Archived Stuff You Still Don't Know How to Do.

Greatest Fear?

  • The waitress at the restaurant forgetting about you.

  • Accidentally bending your legs the opposite way.

  • Fear of getting electrocuted when plugging in appliances.

  • The battery in your phone exploding.

  • Finding a spider in the toilet paper roll.

  • Your phone alarm somehow failing to ring even though it's never done so.

  • The cashier giving you a look for buying 2 donuts, obviously for yourself.

  • Showing up to a costume party, only to realize it was LAST weekend.

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This is only possible at stores where this is the law that it must be done upon request.
Really?? No way! I've never really thought of my state as one that would have special laws like that. Usually we're quite the opposite. Thanks for the info! 🙂
For the longest time, I didn't know you could return items with a check. So when a guest asked to do so, and I told her I couldn't, she got all sassy and rude with me. Usually when that happens, it further validates their stupidity, so I got over confident in my "We can't return stuff with a check." Welp....turns out we could. I shit the bed on that one. Lol, whoops!
There is a tool that kinda looks like a plastic gun. It has a huge sharp needle on it. There should be some at the service desk and definitely in the fitting room. Ask the fitting room person to show you how to do it. When putting the needle through the clothes try to do it in the seam. If you just put it through the front of the shirt somewhere you have now ruined the item because when the guest takes the tag off there will be a big hole left there.
It is called a dart gun. Please move your finger before pushing the needle end into the item.
I wish we were allowed to have our own channel. Instead when I'm backroom I have to listen to our annoying gsa screaming over the walkie "we need back up, we need backup desperately. We need back up on 5, 10, express lanes. Who is responding. Why is there no one up here." it's fun

This. I wish I could've been in the backroom when they were on 3. It must've been so peaceful to not hear about Red Cards and who can respond to that back-up call at the lanes every 3 minutes.
[mrknownothing, post: 230358, member: 55"]This. I wish I could've been in the backroom when they were on 3. It must've been so peaceful to not hear about Red Cards and who can respond to that back-up call at the lanes every 3 minutes.[/QUOTE]
Sometimes when I'm asked to switch to another channel, I forget to switch back and it's so peaceful.
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[mrknownothing, post: 230358, member: 55"]This. I wish I could've been in the backroom when they were on 3. It must've been so peaceful to not hear about Red Cards and who can respond to that back-up call at the lanes every 3 minutes.
Sometimes when I'm asked to switch to another channel, I forget to switch back and it's so peaceful.[/QUOTE]

Add into this when you turn down the radio to speak to a guest and you forget to turn it back up.
I don't know how to use the baler, power pallet jack, and the Crown.
I'll be with Spot 3 years next month (and have been an adult for much longer than that) and I have not been certified for these pieces of equipment. I also don't know how to use the Wave, but by looking at the controls it seems to be pretty self explanatory.
In my past travels I've been certified to use gas and electric forklifts, pallet rider, and Crown stackers.
In the time, I have been with Spot:

I don't know how to cashier
Did it for 3 years with another company. Had an incident, never again.

Barely know anything about Softlines

Not unknown, but forgot how to set/tie/TPC home-endcap-merchandise POGs, etc.

Stuck in Logistics for awhile.

No no no, I'll just go with what I heard others tell me/overheard... I don't know anything. Lets just go ask that other guy.
I had successfully avoided making bales for so long that I still didn't know how 2 and a half years in. I've made maybe 4 bales in my life and I do it with absolutely ZERO confidence.
I had successfully avoided making bales for so long that I still didn't know how 2 and a half years in. I've made maybe 4 bales in my life and I do it with absolutely ZERO confidence.
I do it so infrequently that I find someone to check my work every time before ejecting it.
I get what you mean. Planograms often don't make much sense in the way the pegs are numbered. It gets even worse when revisions come into play, I once set a revision that took the lip balm/chapstick section of the cold care aisle and made what was more or less a straight forward right-to-left numbering scheme into a completely out of numerical sequence mess. Shelf strips do this sometimes too, just yesterday I set a revision on a shelf that had location 2 on a shelf precede location 1.

SigningMinion, I don't think Pellinore means where the pegs are located on the pegboard but more that they often don't follow a simple, 1-p1-1 -> 1-p1-2 ect layout, but often skip numbers, put higher numbers before lower numbers, or generally make a mockery of the whole point of making locations easier to find by labelling them numerically.

Yep, this is what I meant to say!
I wish we were allowed to have our own channel. Instead when I'm backroom I have to listen to our annoying gsa screaming over the walkie "we need back up, we need backup desperately. We need back up on 5, 10, express lanes. Who is responding. Why is there no one up here." it's fun
Wait, what? Backroom is on the same channel as sales floor? Are you an ultra low volume store or something? That would be chaos.
I don't get how SFQ works.

My boss said you can't locu and purge anymore. Why?

My boss said every location has a capacity and quantity for that location. So does that mean 'on the floor' means all total counts on the floor? Can I still pull something from home to fill an endcap or do I have to change the quantity of the endcap when I do that?

How the FCK does something have 0 on the foor, 0 in the back, but 10 onhands?

theres always at least two to three people in softlines at my store, then theres only one person on hardlines. softlines always complains that they're the only ones that go up for backup... but they're basically the only ones on the salesfloor haha

Jealous. Today I was the only sl tm and also the only one going for backup and at one point there was like 6 people in hl.

I don't mind hl people calling for help, though.. Except in those cases where they have equipment and the guest just wants to know if there are more in the back (shoes, basics, gondola junk). You call me over then I have to walk to a price checker or call you back over for your device.

I still don't know how to talk to the talkative kids who tell me about captain America or shopkinz or elsa or whatever is in right now while I'm scanning their parent's stuff. I'm just like "oh is that right?... Wow... Have a sticker..."
I don't get how SFQ works.

Welcome to the club.

My boss said you can't locu and purge anymore. Why?

Using LOCU to empty a location wouldn't affect the floor count for an item like pulling would. But we're all still trying to figure this thing out. Spot has difficulty with communication when it comes to things like this.

My boss said every location has a capacity and quantity for that location. So does that mean 'on the floor' means all total counts on the floor? Can I still pull something from home to fill an endcap or do I have to change the quantity of the endcap when I do that?

It would be the total on the floor, not just a single location. Kinda like how in the days of PDA instocks, you had to check every location when using stand-alone research.

How the FCK does something have 0 on the floor, 0 in the back, but 10 onhands?

Either the floor count hasn't been updated or the system is just fucking with our minds again.

I don't get how SFQ works.

My boss said you can't locu and purge anymore. Why?

My boss said every location has a capacity and quantity for that location. So does that mean 'on the floor' means all total counts on the floor? Can I still pull something from home to fill an endcap or do I have to change the quantity of the endcap when I do that?

How the FCK does something have 0 on the foor, 0 in the back, but 10 onhands?

Your boss either doesn't understand SFQ completely or doesn't want to explain it to you completely.

Your store now has three different values for tracking inventory replenishment. On Hands, Sales Floor Quantity, and Backroom Quantity. On Hands is the total number of eaches you should have in your store. This is the most important number as it determines replenishment from the distribution center and financials. Sales Floor Quantity is how many eaches the system thinks are currently on the sales floor. This number replaced the old sales floor accumulator and determines in-store replenishment only (not what is shipped to you). Backroom Quantity determines how many eaches are in the backroom and whether in-store replenishment is possible. This number is more important now than in the past, as Target FINALLY started using this number to calculate on-hands for research and count adjustments.

Every location has a capacity and a quantity, but the computer only cares about the total quantity. If you have two shelves with a capacity of 12 each and there are 6 on each shelf, you could say there are 12 on one shelf and 0 on the other without messing anything up.

One of the greatest changes for backroom with SFQ & Capacity is that STO no longer lowers the sales floor quantity /accumulator. This means you can backstock product without fear of it pulling again immediately (unless its been sitting off location for days). When you PULL or SUBT an item from the backroom, it increases the SFQ. LOCU does not adjust the SFQ. If you ever need to relocate an item in the backroom, you want to LOCU it from the first location and LOCU or STO it into the second location. If you SUBT it from the first location and STO it in a new one, you will have increased the SFQ by however many you SUBT'd and likely have messed up replenishment.

You can totally LOCU product to purge and fill the sales floor, but only if you have a MyDevice. If you LOCU product and fill it on the sales floor, you need to scan the location you just filled and click "Manage Inventory" to increase the Sales Floor Quantity to however many you have filled. You can then backstock the rest without worrying about it pulling again.

SFQ determines in store replenishment only. If you LOCU something and fill it without adjusting the quantity, all you're doing is creating more work. You aren't going to break anything, it's just going to come back as backstock. This should only happen once, assuming you pulled enough to increase the SFQ close enough to the capacity to satisfy the autofill triggers.

If there's a lot of confusion on SFQ & Capacity, I'll try and type up a guide and post it later this week.

How the FCK does something have 0 on the floor, 0 in the back, but 10 onhands?
It was either a mispick, theft, bad zone, or BRLA error that made the product vanish from its sales floor locations and then Instocks zeroed out the count. SFQ updates in real-time, meaning as soon as they scan it to 0 it changes to 0. On Hands update once or twice a day after passing through some count adjustment filters.
In my entire Target career, I didn't know how to sign someone up for a Red Card. I only got one while I was there (Food Ave).

A lot of the other stuff in the store I didn't understand how to do (anything backroom, guest service, etc.).

Also, didn't read a lot of the replies to this thread, so it's probably already been addressed, but if the warranties are the way they used to be about 6 or 7 years ago, they were the best thing ever. I bought an Xbox 360 a few months after they came out and got the warranty with it. About 2 weeks before the warranty expired, it crapped out on me. I called the phone number on the card I got and (I think it was Target) sent me a box to ship it to them to check it out. I did that, they examined it for about a week, said that it was fried, sent me a gift card for the original purchase, and then, since the Xbox systems were cheaper and better than the original ones, I got a limited edition Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 bundle, with about 2 other games for the original cost of the first system. That was the best warranty I'd ever had! I still usually buy the warranty cards for big ticket items just for this reason.
Yes please post a guide. Everyone I know is clueless. Only thing we know for sure is that you can change the capacity to what you can actually see so that's pretty cool.

And I didn't know you can 'locu' with a mydevice. I thought you just use the 'take'
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