to be flexible with their hours due to workload. The teams schedule revolved around the work load so we stayed till the work was done. If we needed to go over night we did, we even came in on weekends if we needed to so we could get ahead.
The pricing team lead at my store was waiting for the right time to just have a little meeting with the PA team.
She was also trying to convince the STL to allow the whole team to start at 8am, rather than different times.
It's difficult news to deliver, so I wouldn't be surprised if your TL is just putting it off.

Well our TL already knows that we know, since i brought it up to her. She just claims she has heard nothing about it. But since I know, why wouldnt she just tell me the truth. Heck our whole team already knows so it wont even be a surprise when they do finally fess up
Planogram, dayside on a weekend? These people have finally gone mad
They do revisions and seasonal pogs on the weekends. (They'll be doing some Easter mini pogs Sunday morning as valentine sells down.)
They work 8 1/2 hour days during the week (6a to 3p) and only work 6a to 11a on the weekend to get their 40.
Our store has stopped caring about pricing. We used to always be fine. Mark, push, and clean up 100%.
Now, I want to take a picture of our NOF.. it is rediculous. Like two heaping tubs full. Pallets of clearance in the back, some even going salvage before ever hitting the floor

I tell my TL i need someone for 4 hours to finish on time.
i get yelled at.
i tell my LOD who knows nothing about pricing.
sometimes, mostly never though, we get help.
i tell the LOD at the time
"ehh, just stay late and cut later."
Yeah? One problem. We are scheduled to our workload and are at 40 already.

4 people in my store are trained for pricing. One is scheduled 30-35 hours in another workcenter, and one can only work 5 hours two days. When we switch to 8am i am NOT staying until 630 to wrap up, sorry. Train more people damnit.
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How do your stores handle clearance that comes off the truck? Does it get dumped for the PA team to do or does your Flow team do it?
How do your stores handle clearance that comes off the truck? Does it get dumped for the PA team to do or does your Flow team do it?

My store it gets sorted down to a tub and pricing does it. And by sorted down, I do it when I come in since they throw it on tubs along with anything they don't understand and slap a PTM clip on it. Some Saturdays I will walk into 4-8 vehicles all with PTM clips. After taking a 1/2hr only maybe a top basket of a 3-tier cart will be PTM.. Everything else will be NOP(backstock, pog hasn't set yet) clearance or reshop, or just straight push they didn't want to do.

And I leave the unmarked clearance since their TL said its ok because I sort it down for them.
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