Archived Race Discrimination??

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Jun 27, 2019
I'm a team member and within the last year or so we got a new store manager, who has gotten rid of all the leaders and brought in new ones. They have been targeting all the African American team members. They've written all of us up and put us on finals. They're constantly harassing us. I am constantly treated like trash and when I try to talk to them about how I'm being treated. I am being told I am overreacting & it's really not a big deal. They're constantly making inappropriate remarks about my hair. Eventually when I threatened to call corporate we had a "ethics" meeting and were told by our team leads we were waiting out time because all they do is call the store manager and report and they would be able to piece it together to find out who the person was. Other team members who aren't African American are getting away with not doing any work. All the blame is being put on us. I even asked how can I be help responsible when I haven't been in this department & was told maybe if I would done better the last time I worked there it wouldn't be that way. They cut our ours if we report any issue. Any advice? Is there anything I can do?
Call that EOCC thing and definitely not the hotline, as somebody else suggested. Maybe check if this is also happening at other stores in your district - if it's coming down from district VP then it could very well blow up and corp will soon find itself in quite the jam 👌

I'm really interested to see if this blows up into something big, like say a headline or three. Mainly because I enjoy watching hypocritical "woke" corporations being forced to eat shit. Here's hoping they get caught so that corp has to fork over at least a few decks of C-notes 🤞🤞
Whenever it is brought up to HR all of our hours are dropped. Since corporate has been called so many times about a race issue they're just either forcing minorities to quit or finding reasons to fire.
Document the shit out of this.
You have to have fact not what you think is happening.
Because they will come back with "the needs of the store" and a shitload of documentation of their own, even if it is made up.
This kind of thing can only be fought by people who are deadly serious, cal
Discrimination and/or EEO complaints are hard to prove and can result in lengthy battles that can be quite costly. You better have iron clad proof before moving forward, or you will end up with a he said/she said situation. Remember that Target has more money for legal battles than most of its employees.
Go find out what your recording laws are if they one way secretly record every race issue. If not document every race issue that’s different. Then go to EEOC and hopefully they will be on that shit in heartbeat.
If possible, get in contact with all those who have been terminated and make a list of the most egregious thing that had been said or done to each one of them. Then, if any TV station has a nightly news department with an investigative team, call them and tell them how many people this has been done to, the examples of what was done, and that they are all willing to go on camera to tell their story. If your stories hold up they may decide to air it. If they do I wouldn't be surprised if lawyers contacted you and offered to take the case on a contingency basis. This will take time because the TV station will want to properly vet each TM and example they air. If they do it, I think the story wouldn't air until this fall. If anyone would go this route it can not be talked about at all at work to give management time to hire African Americans. Also, anyone who participates while still working for the company, while not having retained a lawyer will probably be retaliated against. Good luck.
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