Archived Stuff You Still Don't Know How to Do.

Greatest Fear?

  • The waitress at the restaurant forgetting about you.

  • Accidentally bending your legs the opposite way.

  • Fear of getting electrocuted when plugging in appliances.

  • The battery in your phone exploding.

  • Finding a spider in the toilet paper roll.

  • Your phone alarm somehow failing to ring even though it's never done so.

  • The cashier giving you a look for buying 2 donuts, obviously for yourself.

  • Showing up to a costume party, only to realize it was LAST weekend.

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I don't understand (after this long) why pulls labeled "priority pull" are ignored by the salesfloor and generally the last thing to be done. Their definition of "priority" confuses me.

I know for my store, most people ignore priority pulls because there's nothing about them that makes them a priority. A lot of times, our backroom team just uses those clips because they happen to be around when they go to push the CAF to the line. It has nothing to do with actual ranking, and is all convenience. ASANTS, of course, but for us we tend to just push whatever's up first.
I t understand (after this long) why pulls labeled "priority pull" are ignored by the salesfloor and generally the last thing to be done. Their definition of "priority" confuses me.
Everyone at my store ignores them because they are labeled priority pull because instocks shoots them to be pulled. So most team members know that it's for instocks and doesn't want to do more than they have too. New team members always push them, and it's honestly a God send. I never have enough time to push all my pulls
I don't know much about ESP (Extended Service Plans ?)

I don't know much about Pharmacy, Starbucks, Photo Lab, bike building, or Receiving.

RIG - pretty sure it's Research Investigation Group. Used to be geared towards researching items that are on Ad. I would assume it would be to order more, and to put up Rainchecks (which we no longer use.)
The softlines fixtures get rolled around quite a bit. So the numbers are rarely in order when tables/fixtures are next to each other.
I remember helping a guest last winter because they couldn't find a softlines TM, and I looked up the item and it was located like H20 or something like that, so I'm standing next to table H19 (I don't remember exact numbers) and realized nothing else in that area was labeled even close to the location.

I don't even try to go near a carpeted area, now, unless I'm shopping.

Softlines POGs are out of order by no fault of our own. Say we have 20 tables, numbered H1-H20. You're setting a new POG where H15 used to be. But say the adjacency wants H15 3 rows over. So H15 moves and say H10 comes to where H15 used to be. Now imagine this for 8 POGs being set at once. Sometimes a POG will get untied with no new POG being set, so in 5 weeks, you'll set some random POG on a random table, in a random spot.

I hope that made sense. Lol.
Just learned last weeks how to push CAFS, and how to have something backstocked.
Backroom is basically a magical mystery land to me. Still have no idea what goes on back there. Those tiny aisles scare me. But I'm sure the backroom feels the same way about the front.
A lot of the finer points of salesfloor are lost on me- for example I have no idea what @SoftlinesSquirrel means by 'scanning outs'. My salesfloor training was basically "QC, someone called out. Go to softlines, ask the fitting room what to do."

Scanning outs - scan items that are "out of stock" on the salesfloor. Should pull them from the backroom if there are any items in the backroom.
Everyone at my store ignores them because they are labeled priority pull because instocks shoots them to be pulled. So most team members know that it's for instocks and doesn't want to do more than they have too. New team members always push them, and it's honestly a God send. I never have enough time to push all my pulls

I will say that while they are supposedly more important than a CAF pull they can be a bitch to push. Most regular SFTMs don't truly get how to push a priority pull. Not their fault, but we at least I shoot for second locations, end caps and flex so if you don't why I have five extra comforters you have no idea where I want to put them. Cause I sometimes don't tie them until I push them, just so I can play with fitting them in. Or anytime I pull say women's socks to flex, always ends in a cluster if I don't push it.

Mostly they push to the homes which are full and back stock most of the pulls. So we don't encourage SF to push our stuff beyond paper and diapers. On weekends doubly true.
I will say that while they are supposedly more important than a CAF pull they can be a bitch to push. Most regular SFTMs don't truly get how to push a priority pull. Not their fault, but we at least I shoot for second locations, end caps and flex so if you don't why I have five extra comforters you have no idea where I want to put them. Cause I sometimes don't tie them until I push them, just so I can play with fitting them in. Or anytime I pull say women's socks to flex, always ends in a cluster if I don't push it.

Mostly they push to the homes which are full and back stock most of the pulls. So we don't encourage SF to push our stuff beyond paper and diapers. On weekends doubly true.
This. When you get the 8ct of AA batteries with thirty locations only the person who researched it knows which one was empty without walking the racetrack and checklanes. If I get tapped to push these for midday (I am instocks trained) it's a lot of calling the girls to see if they can remember the research loc.
Everyone at my store ignores them because they are labeled priority pull because instocks shoots them to be pulled. So most team members know that it's for instocks and doesn't want to do more than they have too. New team members always push them, and it's honestly a God send. I never have enough time to push all my pulls

My store doesn't even label priority pulls. Everything gets a green clip. Because logic.
I hate scanning outs in softlines. At least at my store, their doesn't seem to be any organization of the tables. One table will be o25 and the table next to it is o60. Makes no sense.

We don't even know where those tables are lol. When instocks or a leader doing the pcv ask me where table q39 (example) is I ask "what's the thing you're looking for??"

Once you know where the brands are, you're good. They flip boys and girls at some point in the year but the brands still stay separate so it's not hard. The hard part is when new stuff is pushed, sometimes it gets put with the wrong brand. Also, sometimes based on what trends tgt is focusing on, the brands get a little mixed. Sweater world returns soon, so that'll be annoying.
Still managed to evade FAs since I started a year ago. Still have no idea how to pull them 😛
I don't know what to do with excess signing equipment( holders, label strips, etc. ) I just sneak into the signing room, set all of it down in a pile, and leave, making sure no identifying material is there.

Sorry, signing!

Two things I never learned as a cashier are WIC and how to handle purchase orders. Purchase orders are extremely rare at my store and we're lucky if the GSTL/GSA even knows how to process them, and only our GSTLs and GSAs are trained on WIC to minimize errors.

What don't I know on the sales floor? How to work miracles (i.e. complete a zone and not have it still looking like shit when I'm done). Anything about the products; I only know where they're located, I haven't actually used them. So don't ask me anything about electronics because I live under a rock. And softlines. I lack the ability to softlines.

I don't know how to use any of the powered equipment except the WAVe and the cart pusher. I don't know where most things are in the fixture room, but I can locate and put away some commonly used items such as shelves, peghooks, and 7x11 sign holders.

For those of you who are backroom-challenged:

1. Never just take an item from a location or put an item into a location. If you don't follow the procedures for pulling and backstocking items, you'll cause errors and hurt the backroom scores.
2. If you need an item pulled for a guest, walkie a backroom TM (or a leader if no backroom TM is available). PLEASE wait until they're ready to give them the DPCI.
3. If an item needs to be backstocked, put it on an empty tub or tiered cart with a pink BACKSTOCK clip. No shopping carts if possible.
4. Any vehicle with a clip that's green (PULLS), yellow (PRIORITY PULLS), maroon (PRE-TRANSITION MERCHANDISE), or orange (CLEARANCE) needs to be worked to the floor. What vehicles you're actually responsible for pushing depends on your workcenter and/or store leadership.

Pink BACKSTOCK clips are used for product that does not fit on the sales floor and needs to be backstocked.
Green PULLS clips are mainly used for the hourly CAF pulls. If they're used for a POG fill or EXF, there should be a note attached showing the name of the batch.
Yellow PRIORITY PULLS clips are used for the research batches generated by the Instocks team. In theory, the items in a priority pull should fill the floor perfectly with no backstock.
Orange CLEARANCE clips are used for clearance items that have been ticketed by the Price Accuracy team and are ready to be pushed to the floor.
Maroon PRE-TRANSITION MERCHANDISE clips are used for PTM pulls. These are usually handled by the Instocks team or the sales floor TLs and are intended to fill holes in aisles with out-of-stock discontinued product.
Light blue CHALLENGE clips are used to identify product from the flow team that needs to be re-pushed because the system thinks more can fit on the floor. Usually, this is due to the flow team not checking for additional locations such as endcaps and sidecaps.
Dark blue PRICE CHANGES clips are used to identify product that needs to be ticketed by the Price Accuracy team.
There are also REVERSE LOGISTICS clips, but I can't remember offhand what color they are. They're used to identify product that has been pulled from the sales floor and/or backroom locations for a MIR (often due to a recall) and needs to be handled by the receiving TM.
Two things I never learned as a cashier are WIC and how to handle purchase orders. Purchase orders are extremely rare at my store and we're lucky if the GSTL/GSA even knows how to process them, and only our GSTLs and GSAs are trained on WIC to minimize errors.

What don't I know on the sales floor? How to work miracles (i.e. complete a zone and not have it still looking like shit when I'm done). Anything about the products; I only know where they're located, I haven't actually used them. So don't ask me anything about electronics because I live under a rock. And softlines. I lack the ability to softlines.

I don't know how to use any of the powered equipment except the WAVe and the cart pusher. I don't know where most things are in the fixture room, but I can locate and put away some commonly used items such as shelves, peghooks, and 7x11 sign holders.

For those of you who are backroom-challenged:

1. Never just take an item from a location or put an item into a location. If you don't follow the procedures for pulling and backstocking items, you'll cause errors and hurt the backroom scores.
2. If you need an item pulled for a guest, walkie a backroom TM (or a leader if no backroom TM is available). PLEASE wait until they're ready to give them the DPCI.
3. If an item needs to be backstocked, put it on an empty tub or tiered cart with a pink BACKSTOCK clip. No shopping carts if possible.
4. Any vehicle with a clip that's green (PULLS), yellow (PRIORITY PULLS), maroon (PRE-TRANSITION MERCHANDISE), or orange (CLEARANCE) needs to be worked to the floor. What vehicles you're actually responsible for pushing depends on your workcenter and/or store leadership.

Pink BACKSTOCK clips are used for product that does not fit on the sales floor and needs to be backstocked.
Green PULLS clips are mainly used for the hourly CAF pulls. If they're used for a POG fill or EXF, there should be a note attached showing the name of the batch.
Yellow PRIORITY PULLS clips are used for the research batches generated by the Instocks team. In theory, the items in a priority pull should fill the floor perfectly with no backstock.
Orange CLEARANCE clips are used for clearance items that have been ticketed by the Price Accuracy team and are ready to be pushed to the floor.
Maroon PRE-TRANSITION MERCHANDISE clips are used for PTM pulls. These are usually handled by the Instocks team or the sales floor TLs and are intended to fill holes in aisles with out-of-stock discontinued product.
Light blue CHALLENGE clips are used to identify product from the flow team that needs to be re-pushed because the system thinks more can fit on the floor. Usually, this is due to the flow team not checking for additional locations such as endcaps and sidecaps.
Dark blue PRICE CHANGES clips are used to identify product that needs to be ticketed by the Price Accuracy team.
There are also REVERSE LOGISTICS clips, but I can't remember offhand what color they are. They're used to identify product that has been pulled from the sales floor and/or backroom locations for a MIR (often due to a recall).
Since the only place I've ever worked is in pharmacy, I know next to nothing about how to do anything in the rest of the store. When y'all are talking about "pushing cafs" and "pulls" and "adjacencies" and all the other Target lingo, I have no idea what the yell you're talking about. There's nothing I can't do in pharmacy (my ETL even says if I can't do or figure something out, nobody can😎), but I would be screwed if I had to work the floor. 😛
As a GM store, I have no idea how to do WIC or ring up produce.

Target stopped taking purchase orders earlier this year.
For the life of me, I can't figure out the spiderwraps. If you give me the smaller one, I'll stand there getting anxious because I'm unsure as to how to get it off. The bigger ones I'm learning (keep in mind I only backup if needed so I'm not cashiering often) but it's still embarrassing to have to ask the GSA or the person next to me to help me!
The smaller ones are trickier than the bigger ones because the notches where the key goes are hard to see!
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Before you log in I think it's K8 (sort items), K3 (defect) then scan and it asks if you want to defect, override to toss, etc. then it prints out a label for you to stick by the barcode.
K4 for defecting out (at least on the SD screen). K7 is override to toss.
2. If you need an item pulled for a guest, walkie a backroom TM (or a leader if no backroom TM is available). PLEASE wait until they're ready to give them the DPCI.
And please know that the backroom is on channel 4 (my ETL-GE had to tell me this while I was working SD one day).
As a GSA ... I never learned how to use the gun to add stickers to clothing. I've just been putting the white barcode sticker and clearance stickers on other tags within the clothes.
There is a tool that kinda looks like a plastic gun. It has a huge sharp needle on it. There should be some at the service desk and definitely in the fitting room. Ask the fitting room person to show you how to do it. When putting the needle through the clothes try to do it in the seam. If you just put it through the front of the shirt somewhere you have now ruined the item because when the guest takes the tag off there will be a big hole left there.
I have a softlines background, but have had plenty of hardlines shifts too and am now pricing. I have no idea how to do sales planners or how to work d-code for hardlines. Never used the nop function on the pda. No idea how to tie or untie anything. Instocks is a mystery even after reading the above explanations, lol.
And please know that the backroom is on channel 4 (my ETL-GE had to tell me this while I was working SD one day).
Asants. My sure is channel two.

Clips missing from above post:
Light purple QMOS clips are for food that's been marked out of the system but needs thrown away/processed for compost.
There's a DONATION clip, I think it's yellow for items already processed that are waiting for pickup by donation partners.
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