I don't have the time or energy to go into detail about softlines at my store. We are end to end "on paper only". I say that because we don't have enough tms to own their department. They are constantly putting out fires here and there. I am not end to end but I do shoes. After being away from shoes, then going back, I pulled case packs that came out clearance. Months after they should have been set. One reason why I am back. Pricing is late by at least a week. Truck push sits for days. Rarely have z racks for unload. I feel part of the problem, a big part, honestly, is the softlines tl. Sad very sad. She never has a good plan, can't delegate, and doesn't hold her people accountable. She is new to role, 2 yrs, and took the promotion strictly for the money. She readily admits it. BUT we are killing it on visits. Go in the parking lot boys and girls. It's parked in the extra trailer.