Archived Stuff You Still Don't Know How to Do.

Greatest Fear?

  • The waitress at the restaurant forgetting about you.

  • Accidentally bending your legs the opposite way.

  • Fear of getting electrocuted when plugging in appliances.

  • The battery in your phone exploding.

  • Finding a spider in the toilet paper roll.

  • Your phone alarm somehow failing to ring even though it's never done so.

  • The cashier giving you a look for buying 2 donuts, obviously for yourself.

  • Showing up to a costume party, only to realize it was LAST weekend.

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May 23, 2015

I'm coming up on my 3rd year as a Target Team Member. While I'm extremely proud of my work ethic and impact on my store, I realize, there are a lot of little, easy things, I never actually learned how to do. Either because they're things I don't encounter often, or was just never trained on, or I found a different solution to the problem.

So, I am starting this thread for people to share funny little things you don't know how to do at work despite being there for what feels like an eternity, and we can all laugh at our stupidity/help others. 😀

One of the main things I realize I don't know how to do, is using Warrantees. I know how to sell them, but I have no idea how the warrantees are supposed to be used or how they work. On the small amount of times a guest needed to replace an item, and they had actually bought a warrantee, I ended up just exchanging the item for them for a new one, since that's usually all the want. Basically just processing it as a return without a receipt. I have a feeling that's NOT the way to be going about this. However, no one else knows any better way to do it either. It makes buying a warrantee seem pointless.
As a GSA ... I never learned how to use the gun to add stickers to clothing. I've just been putting the white barcode sticker and clearance stickers on other tags within the clothes.
I've been a cashier for 6 months and I still don't know how to count back change very well...if at all. I never saw the need as most people don't really care and they just take the change and immediately put it in their pocket/purse/wallet.
If the guest has warranty or ESP, you are not supposed exchange the item at the store as a no receipt. If the item has a serial number, you have made their original 2 year or 3 year ESP void per terms and conditions by giving them a new item with a different serial number. Ask your GSA or gstl for help on training/direction on ESP.
If the guest has registered their product after purchase, they are need to contact the 800 number on the ESP. Then, they will shipped their item to the ESP folks for replacement or a gift card. A friend of mine, had an iPad that had a smash screen & got a gift card for it.
We got some new ESPs cards in last week, with higher prices for plans than the old ones, that have better coverage for damages than before.
But every store is different on how they handle returns or ESP.
If the guest has registered their product after purchase, they are need to contact the 800 number on the ESP. Then, they will shipped their item to the ESP folks for replacement or a gift card.
Some additional notes:
  • In the event they want to make use of the ESP, the guest needs to know the serial number of the ESP they purchased which is located on the bottom beneath the bar codes and on the receipt itself. I always underline and circle both spots and make sure the guest understands how important that number is. It is the one thing that should not be lost.
  • Registration of the plan is not required, but it does make the process easier. If they did not register their plan and they want to file a complaint online, they need to know the date the plan was purchased. If they make a phone call to the 800 number, they just need to know the ESP serial number.
  • There is a price point where the item in question will most likely not be requested back. All Apple products certainly will be, but something like a Nintendo 2DS will likely not be wanted back.
  • In nearly all cases, a gift card will be mailed to the guest.
One of the things I do not have a full grasp on yet is how to process check-ins in receiving. I have done it once or twice under guidance, but it would be nice to be able to do it myself so I don't have to wait for the reverse-logistics TM to check in new movies, video games, etc.
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Still not completely sure how to flex items. I still don't believe it's as simple as finding any item that fits and printing a generic label for it.
Still not completely sure how to flex items. I still don't believe it's as simple as finding any item that fits and printing a generic label for it.
It can be! Find something that makes sense where you're putting it, print a generic label, put it in a flip label holder and put both the product and the label where you want it to go.

The big things are things making sense and the flip label holder, in my opinion. If there is already product around where you're flexing, you should attempt to stay within that theme. If you're flexing onto a Lego endcap that's exhibiting a sale, for instance, choose more Legos that are on sale to flex in and not Monster High dolls.

The flip label holder ensures that once the out-of-stock product comes in the label can be pulled off, the correct product can be stocked in the location, and the planogram can be maintained. I cannot tell you how annoying it is when someone throws away planogrammed labels (especially peg locations) when they are flexing and I have to redo the section when product finally comes back in...
I had no idea how to do anything on the floor, I was in the backroom maybe 3 times and that was to print signs - I had to get help on how to do it.. - but I sure new how to run the front end.
10 years. Instocks/sales floor/backroom/bikes
I also knew next to nothing about warranties. Don't know anything about receiving, guest service, food ave, deli/bakery, or price changes.
Back when I first started I had no idea how to set up a redcard for like the first 4 months lol. I was cashier/carts.
Back when I first started I had no idea how to set up a redcard for like the first 4 months lol. I was cashier/carts.

No worries. We have a cashier who has been here for I don't know how long. Five years? More? And still doesn't understand how to do that, and on the off chance she gets one, she has to ask for someone else to do it for her.
I still don't know how to defect. I can qmos like a madman, but I leave defects for guest services.
For the life of me, I can't figure out the spiderwraps. If you give me the smaller one, I'll stand there getting anxious because I'm unsure as to how to get it off. The bigger ones I'm learning (keep in mind I only backup if needed so I'm not cashiering often) but it's still embarrassing to have to ask the GSA or the person next to me to help me!
Four years. No idea how to create a backroom location label.

I cannot find anything in softlines much less zone it. The fuck is a boyfriend sweater what does that mean. I may be gay but I do not follow that stereotype about fashion.

I have been told what rigs are 2000000 times but I still don't know.
I don't know how to cashier. I can to a point at deli with one or two items and no coupons, but on the check lanes? Fuggedaboutit
I still haven't mastered removing a spider wrap. I don't cashier very much, just as back-up.
I don't have any clue what a rig is.

I can never remember how to answer a red phone on the salesfloor. I cover hardliners once every two months and I always have to ask.
I have a hardlines team member who has been here for years and she still doesn't know how to use the register. I think she got trained, but she just never responds for backup so they don't even bother calling her up.
I've been a cashier for 6 months and I still don't know how to count back change very well...if at all. I never saw the need as most people don't really care and they just take the change and immediately put it in their pocket/purse/wallet.
I hope you're joking
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