I'm Lost! The Call In/Sick/Late/NCNS/Attendance Thread

Regarding the early morning thing, I had this same problem a few weeks ago when I was crazy sick and couldn't make my 6am shift. I called in at 4am on the dot and the Plano TL picked up but there was nothing she or the LOD could do because he's only a SrTL with no access to the system. So I called back at 7 but the ETL still wasn't in yet so I didn't end up getting through till I called back a 3rd time an hour and a half past shift. I don't know if I would have been fine with that first call out or not, but I'd be danged if I got written up for not calling in on time because of something stupid like that. I wanted to make sure the ETL knew I'd called at the proper two hours pre-shift so I was covered. Anyway, that's my story, lol.
If there are team members in the store someone is in charge. Someone is the LOD and you should be able to call in to them. I was the Flow TL keyholder so I was the LOD until an ETL showed up. I would take any call offs and put them into the PDA. I would also let the opening LOD know as soon as they showed up who called off. My team or POG team would call off to me as soon as I walked in the door. You may not be able to call off 2 hours before your shift if no one is there but you still had 2 hours after the start of your shift. If they knew in the evening they wouldn't be in they might also call off to the closing LOD. Nothing mad me more angry then the closing LOD forgetting to put it in the PDA or their closing shift report. I would have to ask them if they forgot to tell me something especially when I knew it was one of my better workers that would never NC/NS. Also not thinking to try and fill a backroom shift or moving someone from a later start time to earlier so I wouldnt' be short handed on the truckline etc. But that would require thought by the LOD at night and that usually wouldn't happen.
You are paid out all Vacation the week AFTER your termination gets keyed. You ALSO get your Personal Holiday Hours IF you are in a state that requires your employer to pay those out, usually a Democratic state like New York, California, New Jersey, etc.
From what I am aware of, when you leave good old spot, your vacation time is paid out but your personal hours are not. What happens to your sick time? I never had the slightest idea how to use it anyways and it never got used when I was actually "sick." I heard from co-workers in my store that it does get paid out but before I call it quits for good, I wanted to know what happens to it because there is a good chunk of time in there. Thanks.
There are many hoops to jump through to get a team member fired. At our store, 1 call-in is nothing, but team members really start to abuse the policy. (3 call-ins a month, every month.) If you call in, do it for legit reasons and try not to abuse the privilege. Hopefully, if your store is on the up and up, they'll only start to talk to you when they notice a pattern developing.
I had an LOD complaining the other day to me that unless it was a death, she really didn't care why a person was calling out, it was all the same, and they should just say they aren't coming in and get off the phone.
it's NOT all "the same". If a person is legitimately out for FMLA for themself or a family member, it's a protected absence, call the TBC for clarification 800-828-5850 pick LOA menu optioni
I had an LOD complaining the other day to me that unless it was a death, she really didn't care why a person was calling out, it was all the same, and they should just say they aren't coming in and get off the phone.
we are finally back to Target policy for the stores for team members (5% for attendance, 15% for tardiness). Thing is I called out once last month....so I checked with one TL because it was a not too many shifts month so I wanted to make sure I was under the percentage. Turns out our HR had keyed my time off request (and the acceptance of) wrong and I was red that day, making me over by a bit. Hope I don't have to go through the hassle each of the next few months as I have a bunch of time off requests coming up.
we are finally back to Target policy for the stores for team members (5% for attendance, 15% for tardiness). Thing is I called out once last month....so I checked with one TL because it was a not too many shifts month so I wanted to make sure I was under the percentage. Turns out our HR had keyed my time off request (and the acceptance of) wrong and I was red that day, making me over by a bit. Hope I don't have to go through the hassle each of the next few months as I have a bunch of time off requests coming up.
Don't delete any submitted or approved on max.
At my store ... when you call during night time for your day side shift, HR-TM just puts it in the book, and also if you call out for your overnight shift, you do not have to talk with the LOD. Ok, my store have 20-40 call outs in 24 hours, especially on payday Fridays and Saturdays, so it gets too much to speak with everyone. Time to call out is two hours, but you can get away up to half an hour before your shift.

And yes, my store is on the bottom of the list for attendants in the company. But it is hard when you have 300+ TMs.
I used to hound my LOD/HR team about making changes to the schedule for myself and my team whenever we'd come in early/stay late... they hated it but I was covering my ass.

I just go into MAX and do the early/late edits myself. The TSC staff does not always remember to do edits on a day to day basis for people who leave early or stay late.
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with all the crazy weather we got in new england and the fact that states have shut down roads our stores are still open someone has to be in the building stl or etl, if you had work you call out in our store they tell is in case of extreme weather like snows hurricanes those who cant get to work can call out and not count against them
So, just recently for whatever reason we now only have someone in market/pfresh form 8am to 8pm. This week it has been 7am-7pm. Are you #%%# kidding me? One of the LODs was talking to my CTL and had mentioned the closer didnt get to the DRY zone and my CTL acted all shocked it wasnt done. Maybe if they closed once they would know what it is like. The LOD was awesome though, they said, "well, they ARE only here till 7, so....." But ya this is rediculous. They cut our pfresh hours by 3 hours EVERY day and expect the EXACT same work to get done. Please tell me none of you guys have had to deal with this in your pfresh area, its complete BUll%%#. When I closed this last week I just flat out told the LOD, im off in __ minutes til 7 and I got EVERYTHING other than the dry market zone and had to do cleaning as well, sorry, I cant do it all.

Sorry for venting, this is just rediculous though. I think I saw only 2 closers listed yesterday too for the salesfloor, lol, so crazy.
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If they start giving you a hard time about things not getting done, do they wide eyed innocent look and ask for detailed step by step instructions on how exactly they would go about accomplishing the work in the time assigned.
Every time they fudge a spot ask them to back up and actually show you how that it possible because you really want to be the best possible TM.
So, just recently for whatever reason we now only have someone in market/pfresh form 8am to 8pm. This week it has been 7am-7pm. Are you #%%# kidding me? One of the LODs was talking to my CTL and had mentioned the closer didnt get to the DRY zone and my CTL acted all shocked it wasnt done. Maybe if they closed once they would know what it is like. The LOD was awesome though, they said, "well, they ARE only here till 7, so....." But ya this is rediculous. They cut our pfresh hours by 3 hours EVERY day and expect the EXACT same work to get done. Please tell me none of you guys have had to deal with this in your pfresh area, its complete BUll%%#. When I closed this last week I just flat out told the LOD, im off in __ minutes til 7 and I got EVERYTHING other than the dry market zone and had to do cleaning as well, sorry, I cant do it all.

Sorry for venting, this is just rediculous though. I think I saw only 2 closers listed yesterday too for the salesfloor, lol, so crazy.

We know where your coming from, hours are being cut everywhere. Hang in there man
This may sound like a very stupid question but I have no Idea who I should call to call in, lol. I got a very nasty flu this week and it hasn't gone away yet so there's no way I can be efficient on flow team, especially since I'm one of the regulars that unloads the truck. I'm wondering who I have to call and when I should call. My shift doesn't start until 4:00am tomorrow. Also I have one of my LOD's/Team leaders (I don't know which one she is, I'm sort of new). She usually texts or calls me if I want to get more shifts or if the truck gets cancelled. Can I just let her know ahead of time or do I have to call someone else?
So, just recently for whatever reason we now only have someone in market/pfresh form 8am to 8pm. This week it has been 7am-7pm. Are you #%%# kidding me? One of the LODs was talking to my CTL and had mentioned the closer didnt get to the DRY zone and my CTL acted all shocked it wasnt done. Maybe if they closed once they would know what it is like. The LOD was awesome though, they said, "well, they ARE only here till 7, so....." But ya this is rediculous. They cut our pfresh hours by 3 hours EVERY day and expect the EXACT same work to get done. Please tell me none of you guys have had to deal with this in your pfresh area, its complete BUll%%#. When I closed this last week I just flat out told the LOD, im off in __ minutes til 7 and I got EVERYTHING other than the dry market zone and had to do cleaning as well, sorry, I cant do it all.

Sorry for venting, this is just rediculous though. I think I saw only 2 closers listed yesterday too for the salesfloor, lol, so crazy.

We know where your coming from, hours are being cut everywhere. Hang in there man

We havent finished pushing wednesdays truck n amother coming tomorrow.
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They cut our sales floor, as in only fitting room and electronics on valentines day. My zone is at least 600 shelves and 30 end apps.

I'm done with this crap, especially since HR now has two assistants and AP hours doubled.
Hoping this thread is still alive...

A quick question, I called out on Tuesday sick. After having Wednesday and Thursday off, I have decided to take my shift off tomorrow as well (I just got out of bed, ohhh...an hour ago.) Since these are two consecutive working days, but not calendar days. Is that counted as two in a row, or two separate call-ins?

BTW I don't have a doctors note

On sort of the same note; How do I know if i have a write-up, corrective action, or whatever would be considered a "S".

I had a NCNS in mid-July and had to sign some form. That is my only write-up I guess.
2 or even 3 days in a row is fine, as long as it is an isolated incident and you don't have any attendance Ss against you. They only look for patterns... They need to first coach you on your attendance, and then usually coach you a second time with the warning of punishment, THEN cca. So yeah you should be fine.

NCNS is a conduct CCA
Call ins/Lates is a performance CCA.

Only a conduct CCA can affect your NCNS and make it go to a final warning.

If you have 3 active CCAs you have to sign a Multi-CCA Form I believe, which I think puts you on an automatic final warning...
They cut our sales floor, as in only fitting room and electronics on valentines day. My zone is at least 600 shelves and 30 end apps.

I'm done with this crap, especially since HR now has two assistants and AP hours doubled.

Ironically enough I was looking at AP hours and they get like 40 more per week than we do in pfresh... O_O

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