Archived Stuff You Still Don't Know How to Do.

Greatest Fear?

  • The waitress at the restaurant forgetting about you.

  • Accidentally bending your legs the opposite way.

  • Fear of getting electrocuted when plugging in appliances.

  • The battery in your phone exploding.

  • Finding a spider in the toilet paper roll.

  • Your phone alarm somehow failing to ring even though it's never done so.

  • The cashier giving you a look for buying 2 donuts, obviously for yourself.

  • Showing up to a costume party, only to realize it was LAST weekend.

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For the longest time, I didn't know you could return items with a check. So when a guest asked to do so, and I told her I couldn't, she got all sassy and rude with me. Usually when that happens, it further validates their stupidity, so I got over confident in my "We can't return stuff with a check." Welp....turns out we could. I shit the bed on that one. Lol, whoops!
I actually had to teach two of my GSTLs this. A guest came in and told me we could and I was like WHOA. I actually like when I learn things from guests because my appreciation for them is actually genuine. lol
Yes please post a guide. Everyone I know is clueless. Only thing we know for sure is that you can change the capacity to what you can actually see so that's pretty cool.

And I didn't know you can 'locu' with a mydevice. I thought you just use the 'take'
You can't LOCU with a MyDevice. There's still a lot of things you need a PDA and a MyDevice for. Last I heard they were still planning to add most the features on a PDA to the MyDevice at some point, but I don't think it will ever be able to replace the PDA. I spent two hours backstocking in our dairy cooler yesterday and the cold killed the battery on my MyDevice in 1.5 hours. My battery magically went back up to ~50% after I left the cooler and let it warm back up.
I actually had to teach two of my GSTLs this. A guest came in and told me we could and I was like WHOA. I actually like when I learn things from guests because my appreciation for them is actually genuine. lol

I've never encountered a situation where I've needed to do a return with a check. Do I just need to insert the check from the regular screen (as if I scanned a receipt) or do I need to K5 - K2 before inserting the check?

Also, to add to things that I still don't know how to do:
  • Deal with Price Accuracy items. Technically we have Price Accuracy TM's at our store, but our price accuracy box literally just sits behind Guest Service overflowing for months until someone decides to just defect/toss it all out. If an item comes up at Price Accuracy even on the defect page, our STL just said to throw it out.
  • Anything softlines. There have been a couple of times where I've been pulled off of a register before I moved up the food chain a bit to do reshop in Softlines, but without a myDevice telling me the exact location of an item I'm completely clueless.
  • Food Ave and Starbucks. I've brought it up with my ETL-GE before, saying that I should at least have a rudimentary knowledge of Food Ave and/or Starbucks in case something comes up, but I haven't been cross-trained there. I just know how to sell fountain sodas.
I have been shown maybe once or twice how to do UPC/DPCI maintenance but I totally forgot how to do it.

I also don't really understand how to read the payroll report from the Sales and Payroll daily reporting, haha!
I have been shown maybe once or twice how to do UPC/DPCI maintenance but I totally forgot how to do it.

I also don't really understand how to read the payroll report from the Sales and Payroll daily reporting, haha!
I generally prefer less than a half dozen people in my store know how to do UPC maintenance -- including ETLs. I just feel like people will break stuff.
I've never encountered a situation where I've needed to do a return with a check. Do I just need to insert the check from the regular screen (as if I scanned a receipt) or do I need to K5 - K2 before inserting the check?
Just insert the check for scanning in place of swiping a credit/debit card. From there, it should prompt your return.
If it was more than ten days out, it would come back in cash (w/option for giftcard).
If it was 2-5 days out, it would sometimes put the return on a giftcard.
I don't understand how they put up a planogram on a shelf or area where the stuff is put on pegboards.
I can't seem to follow how the labels are counted.

I can get as far as understand how to find the pegboard, but how to figure out their location numbers......I can figure out which section the item goes to, but having to figure out the rest.....well, the numbers just don't seems to follow any normal way to count.

As you can see, even trying to explain what I still don't understand isn't easy!

Got to thinking about these dumb pegboards because I was doing some re-shop in, still don't know how to read the pegboard numbers!!
SigningMinion, I don't think Pellinore means where the pegs are located on the pegboard but more that they often don't follow a simple, 1-p1-1 -> 1-p1-2 ect layout, but often skip numbers, put higher numbers before lower numbers, or generally make a mockery of the whole point of making locations easier to find by labelling them numerically.[/QUOTE] I'm reviewing things, this is exactly what I mean...meant.
How do paid and leftsee work? Luckily they aren't very common here. But, after you process the items from a paid and left...and then the guest actually comes back...and they grab new items, what next? I've been told to just hand them over to the guest, but I thought you had to do something with the paid and left reciept.
I'm kind of embarrassed, but to be honest I still don't know how to answer a call box or get a call on 2280. I'm trained for hardlines and softlines, but no one mentioned it or trained me on how to do it. I've worked at Target for eight months now so I think it's too late to ask leadership by now. I also still can't get the hang of taking off spider wraps.
@Target NPC - There used to be a way to scan the receipt that was created for the paid & left; you would scan & it was supposed to give you the option of 'return to stock' or 'guest picked up'.
Don't know if it's still done.
I don't know what to do with excess signing equipment( holders, label strips, etc. ) I just sneak into the signing room, set all of it down in a pile, and leave, making sure no identifying material is there.

Sorry, signing!


Leave. Now.


Seriously, though, ask your signing person what they would prefer. I would rather keep a bin by the door for people to toss their unknowns into, than find random surprises where people just shoved things where they don't belong. 😉
SigningMinion, I don't think Pellinore means where the pegs are located on the pegboard but more that they often don't follow a simple, 1-p1-1 -> 1-p1-2 ect layout, but often skip numbers, put higher numbers before lower numbers, or generally make a mockery of the whole point of making locations easier to find by labelling them numerically. I'm reviewing things, this is exactly what I mean...meant.[/QUOTE]
Basically if you are looking at a strictly standard Pog what they do in MOST CASES is from left to right 1 is first and say 10 is last BUT when the LOWEST ITEM is to the furthest right that will end up being #1. And the first item will actually be #2. Then G-d forbid there are multiple facings with things that hang lower than each other. Basically that is what determines how the labels get placed. The lowest haging item, and then left to right then multiples. Sometimes just for shits and giggles they toss #2 all the way at the top with #79 FOR NO REASON AT ALL. Those are the ones that make all of scratch our heads.

I cannot for the life of me do red cards. I always need help!! Doesn't matter I done quite a few. ALWAYS!!!
@Target NPC - There used to be a way to scan the receipt that was created for the paid & left; you would scan & it was supposed to give you the option of 'return to stock' or 'guest picked up'.
Don't know if it's still done.
We scan the receipt and it prompts us to put the money on a gift card and the guest can re-buy the items or buy what ever they want.
I don't know how to look up the report for who backstocked things. I want to look up who is making mistakes so I can let them know what they are doing wrong (I'm hoping its just new people who don't know better) My ETL said she would show me, but she has never done it even though I've asked multiple times.
I don't know how to look up the report for who backstocked things. I want to look up who is making mistakes so I can let them know what they are doing wrong (I'm hoping its just new people who don't know better) My ETL said she would show me, but she has never done it even though I've asked multiple times.

It's been a long while, but on a PC go to Store Applications > Restocking Menu > Backroom Detail Report.

The menu will let you select a range of backroom locations to generate in the report. If the location is 01a 001A01 then select your first location as 01a 001 A and the second as 01a 001 B.
It will show you all the DPCIs backstocked in that letter section (but not shelf number) and what TM was logged in when it was backstocked it last.

Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, as I said it's been awhile.

Edit: I used to love doing this when pulling a batch with gallon jugs of water and finding the casepacks backstocked upside down. Make sure you don't pull or subt an item if you want to see it on the report.
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I'm kind of embarrassed, but to be honest I still don't know how to answer a call box or get a call on 2280. I'm trained for hardlines and softlines, but no one mentioned it or trained me on how to do it. I've worked at Target for eight months now so I think it's too late to ask leadership by now. I also still can't get the hang of taking off spider wraps.
I am always confused about how to actually answer a callbox (I've done it before but I can't remember what needs to be pressed to clear it), but picking up phones calls on 2280 is fairly simple: go to a callbox and hit the extension 2280. After that you can just be like "this is emayf from Target, how may I help you".
@Target NPC - There used to be a way to scan the receipt that was created for the paid & left; you would scan & it was supposed to give you the option of 'return to stock' or 'guest picked up'.
Don't know if it's still done.

Yeah, that's what I thought. But the last time I tried that, I didn't see an option for picked up. All I could do was refund money. Really weird. It's one of those things that was just glossed over in training. I want to figure it out because I have some people to train. Lol, I'll mess with it tonight somehow.
I am always confused about how to actually answer a callbox (I've done it before but I can't remember what needs to be pressed to clear it), but picking up phones calls on 2280 is fairly simple: go to a callbox and hit the extension 2280. After that you can just be like "this is emayf from Target, how may I help you".

Thanks! 🙂
What about parking calls on 2280? I try to avoid using the extension as much as possible when I'm operator because it is difficult to deal with. Also, is there a way to get a call back? I was operator last night and the LOD gave me the AP Extension. I have most of the extensions memorised, so my mind was like "Hm, that's an odd extension," but I sent it through anyway. Then within seconds she was on walkie saying "Oh no, [soyaxo]! I just realised I gave you the wrong extension! Get the call back and reroute it to [extension number in clerical]." Um... Too little too late. I'm a decent operator. I'm always able to deal with many calls at once and all, but I admit I'm not the best with routing calls on the mobile phone.
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