Archived The Sign Said!

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The best part is when they claim false advertising and threaten to call corporate and the Better Business Bureau because we won't adjust a price. Man, do I get a kick out of that!

Guests also get annoying with the coupons. I had this one guest that tried to buy travel sized bottles of lotion worth $1.99 and they tried to use $3 coupons on them. I had to read the coupon out loud to them and say it only applies to the bigger sizes.
Don't even get me started on these guys. Had one in my lane this morning. As soon as she saw my face she just took her cart and went back to HBA.
Defang, the couponers won't ever come through my line (the trial size/3x as much coupon people) nor will the baby formula abuser people.
Isn't it funny that we say "the sign says" or "the sign said"? Signs don't talk. I mention that because I remember an English teacher in high school bitching to me about one of my papers having something along the lines of "the book says". And she wrote on my paper "books can't talk". 😛
There's the difference between actual spoken english that everyone in this country understands vs the english our picky college educated teachers try to teach us. I'm sorry, a language is a living thing that you can't change and trying to make us talk like people from the 1950s isn't going to change anything.
Hey now, slickdeals is pretty awesome, but sometimes people do post shady cheats. In my experience that's not the majority.
I had a guest once when I was backing up who insisted that a $200 trading card set was actually $19.99, because "the sign said" (no it didn't). He fully expected me to just give it to him and I was like uh, no. The GSTL was even like dude, come on. She walked him over to where it was and they stood over there for a good 15-20 minutes while I'm sure he argued with her when she undoubtedly showed him that the sign did, in fact, say $199.99. Nice try, bro.
There was this one sale going on that if you buy a specific pack of baby wipes, you get a second pack free.

Not a second pack of the same wipes. A second pack of 64-count wipes.

So many unhappy guests. If only they'd learn to read the entire thing...

OMG, I went through this a few times!! One lady even went back and BROUGHT BACK THE SIGN! She clearly didn't read the size of the free one!! Our gsa ran back and got her the small free one.
If the 5.99 package was really BOGO there probably wouldn't be any left on the shelf!
I'm always surprised when someone is proven wrong and they don't go back to get the correct free item. Shoot, give it to me...I'll take it. Lazy asses.
Guests also get annoying with the coupons. I had this one guest that tried to buy travel sized bottles of lotion worth $1.99 and they tried to use $3 coupons on them. I had to read the coupon out loud to them and say it only applies to the bigger sizes.

I hope you were extra loud, condescending, and read it veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ssssssllllllllllloooooooowwwwwwwwllllllllyyyyyyyyy to the guest. 😀
I did my first full cashier shift yesterday and ran into the coupon complainers. The one that I really sympathized with was someone who brought in the $5 off $30 in groceries. She spent around $100 but it included laundry detergent and ziplock bags and other things and there wasn't $30 in what Target considers groceries. If I didn't work at Target, I probably would have considered the laundry detergent "groceries" too, since they sell it at grocery stores. If Target meant food only, it should say $5 off $30 in food. I called a supervisor over thinking she would just take $5 off one of the laundry detergents, but she wouldn't budge. *Shrug* That guest left MAD.
If I didn't work at Target, I probably would have considered the laundry detergent "groceries" too, since they sell it at grocery stores.

That makes no sense, by that logic would you consider things that a drugstore sells drugs?

I don't, but I do consider everything I buy at the grocery store "groceries". I can't help it if it makes no sense to you, that's just my mental definition of the word and it was clearly this lady's as well. I don't think she was trying to pull a fast one. She was genuinely baffled as to how the laundry detergent didn't count as groceries. Food is a lot more clear than groceries. If Target means food, it should say food.
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Love the sticker slappers. Had a guest slap a sticker on a $24.99 sweater that said "Online Item - $2.96." She argued & argued that we should honor it because that's what the sticker says. Yeah, no.
Sometimes online items are REALLY discounted. I got a $40 humidifier for <$5 because it was an online item that was not carried in our store.
For those who are completely against giving it to them, has your store not ever missed a sign during ad takedown? Are we to assume guests know where to find that tiny date on the bottom of the signs that get missed? What about those times the signs are misprinted? Or actually in the wrong place? I know the signs typically say what's on sale, but today, I was in the trail mix aisle (doing the 4x4) and some of the signs say Archer Farms trail mix instead of saying the actual one that it refers to... And no, they aren't all the same price.

What about all these occasions?

I'm not giving shit out willy nilly, but if it sounds like it makes sense and they're not being an ass about it, I'm not wasting a whole line's time over $1.35 or whatever.
EXACTLY!!!! I had a guest tell me last week that the Children's Advil she was buying should have a gift card. The register wasn't prompting me & we weren't busy so I walked out and looked at the sign (I can see it from our register). I think the promo ended 12/13, but the signs were all still up!!! Needless to say, I honored the sign, but took them down.
Isn't it funny that we say "the sign says" or "the sign said"? Signs don't talk. I mention that because I remember an English teacher in high school bitching to me about one of my papers having something along the lines of "the book says". And she wrote on my paper "books can't talk". 😛
And I would have pulled out my dictionary and photocopied the definition, which includes "non-verbal" definitions of "say" 😉

copied from Enable a listener or reader to learn or understand something by conveying or revealing (information or ideas)
If I didn't work at Target, I probably would have considered the laundry detergent "groceries" too, since they sell it at grocery stores.

That makes no sense, by that logic would you consider things that a drugstore sells drugs?
Or, if you buy a candy bar at a "hardware store" or "electronics store" (think Ace Hardware or Best Buy), would it be "hardware" or "electronics"?
I don't, but I do consider everything I buy at the grocery store "groceries". I can't help it if it makes no sense to you, that's just my mental definition of the word and it was clearly this lady's as well. I don't think she was trying to pull a fast one. She was genuinely baffled as to how the laundry detergent didn't count as groceries. Food is a lot more clear than groceries. If Target means food, it should say food.

Makeup and flowers confirmed as groceries now
I did my first full cashier shift yesterday and ran into the coupon complainers. The one that I really sympathized with was someone who brought in the $5 off $30 in groceries. She spent around $100 but it included laundry detergent and ziplock bags and other things and there wasn't $30 in what Target considers groceries. If I didn't work at Target, I probably would have considered the laundry detergent "groceries" too, since they sell it at grocery stores. If Target meant food only, it should say $5 off $30 in food. I called a supervisor over thinking she would just take $5 off one of the laundry detergents, but she wouldn't budge. *Shrug* That guest left MAD.

I could see how this would count as groceries. I forget when, put all cleaning supplies in the green aisles, count as grocery sales. Hardlines aren't suppose to zone them because it counts as grocery. Some of these signs need to be more clear.
Today I had a lady who was buying 2 cotton/sports bra-like items. They rang up at 16.99 each and she said Oh, those said 9.99 back there.
Now I could've just changed the amount to 9.99 but I'm so done with that! I went to turn on my light to have someone check and she said she didn't have time and that she had to pick up her daughter. Okie dokie then. Moving on...

Had an older couple check out with a 2-pack of furnace filters. He said that it was supposed to come with a giftcard when you bought 2. I scanned the barcode again and sure 'nuff it prompted for a gc. I told him this and he said it only said you had to buy 2. I said, yes, 2 packages. He said Nevermind, take it off. Ok, then...

*deep sigh*
My favorite was when we had a BOGO half off on shoes last year. An older guest was putting up a stink because he told the cashier to scan the least expensive one first so that the second and more expensive pair would be half off. I explained that all these types of promotions at any retail store would give the least expensive half off. He fought me and even made me go back and bring the sign up to show him that it supported what I told him (which I knew it would.) And even after that he would not let it go. This was within the first couple of weeks of "all things, all guests" or "be bold" or whatever you want to call it. I knew 100% that the LOD would not back me up and would get angry with me for not just doing it for the guest, so I sadly "made it right" for the guest as corporate would call it. It killed me to do it. Like really. I died a little bit inside that this is what Target has come to.
my favorite was a father and son buying dollar spot items and than the father got all pissy with me when things rang up 3 dollars. He said "but they were in the dollar spot!" so I said "it is dollar items AND 3 dollar items" I also pointed to the sign we could both clearly see. It strangely felt good.
The week of Thanksgiving, I was pushing the dairy and frozen autofill. I was placing the cream cheese in the cooler and noticed it was on sale 2 for 2.00( This was the brand name cream cheese mind you). So, I thought wow that's a great deal. I even double checked the sign to make sure it matched up with the right product and everything. So, I finish my shift and pick up4 bars of cream cheese and some other items. I check out and get to the car and look at receipt ...the cream cheese ran up at 2.00 each instead of the posted price , so I was overcharged 4.00. The next time I worked , I went to the service desk with receipt and told them...the gsa all but called me a liar saying that no one else had complained and was I sure I read the sign right. I told her yes and in matter of fact I had double checked and its still there I then told her, that she could have someone to check.. She then called the srtl over consumables and asked did she know anything about it ...the srtl said go ahead and take care of the guest. So, the money was credited back to my Red Debit Card. I walked away and went straight to the srtl and told her that I was the guest and said have you looked at the sign she said no...not yet. Well, we walked back there together and she saw the sign. She then said that it was a misprint and took the sign down. I then told her can you please let ......( name of gsa) know...cause I don't lie. I say all of that to say this...sometimes things are in the wrong place and or they are signed wrong so not every guest is trying to pull a fast one.
@tgtguy Some stores are really stingy on team members using price challenges, since we know that most guests get any item for whatever price they want within +/- $20. They really should just change the prices for TMs since most of us know how to read signs better than guests. GSA is being an idiot over $4...I bet she wouldn't want to be treated the same way if she had a similar issue. I still think we should check signs for all price challenges over $5 or $10, cumulative (so they can't keep saying each item was $1 less than it really was). Not enough staffing to do so unfortunately, not to mention the vibe and be bold shit. The SFTMs that would do price checking are probably all on registers lol.
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