MEGATHREAD $9 minimum wage starts soon!!!

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They weren't moved over seas to "Save Money" they were moved over seas to avoid paying employees a decent wage, there by putting more money into the executives pocket?

Also avoid paying taxes, workman's comp, insurance and social security.
People tend to forget that for every dollar an employer pays in wages there is more paid out for those.
So getting out of having to take care of a factory worker if they get hurt or too old to work is very attractive.
I will understand. This job isnt going to be my work center forever. If I hit the cap, so be it. Its years away. People think the company is taking it out on you, but you all should be happy they havent cut more veteran target employee positions in favor of younger employees. Sorry but my views are harsh but it is a business that has a future to worry about.
I remember when Circuit City did that.
It worked out really well.
If we got compensated for skill sets I'd have gotten the $1/hr extra years ago. I did pa/plano for years before I got promoted. They still didn't change my job code till last month. I am trained, full learning plan trained, in three different specialty jobs. It didn't get me anything but a chance at more hours.

I don't know about your new hires, but getting ours to learn hard and softlines is hard enough. Forget pricing, Plano, instocks, electronics, hardiness, softlines, fitting room and everything in market with backroom minus heavy equipment.
This has been one of the most entertaining threads I've read so far. One can definitely tell "Who the corporate ass kissers are here". Just what flavor of kool-aid has Spot given you? Book smart, just out of school, I believe everything I've read because Spot said so. Perhaps you mite try reading the other side of that sheet of paper? The side that clearly shows just how horrible Spot treats the people that make them the most money. It sure isn't the corporate/management side! Who've seldom if ever walked in our shoes and actually had to perform the related tasks, in the time some book smart, snot nose, ass kisser thinks it can be done in!!!
Sure you as well as I, are entitled to our opinions. My opinion is based on reality-based thought, been there done that. Seen how shedding old skin, forcing top tier veterans out etc, caused the company to fall farther and farther behind the competition. Because the newer, fresher, believe what corporate tells you mentality, had "No Experience" at dealing with obstacles, or what is truly best practice. Yep,, it all looks good on paper,, well guess what? After you chew on, choke down and swallow that paper, it comes out the other end the same as it went in, BULL SHIT!! Except by that time those raiders at the top, who've taken the most out of the company, are long gone....
I remember when Circuit City did that.
It worked out really well.
Circuit city was already in the hole, target started while they stil could get out of the hole. There are always going to be people to work at target now with atarting pay being increased. What would you rather have a $.50 raise forever employee, or a $1.00 increase for base pay for everyone, which some may not be affected, but it will keep employees around longer, which then lessen your work load?
Circuit city was already in the hole, target started while they stil could get out of the hole. There are always going to be people to work at target now with atarting pay being increased. What would you rather have a $.50 raise forever employee, or a $1.00 increase for base pay for everyone, which some may not be affected, but it will keep employees around longer, which then lessen your work load?
I know it's not an option but I'd rather work in a union
Inexperienced corporate, relies on perpetual new hires. Fails to recognize or compensate loyal, experienced employees. Ouroboros will eventually finish it's meal. Meanwhile avoid teeth.
I know it's not an option but I'd rather work in a union
Honestly i dont see the big buzz for a union, yes it could help a few things, but what makes you think that target won't shut down any union talk
Once a store gets close to a union being organized, they will shut the store down, twiddle their thumbs. But to be honest i just heard of this "april fools joke" that is costing a ton of money just for a joke. It is little things like that, that keep long term employees from higher wages.
It used to be that Cash Office was a skill that was worth more when I was promoted to Specialist. I received $1 more per hour for that skill alone. Photo was another $.50.

Not every work center should net you a raise every time you learn it(or else I might make more than a starting ETL), but being cross trained should be a factor in your raise every year. At least, that's my opinion.

So being cross trained doesn't help increase our hourly rate? If that's the case, there isn't any reason for me to be cross trained for Starbucks or service desk. I'm not looking for more hours. So just come in and do my job as best as I can each shift.
"If this was a true case of paying people what the job was worth then every time you had to learn a new skill set you would be paid more."

Not necessarily because that new skill set may be valued the same. For example, the Sales Floor position is valued at $9.15/hour. The Cashier position is also valued at $9.15. Because a cashier is cross trained to do Sales Floor doesn't mean that the increased skill set is worth more. Is it nice to have a more diversified skill set? Yes, because you are then more valuable to the team and may keep get more hours.
Actually, the diversified skill set SHOULD be worth more, not only because the TM can get more hrs but because you have a person you can plug in to a needed workstation on the spot instead of having to call multiple TMs to find one with a particular skill set (think FA or SB).
For every skill set a TM picks up & demonstrates proficiency in, they should be able to add compensation by way of an incremental raise. The benefit is retaining a TM who is becoming global while ensuring coverage when needed with minimal effort.
Typical scenario: It's spring break & a third of your cashiers have called out because of a big show in town. Cashiers aren't worth much in terms of pay but how much would you be willing to pay to get enough cashiers in when anticipating a huge sales forecast?
Worth & value aren't necessarily the same.
Circuit city was already in the hole, target started while they stil could get out of the hole. There are always going to be people to work at target now with atarting pay being increased. What would you rather have a $.50 raise forever employee, or a $1.00 increase for base pay for everyone, which some may not be affected, but it will keep employees around longer, which then lessen your work load?
First off, Circuit City may have been a doomed company either way but most believe that their choice to lay off experienced and successful workers and replace them with untrained minimum wage replacements backfired

To respond to your question, I would rather see a 50 cent raise for all employees given those 2 options. I'm not interested in lessening workloads I'm interested in increasing productivity and with a wage increase for everyone, that means you can increase expectations for everyone (within reason).
If Target wants a real, long lasting solution, they need to get serious about paying for performance. The discrepancy of productivity between employees does not correlate with wages which is upsetting and ultimately the reason why myself and other less invested, hard-working employees left the company.

At the grocery store I work at, we can throw a 2500 piece truck, work backroom, face, set sales planners, and hand order with about 90 hours of labor. The reason is, that job is union and everyone is held to very high standards. In return, we get scheduled raises up to a max rate of $18.31/hr, guaranteed minimum hours, and healthcare that is on par with municipal government workers for $5/week.

I looked at an old grid, my Target used 210 hours for a truck that size just to unload, stock, and do early am backroom. Thinking back on that, the employees with 6-7+ years had significantly higher productivity levels than ones hired later. The more productive employees were only paid about 20-30% more than the less productive employees but the difference in terms of actual productivity was close to 100%. (Meaning a $9/hr employee is half as productive as a $12/hr employee). That was caused by the lack of pay progression more so than the low starting wage. A $1 increase to base pay might increase the number of applicants but the difference in turnover will likely be minuscule.

So in my opinion, a $1 increase to base pay that only affects new hires and those making under base pay would be less effective in increasing productivity than a $.50 increase for everyone.
Honestly i dont see the big buzz for a union, yes it could help a few things, but what makes you think that target won't shut down any union talk
Once a store gets close to a union being organized, they will shut the store down, twiddle their thumbs. But to be honest i just heard of this "april fools joke" that is costing a ton of money just for a joke. It is little things like that, that keep long term employees from higher wages.
To me it's fairly obvious that you, Jeremy, have had too much "Red Kool-Aid" , you didn't just have a glass, you done drank the whole pitcher! A union would ensure a level playing field for all the employees and somewhat keep management and corporate in check. There by making management's job much easier due to the absence of backstabbing by other managers trying to one up each other. Threats of shutting down stores due to union talks are simply scare tactics. Spot should be scared of having their robotic management team reigned in, for a robot only does what it has been programed to do. Make more $$$$ for those at the top and follow orders from the master! Myself, I doubt very much that Spot would shut down a AAA high volume store just to cut off their nose to spite their face. Last but not in the least, if you and the rest of you corporate ass kissers, are really so anti union, why don't you take the ethical approach and run the company as if there was a union? Why not, why not? Greed plain and simple greed.
Just one more thing in regards to your post, if Spot gets rid of the "Old Skin" as you put it, just what is your definition of a long term employee?
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Threats of shutting down stores due to union talks are simply scare tactics.[...]Myself, I doubt very much that Spot would shut down a AAA high volume store just to cut off their nose to spite their face.

Then how do you explain the situation with the Valley Stream, NY store? When they had a union vote, Spot decided to close the store for "remodeling."
To me it's fairly obvious that you, Jeremy, have had too much "Red Kool-Aid" , you didn't just have a glass, you done drank the whole pitcher! A union would ensure a level playing field for all the employees and somewhat keep management and corporate in check. There by making management's job much easier due to the absence of backstabbing by other managers trying to one up each other. Threats of shutting down stores due to union talks are simply scare tactics. Spot should be scared of having their robotic management team reigned in, for a robot only does what it has been programed to do. Make more $$$$ for those at the top and follow orders from the master! Myself, I doubt very much that Spot would shut down a AAA high volume store just to cut off their nose to spite their face. Last but not in the least, if you and the rest of you corporate ass kissers, are really so anti union, why don't you take the ethical approach and run the company as if there was a union? Why not, why not? Greed plain and simple greed.
Just one more thing in regards to your post, if Spot gets rid of the "Old Skin" as you put it, just what is your definition of a long term employee?
Im sorry but this "red kool aid " crap is ridiculous. Just be cause i have differing views makes me some Target fanboy extremist? Thats just dumb. Maybe you have had a little bit too much of the union kool aid.
Then how do you explain the situation with the Valley Stream, NY store? When they had a union vote, Spot decided to close the store for "remodeling."
Yep exactly, im sure those Hourly TMs also dont get pay during this "remodel" Target wants nothing to do with is, and will silence union talks quickly.
Response to commie and all posters

I wish you had a talk radio show ! I love reading your posts, and I actually think about them to make sure I understand and then have a conversation in my head with all of you! If Mr corn l could read these posts he would realize what spots biggest asset is- the people who work here
Im sorry but this "red kool aid " crap is ridiculous. Just be cause i have differing views makes me some Target fanboy extremist? Thats just dumb. Maybe you have had a little bit too much of the union kool aid.

My grandfather the Wobblie (I.W.W) would have said you were in the pocket of the owners or were carrying their water.
Having a different opinion is great and nobody here holds it against you but when it's pretty identical with what Spot would be saying there tends to be push back.
I try not to use those terms because I don't think they allow for reasonable conversation.

I'm trying to figure out why you keep ignoring my observations that other companies use other models where they pay considerably higher wages and that even Target paid their TMs higher wages in the past.
The company chose a business model that is damaging to it's people.
It didn't have to.

Yep exactly, im sure those Hourly TMs also dont get pay during this "remodel" Target wants nothing to do with is, and will silence union talks quickly.
Everybody had to be rehired they stayed closed so long and surprise, surprise, the people who voted for the union weren't rehired.
The Labor Board fined Target for their illegal actions and Target just paid the fine.
Sounds more like the actions of robber barons than a company that wants to part of a community.
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Jeremy? I've researched several of your posts, and you talk out if both sides of your mouth. One side talks about rewarding long term employees, the other refers to them as old skin? So which is it? I'll admit I'm a strong believer in unions and what they can protect and produce. Protect the rank and file and produce long term benefits which in turn increases profits for the corporate peons. Old skin you say needs to be shed? That's like saying scratch off the the scab, to get rid if the sore. Judging from your past posts, my advice is to pick one side or the other and stop waffling in between.
I'll respect your opinions, please respect mine and others.
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So after debating whether or not it was worth the hassle, I decided to ask my team lead for a raise today.

After explaining that after the new wage increase, a new hire would be only making $.25 less than me - when I at one time had a $1.75 advantage - I asked that my "merit pay" be increased to $1.50 after and including this years review (which is still less than the $1.75 I had). I also reminded him how I am trained in multiple workcenters and how im always asked to do things for other work centers. Much to my surprise, he agreed with me and said he would talk to our STL about it, but also told me not to stress out about it until I see what the new wage for my work center will be. If it goes through, I would be making $11.50, which I feel is fair.

I suggest that if there are others in this position, who have seen their gap in pay between new hires decrease over time, they talk with their ETL or STL about getting a raise that better reflects the time (and effort) they have put in.
Not to be the bearer of bad news but I doubt your gonna get that. Spot doesn't seem to budge when it comes to pay increases.
Original topic was on 9.00 & walmart.


Pretty much normal around here.
As long as everybody is cool with it, I'm fine otherwise we'll start a new thread.

And @EndymeChaser please let us know how it goes.
I really hope you get the raise.
Jeremy? I've researched several of your posts, and you talk out if both sides of your mouth. One side talks about rewarding long term employees, the other refers to them as old skin? So which is it? I'll admit I'm a strong believer in unions and what they can protect and produce. Protect the rank and file and produce long term benefits which in turn increases profits for the corporate peons. Old skin you say needs to be shed? That's like saying scratch off the the scab, to get rid if the sore. Judging from your past posts, my advice is to pick one side or the other and stop waffling in between.
Im not ever picking aides, because either way someone gets screwed. It is a business that makes its decisions due to a select few board members, and corporate level executives. Yes they need to but at the same point they need to invest in fresh employees. These old timers arent going to be there forever, and if the future employees have an qverage work time at target of lessing years or months, there will be little to no future veterans left. Im just pointing out both sides here. But Honestly unions were great years ago, but would you really want to risk being in the position of those people who were terminated? You need to remember, there are states with at will termination, like texas. And well It aint worth the trouble it could and will cause.
To Commie, HLM and others, I apologize for my part in the slight detour from the original thread.
Im not ever picking aides, because either way someone gets screwed. It is a business that makes its decisions due to a select few board members, and corporate level executives. Yes they need to but at the same point they need to invest in fresh employees. These old timers arent going to be there forever, and if the future employees have an qverage work time at target of lessing years or months, there will be little to no future veterans left. Im just pointing out both sides here. But Honestly unions were great years ago, but would you really want to risk being in the position of those people who were terminated? You need to remember, there are states with at will termination, like texas. And well It aint worth the trouble it could and will cause.

Your right this country has gotten progressively more hostile towards unions ever since Ronald Reagan was in office.
States that could have made their laws hostile to workers and this nation is feeling the results of that.
What was once a thriving middle class is now gutted.

As someone who grew up listening to stories of the early days of unions, where sometimes it became pitched battles with armed guards shooting at woman and children, I think I understand the challenges that anyone would face trying to organize Spot.
Except nowadays it would legions of lawyers and walls of paperwork.

Investing in fresh employees is easy.
But making sure they stay on requires that they see that the people who are already there are well treated.
If you know that the person who is training you is happy in their job and has always been that way, you are much more likely to stay.

Unions are great now.
They can make a big difference.
It's just a matter of if people want to fight for them.
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