The pay scale for the new team leaders will be very Interesting from what I read on some documents... I am kinda excited for ae12
The stuff I read didn't look good... Do you know something that I don't?
The pay scale for the new team leaders will be very Interesting from what I read on some documents... I am kinda excited for ae12
kinda curious where do the building services guys fit in on all that?
kinda curious where do the building services guys fit in on all that?
added by silkk01:
I know the Senior APS position was a P15.
As for ETL' have 4...
P8 - Beginning ETL
P10 - After the first year or so as long as you are approved. Only requires you to take more classes and get approved by the DTL.
P12 - Should be ready for a store within 12 months. Need to interview for the position with several DTL and maybe a GVP.
P15 - This is actually the Senior ETL position. This is an ETL that is signed off as a STL, but waiting on the position. Must interview with DTL that are not in your area, GVP's, and maybe RVP's.
Hey everyone! I used to browse every once in a while so I'm definitely glad it is back up and running. I was curious though if anyone has the list of paygrades from cashier to sr.TL. I feel like I saw it before, and I found something on workbench but it stops at PG 11, and I would like to know the TL paygrades.
From what you have said you should receive $1 more per hour so you should be making over 10/hr!!!!!! Welcome to the double digit club 🙂
I talked to my STL who closed with me tonight as LOD (the SR TL HR wasnt in today). He told me they are still figuring out what my pay is and then they will "make me an offer"
Has anyone whom gotten promoted happen to them?
I try hard to get at least $10 an hour. I should find out what i will get tomorrow what my pay will be.
So question... I'm a N07 Presentation tm but I'm thinking about Softlines brand tm.. do you think they will give me a pay increase? Brand tm is only N05 but there is going to be more responsibility.. I don't think I want to do it if there is going to be a pay cut or if I stay the same.. what do you think? I've already been a team lead and I was sad about the cut for stepping down.. I don't want to do that again.
- PG7
- Backroom O/N, AM, Day
- Flow O/N, AM, Day
- Receiving/Reverse Logistics
- Presentation
- Metro Comp Shop
- Starbucks TM
Question, if receiving is in the same PG as backroom, then how come I got a 50 cent raise switching from backroom to receiving? Not complaining but just curious because I always thought receiving would be at the next PG.
Receiving and signing should both be pay grade 9 positions. That is normally $1 over base and $.50 over pay grade 7.
All of our IS tms are paygrade 7. After a little meet and greet to compare what we do with the backroom, flow and presentation teams it was agreed that our store requires us to do many of the tasks that are the reason that these teams were a higher paygrade plus do the IS core roles. We are technically logistics tms for payroll purposes, but all of the hours are scheduled to instocks.
Yeah....that changed. We now have only one "permanent" IStm and the paygrade has been dropped to 5. They schedule the others one hour more than IS hours in the backroom or on flow so that IS isn't their main work center and they can remain at pg7.