Well, not every store does this. I was in Ulta the other day buying shampoo for myself and my daughter. The products we use had signs everywhere that said, buy two get two free and then the fine print said "on finishing and styling products" but the signs were in front of every single kind of shampoo and conditioner. I thought to myself, maybe I don't understand what finishing and styling products are. Why would they put these signs everywhere with the shampoo and conditioner? Of course, they didn't ring up for free and I asked about it, and they wouldn't budge - even admitting that yes, they put the signs in front of the shampoo and conditioner - just to bring it to the attention of people shopping that other products of the same brand are on sale. I thought for sure she'd give me the discount since it really is misleading, but nope! I know I would have gotten the discount at Target.