Archived The Sign Said!

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Well, not every store does this. I was in Ulta the other day buying shampoo for myself and my daughter. The products we use had signs everywhere that said, buy two get two free and then the fine print said "on finishing and styling products" but the signs were in front of every single kind of shampoo and conditioner. I thought to myself, maybe I don't understand what finishing and styling products are. Why would they put these signs everywhere with the shampoo and conditioner? Of course, they didn't ring up for free and I asked about it, and they wouldn't budge - even admitting that yes, they put the signs in front of the shampoo and conditioner - just to bring it to the attention of people shopping that other products of the same brand are on sale. I thought for sure she'd give me the discount since it really is misleading, but nope! I know I would have gotten the discount at Target.
I always make it a point to come to work alittle early each day especially on a Sunday to look at what is on sale and what is expired. I try to always honor a sign but my personal favorite is a lady come in July and claimed her baby back ribs were 2:99... and she took a picture of it. The ribs rang up 16 buck and she got all bitchy and showed me her phone. I was not trusting her and thought to myself "how do I know you didn't just take that at some random location" I was watching the lanes for the GSA at the time and so I called back to market and I wanted to guest to hear them so they said it is 299 a LB! so she ended up complaining to the LOD and even the LOD told her no. she left in a huff. LOL
The best part is having a TM bring the sign up to show the guest, and they still get upset. "No, that's not right, your signs are misleading."
It's either that, or you can't read past the second word. But hey, who am I? I just work here or something.

If they looked at the sign for more than 1 second they'd realize 99% of the time it's not misleading, they just didn't read. Take the BOGO 50% sign, if you're just glancing all that catches your eye is the 50%. But if you pause for even a second and READ IT it clearly says buy one get one 50%. I'm tired of correcting people with, THIS SHOULD BE 50% OFF, no it's buy one get one 50% off, THATS NOT WHAT YOUR SIGN SAY, ma'am i will bet you my paycheck that's what the sign says.
Personally think all of target's bogo signs are evil. They get you to walk over because you see 50% then you get closer and that little bogo becomes clear. I never give it to them, but I sympathize because I believe the sign creators knew that would happen.

Also my store seems to be pretty prone to wrong signs so it doesn't even bother me when people tell me about signs they saw. If it sounds too good to be true, I check it out. If it's not a big difference, I just change it. Sometimes I do price inquiry to see if it were a recent sale price. I just try to tell someone or take the sign down afterward.

Few weeks ago, men's trouser socks were on sale. The sign said the bigger pack was $2.68. The socks were originally 8.99 but were on sale for $8 in actuality. My mom took a pic of the sign and bought some for 2.68. SL TL was covering for gstl so I assumed she'd take the sign down lol. Last day of the sale, I get called to register for the price check for the same damn sock deal. So ridiculous. I would've taken the sign down earlier if I'd known, but I'm not usually in men's so I wasn't aware.
There have been plenty of signs I have misread shopping but I am always polite about it and as long as it is in the 5 dollar range most TMs will change it. one store I try my best to avoid (mostly because of rude TMs) will not change it even if it is a penny off. :/
There have been plenty of signs I have misread shopping but I am always polite about it and as long as it is in the 5 dollar range most TMs will change it. one store I try my best to avoid (mostly because of rude TMs) will not change it even if it is a penny off. :/
We should all do that. I'll bet those TMs are rude because so many people were taking advantage of this policy, so the store had to put their foot down and do price checks on every price difference. However at my store it's the "$20 and reasonable rule." So generally we will just change it for under $20 if reasonable (reasonable =/= 19.99 --> 0.50), but I've seen LODs do +$40 price changes because they're too lazy to get on the walkie for a minute to do a price check.

I mean what's the point of trying to get around visa's interchange fees with the redcard if we're just going to destroy our profit margin on any items that a guest "thought" should be lower?
There have been plenty of signs I have misread shopping but I am always polite about it and as long as it is in the 5 dollar range most TMs will change it. one store I try my best to avoid (mostly because of rude TMs) will not change it even if it is a penny off. :/
We should all do that. I'll bet those TMs are rude because so many people were taking advantage of this policy, so the store had to put their foot down and do price checks on every price difference. However at my store it's the "$20 and reasonable rule." So generally we will just change it for under $20 if reasonable (reasonable =/= 19.99 --> 0.50), but I've seen LODs do +$40 price changes because they're too lazy to get on the walkie for a minute to do a price check.

I mean what's the point of trying to get around visa's interchange fees with the redcard if we're just going to destroy our profit margin on any items that a guest "thought" should be lower?
yea the target down the road from me will not even check... it is always "NO!" oy it is annoying.
For those who are completely against giving it to them, has your store not ever missed a sign during ad takedown? Are we to assume guests know where to find that tiny date on the bottom of the signs that get missed? What about those times the signs are misprinted? Or actually in the wrong place? I know the signs typically say what's on sale, but today, I was in the trail mix aisle (doing the 4x4) and some of the signs say Archer Farms trail mix instead of saying the actual one that it refers to... And no, they aren't all the same price.

What about all these occasions?

I'm not giving shit out willy nilly, but if it sounds like it makes sense and they're not being an ass about it, I'm not wasting a whole line's time over $1.35 or whatever.
Guest: "Everything Christmas is 90% off."

ME: "Um, no, candy is 70% off, decor is 90% off."

Guest: "But the lady back there told me the candy would be cheaper than the price marked."

ME: "Um, yeah, the candy is cheaper - 70% cheaper"

Guest: "Why did you charge me $3.99 for these socks? They should be 90% off."

ME: "Ma'am, those are Mossimo. They are not Christmas socks. They're RED, but they are not Christmas. Sorry"

She left a full cart of red socks and Christmas candy at my lane.
There have been times where I wish I could change a price. The other day a lady comes by my lane with some curtains for 79.99.
She says they're 44.99. I Say you're full of poop, so I call a sales floor tm, he comes takes her to the curtains and it turns out the curtains were 44.99 in every single color but the one she had.
I thought that was BS and I would have changed the price for her if I was a supervisor.
There have been times where I wish I could change a price. The other day a lady comes by my lane with some curtains for 79.99.
She says they're 44.99. I Say you're full of poop, so I call a sales floor tm, he comes takes her to the curtains and it turns out the curtains were 44.99 in every single color but the one she had.
I thought that was BS and I would have changed the price for her if I was a supervisor.

On those I'm pretty certain that's a good example of not having someone to actually check what the system was doing (see thread about identical dolls of different colors).
Fixing that yourself is a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
Knowing how things are I always check when shopping at Target now. Bad zones mixed with signs that require mutiple types of items are always a problem. And old signs as well. But, I know to look for those things. Guests they expect to see a sign and the thing on shelf be what is for sale. Man sales in the paper products are always jacked up, nothing is ever where it is suppose to be.
Guest: "Everything Christmas is 90% off."

ME: "Um, no, candy is 70% off, decor is 90% off."

Guest: "But the lady back there told me the candy would be cheaper than the price marked."

ME: "Um, yeah, the candy is cheaper - 70% cheaper"

Guest: "Why did you charge me $3.99 for these socks? They should be 90% off."

ME: "Ma'am, those are Mossimo. They are not Christmas socks. They're RED, but they are not Christmas. Sorry"

She left a full cart of red socks and Christmas candy at my lane.

I had a Christmas clearance guest who I just gave the 90% on Christmas food since she bought about $100 worth of Christmas clearance clothing that was 90%.

Figured it'd be best since she was helping get rid of so much of it.
Isn't it funny that we say "the sign says" or "the sign said"? Signs don't talk. I mention that because I remember an English teacher in high school bitching to me about one of my papers having something along the lines of "the book says". And she wrote on my paper "books can't talk". 😛
Isn't it funny that we say "the sign says" or "the sign said"? Signs don't talk. I mention that because I remember an English teacher in high school bitching to me about one of my papers having something along the lines of "the book says". And she wrote on my paper "books can't talk". 😛

At which point I would have written her a note that said "Teachers shouldn't be pedantic."
Which is probably why I butted heads with so many of my teachers.
Everyone who reuses to change the price if the guest believes it is wrong: For goodness sakes.... if it is 50 cents off or whatever we will still make that up at the end of the day with the amount of stuff that we sell. Sometimes TMs put signs out wrong or forget to take expired ones down. Sometimes the signs are a bit misleading but hey if it sounds reasonable I have no problem changing it. Now do not get me wrong I am not going to give the store away to a con artist and I am sure I have been lied to on a number of occasions with the xmas stuff but than I again I said to myself "we are getting rid of it all anyways" but at the end of the day Target is going to make up for the price difference anyways and still make money.
Everyone who reuses to change the price if the guest believes it is wrong: For goodness sakes.... if it is 50 cents off or whatever we will still make that up at the end of the day with the amount of stuff that we sell. Sometimes TMs put signs out wrong or forget to take expired ones down. Sometimes the signs are a bit misleading but hey if it sounds reasonable I have no problem changing it. Now do not get me wrong I am not going to give the store away to a con artist and I am sure I have been lied to on a number of occasions with the xmas stuff but than I again I said to myself "we are getting rid of it all anyways" but at the end of the day Target is going to make up for the price difference anyways and still make money.

Most of the people in this thread that refuse to change prices only refuse when it's aomwthing ridiculous
Our one GSA doesn't do checks anymore. Shortly before Xmas we had a guest knock a $100 item down to $49.99, simply by claiming "the sign said." Well there wasn't any sign for that price anywhere even close to that item. We were scammed. But nothing came of it, of course. Soon we'll start opening the cash drawers and having the guest take anything of choosing, because why not? Spot will just make up for it by slashing more hours.
Guests also get annoying with the coupons. I had this one guest that tried to buy travel sized bottles of lotion worth $1.99 and they tried to use $3 coupons on them. I had to read the coupon out loud to them and say it only applies to the bigger sizes.
I always make it a point to come to work alittle early each day especially on a Sunday to look at what is on sale and what is expired. I try to always honor a sign but my personal favorite is a lady come in July and claimed her baby back ribs were 2:99... and she took a picture of it. The ribs rang up 16 buck and she got all bitchy and showed me her phone. I was not trusting her and thought to myself "how do I know you didn't just take that at some random location" I was watching the lanes for the GSA at the time and so I called back to market and I wanted to guest to hear them so they said it is 299 a LB! so she ended up complaining to the LOD and even the LOD told her no. she left in a huff. LOL
Had the same thing happen over the summer. It was a typo and went viral on the sites that look for bogus signs and deals at retail stores..
I had a guy come in the other day who wanted something for almost nothing because he said he saw on slickdeals that there was a typo at I said I am not honoring it.. Said, expecting to get something practically free from us because a site named slick deal - which in itself sounds shady - is saying we will honor a product price isn't going to work. Target also has the right to refuse. Do you want to hear the same thing from the manager or do you want corporate phone number?
I can't believe I actually said that to him and was waiting for him to ask for the manager..he left without the items... I told the stl about it and showed him the typo on
He said he would have backed my decision had I called him to guest services.. It is so rare for an stl to say that, but it was an obvious typo.
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