To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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Eh it was typical guy talk. If anything I was amused that they would even want to know this stuff about me.

Then what's the complaint?
I'm only in my 20s. I hate my job, but I still do it. I get paid for it, I chose to be there, and I offer my time to a company, so that I can afford things that further my life and give myself tools to do what I want to do. TO THE TEAM MEMBERS THAT HALF ASS LITERALLY EVERYTHING YOU DO. THAT'S RIGHT! I'M LOOKING AT YOU, 20 SOMETHING YEAR OLD CASHIER THAT ISN'T INTERESTED IN ANYTHING OTHER THAN PUTTING ON MAKE UP.....this video is for you. I am so sick of this fake, "I'm just too cool to care" attitude. And it makes me feel like an old fart for criticizing people literally the same age as me.
Speaking of typical guy talk...
TTOTM: 90% of what you say to me is sexual in some way. I told you already you're going to get yourself fired if anyone overhears you. You need to start acting professional and leave that talk for outside of work.
Ttotm... You are constantly sexually harassing the female tms, and me because I can be read as female- and it has to stop. Also, stop being so increidbly, painfully mysoginistic.
One last thing- if you EVER say anything transphobic in front of me, or EVER repeat your firm belief that 'gay is a mental illness,' I will not stop hounding HR until you are fired. Period. Or I will push you into the compactor, your choice.
Your short ass is too small to get out, anyway, and no one will miss you.
TToTL: You disgust me. You've slept with half the female tms at the store, including one who was twice your age and MARRIED, WITH CHILDREN and you knew she was. The other half are too creeped out by your inappropriate comments and looks to get too close to you. Not only did you sleep around with everyone, but come to find out you did it while you were dating someone, who also worked in the store, knew these people, and was friends with some of them. Even though THEY didn't know you were dating her because you guys kept it secret, it doesn't excuse YOUR actions.

I wish I could turn back time and never have spoken to you. You're a sad human being and a fucking joke, but sadly you've made everyone else look like a fucking joke too.
And TToETL: FUCK YOU!!! You are an extreme bitch to everyone in the store, needlessly. On top of all the other idiotic, bitchy shit you do, the other day you decided to tell the CTL to "talk to me" because I "need to answer you when you call me on the walkie" and to tell me that "I need to only be calling for backup when I need it."

Excuse me. Let's start from the beginning, shall we?
I told your stupid, gremlin ass that I was hopping on a checklane because I couldn't get anyone up for backup. So when you start rambling things at me over the walkie while I'm trying to help a guest during a transaction, while simultaneously trying to keep an eye on all the other goings-on up front, I can't fucking hear you nor do I care to. I'll get back to you when I'm done...which is standard. Nobody stops in the middle of a transaction/helping a guest to have a walkie conversation. It's rude. You don't do that. Guests first, my dear.
And need I even get into the hateful little game you like to play with me and the other GSA, where you absolutely refuse to answer any walkie calls for us, but if we call for you and somebody calls right after, you will answer for them? You never get back to us, and you do this all fucking day. It's obvious it's intentional. Both the other GSA and I know this.

Second, I only need to be calling for backup when I need it?! You're a funny one. I know it's surprising to you because you like to cause hell for team members just for the fun of it, but I do not. Therefore, I'm not just sitting there twiddling my thumbs with a devilish grin on my face and thinking "it would be really fun to inconvenience the very few people we have on the salesfloor and make them really hate me right now." I know that kind of thinking does align with the kind of thinking you do, but not mine.

We did need backup, but it's not my fault that when the CTL got over there SEVERAL MINUTES later to open a checklane that we were fine. And my back was turned helping a guest, so no, I didn't cancel the backup call because I didn't have a visual.

Also, you were in the back this entire fucking time. STFU.

Then you want me to come in early on Friday to push freight for you? LOL.

TTO(former)TM who is still hung up on the fact that I got the TL position and you didn't. Get over it. All I asked you to do this morning was a 4X4 in domestics and you went off on me. You yelled at me so loud the LOD (and everyone else in the building) heard you half way across the store. I'm glad you're gone so I can actually have a good team and I don't have bitter people like you dragging us down.
To the entire flow team: don't push your empty carts in my areas and leave them, you lazy shitbags. Also, turn down your music. I can only handle so much Rihanna before I want to call Chris Brown and have him beat her again just for that bullshit you call music.
TTOTM: it's bad enough I open as CA with you, my day only gets worse when you fuck around inside the store when I'm bringing in lines, it's a pain in the ass when I come in and see you're talking to everybody at Guest Service, AND the GSTLs are there too! I get you've been there longer than me and work more hours but your flirting ass gotta stop bullshitting and do your job.
People in positions of fame and money who are abused, publicly, and return to their abusers set back women. You can disagree all you want, but the security they have in their lives offer a chance to show women who don't have such security a role model on how to deal with it. Her personal choices should be ridiculed.
Yes, because I'm personal friends with Chris Brown and I can call him anytime, day or night, to have him go an assault Rihanna. I get that jokes aren't always funny, but if you're offended by something so far out there, you're probably reading far too much into it than necessary.
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