Archived Worst products ever...

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C9 leggings are hell to find for SFS orders.

This is true, as a young man, all Black Leggings are the same to me. I am successful maybe 40% of the time, 25% of the time, I use the RFID, 35% of the time I ask Softlines.
Up&up trashbags always pop open and roll away into the sunset. These need to go up&up somebody's ass

There's a bag of Ghirardelli chocolates that always comes opened and spilled. They're individually wrapped so they somehow end up in a bowl in the break room, but still

Oh and this one chocolate Santa that's hollow and ALWAYS smashed into a million pieces

Lmao. I ain't religious, nearly, but I did ask for St. Christopher's help, when I shipped 3 of these out on an SFS order today.

I looked to my comrade and asked, "What do you think the chances are that these 3 survive their journey?
Lmao. I ain't religious, nearly, but I did ask for St. Christopher's help, when I shipped 3 of these out on an SFS order today.

I looked to my comrade and asked, "What do you think the chances are that these 3 survive their journey?

I think I've only ever stocked a couple of them because usually the whole carton comes in totally fuckin rekt

Im almost certain we have never sold a unit of this stuff because it comes in damaged 100% of time time.

Along with these..

Storage bins with unattached lids.

This times 1000. I once cancelled 2 orders from the same person cause there was no lids. 20 mins later it dropped in again.. I fulfilled it and told guest service that if he bitches about no lids to call me.
Our generation dolls. There are 5000 different characters, and 50,000 outfits. And they're never to POG. Popsockets have the same problem. Anything with multiple varieties where the shelf label just says "Archer Farms Archer Farms" or similar generic phrase exactly the same on every label.
Our generation dolls. There are 5000 different characters, and 50,000 outfits. And they're never to POG. Popsockets have the same problem. Anything with multiple varieties where the shelf label just says "Archer Farms Archer Farms" or similar generic phrase exactly the same on every label.

Tsum Tsum.

Every shelf label. Tsum Tsum Tsum Tsum Tsum Tsum. That is what it looks like when the person who programs the labels gives the f_ck up.
Snow globes. Specifically, busted snow globes.

Glass candle jars with lids. That guests pick up by the lid, thereby dropping the base of the candle on the ground.

Melons = squishy = fruit flies.

Anything in Home Decor that is triple wrapped, with foam, plastic wrap, and double boxed. Bonus if it's heavy... looking at you wall mirrors.

Women's swim suits. Zoning and reshopping a billion different styles, straps untied, and each guest tries on eleventy million apiece in the fitting room.

Shoes. I would probably quit in a fit of rage if I had to work in the shoe department every day.
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how many fucking snow globes do we need

It became kinda an inside joke after the 500th snow globe was laboriously dug out of its styrofoam shell...

*small flat box* "hey look a flat snowglobe"
*giant box of pillows* "hey look a giant snowglobe"
*case of rubber balls* "hey look bouncy snowglobes"
*cans of Silly String* "hey look, snowglobes in a can"
*bottles of antifreeze* "hey look, liquid snowglobes"
*bags of banana chips* "hey look, freeze-dried snowglobes"

I also don't get the point of sending us millions of decorative nutcrackers that are soft wood with flimsy handles & mouths way too small to fit a nut in (that's what she said). Nut status: uncracked
Women's jeans in SFS batches. Our VM has Mossimo and Denizen jeans spread out seemingly randomly throughout the entire juniors section, and has the folded jeans arranged in such a way that makes it impossible to follow the pog. C9 leggings may be bad, but at least they're contained to a relatively small area.
Those ab belts (as seen on TV item) that were popular about 15 or 20 years ago. At first, we could not keep them or the watch size replacement batteries for them in stock. Then we ended throwing a bunch of them in the compactor, as they are recalled per the FTC for not working, as claimed.
Those ab belts (as seen on TV item) that were popular about 15 or 20 years ago. At first, we could not keep them or the watch size replacement batteries for them in stock. Then we ended throwing a bunch of them in the compactor, as they are recalled per the FTC for not working, as claimed.

I hate ASOTV crap...who the hell watches commercials?

Also kinda lol that the Man had to step in and kill off such an obvious scam for being "misleading"...I mean I guess it's possible to get "misled" by that if your IQ is on the clock...
This times 1000. I once cancelled 2 orders from the same person cause there was no lids. 20 mins later it dropped in again.. I fulfilled it and told guest service that if he bitches about no lids to call me.
I thought OPUs didn't drop in again for the same item for 24hrs if we cancelled it. That's... frustrating.
Ornaments in general. The dumb labels they put on them never stay on. And then when I take my cart of stray in the morning from last nights zone it's full of random ornaments with no fucking tags...

The weights that go in sporting goods. I picked one of those up one time and almost smashed my finger, it was 50 pounds...

Anything with glitter. I looked like some kind of fairy after today with all the bows.

Anything that's glass. It either has 1000 layers of styrofoam or it's shattered or both.

The huge ass $200 carpets. They literally weigh 50 pounds are probably the most annoying thing to ever see on a pull. The stupid plastic on them is so annoying and they're so big that they literally don't fit on any vehicle.

Flour/Sugar. It always leaks all over me.

Organic Tampons. Weirdest thing ever. It's like 10x the price and like 10x less of them. And the containers are fucking huge.

Any shit that makes noise. Whether is be one of the dumb little kids keyboards, the annoying santa phone, the dog that always fucking says "I NEED A HUGGGGG" like bitch NO I NEED EARPLUGS! Also the dumb trolls microphone that goes ' HEYYYY IM NOT GIVING UP TODAY!!! AND NOTHINGS GETTING IN MY WAY!!! AND YOU CAN KNOCK KNOCK ME OVERRRR I WILL GET BACK UP AGAINNNNN! YEAH! TURNNN IT UP! I LOVE IT! Like I swear these things don't even have any battery left by the time someone buys them, they're literally going off everytime I walk past toys...

Also, the cabbage patch dolls smell really weird and gross...
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