MEGATHREAD $9 minimum wage starts soon!!!

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My store is pretending the new $9 base isn't a thing. I just got my review and my TL said "your raise is 55¢." That's how it's written on the official sheet too.

Edit: she gave me another sheet later on that she forgot to give me and it mentioned the increase to base.

(Ignoring the bump to 9) My raise was 27¢. I now make 9.27
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I heard rumors about this from my coworkers and everything so I figured I'd check it out. I like the idea for my sake (scraping by just about $500 a month) but I don't find it very fair to anyone in higher paygrades. I have a GSA that has been at Target for 10 years and he would be making a little bit above what I'd be making (Cashier started at $7.50 in July 2014). That's totally unfair to him if they honestly don't ratio it out!
So, when does this new minimum wage set in? I've read that it's supposed to happen this month, but the HR at my store told me it will arrive in May.
The last week in April it starts I believe. You won't see it until may 16th?
I was told in my review that the new increase was included in your raise. But I was already making more than the new base pay for N09, so I didn't see anything but a small bump like the last few years.

In a previous post, I talked about how I asked for a seperate raise - to increase the gap between my job's base pay and what Im making now (The gap I have will shrink by about 75% when this new min. wage goes into effect).

Well after my ETL talked to the STL again, it looks like I WILL actually get the raise in the next two weeks when I'll be moved to another N09 position. But this can only be chalked up to dumb luck and timing, because if that team member that I'll be replacing didn't put in his two week notice only days after I asked for the raise, I don't think it would have happened.

So as long as the team member leaves as planned and my ETL isn't talking out of his ass, I'll be getting a new position and the raise I wanted. This would also mean that I'll be making enough to FINALLY be independent and a get a small apartment nearby. I'll post an update when it becomes official or if the train derails and the whole thing falls apart.
I don't know if anyone who was capped out last year got a raise this year. Anyone?

I am hoping they raised the cap, or I will never make more than $11.75 an hour.

I would prefer not to become a TL since they are easier to fire.
I don't know if anyone who was capped out last year got a raise this year. Anyone?

I am hoping they raised the cap, or I will never make more than $11.75 an hour.

I would prefer not to become a TL since they are easier to fire.
That's how it was explained to me, but my tl is an idiot.
I heard caps would also be raised. I'll have to ask one of my capped coworkers if they got anything.
I wanna know what my raise is gonna be lol. Ugh. I'm looking for an office job while I keep spot on the side. I'm sure the raises are more generous.
I don't know if anyone who was capped out last year got a raise this year. Anyone?

I am hoping they raised the cap, or I will never make more than $11.75 an hour.

I would prefer not to become a TL since they are easier to fire.

I heard caps would also be raised. I'll have to ask one of my capped coworkers if they got anything.

I was capped last year and got nothing. I was SO pissed as my review was given to me and I was given the answer of "I don't know" by the poor gstl who had to give me the bad news. Did they think I'd just shrug my shoulders and say Oh, that's ok! 🙁
This year I was just told that Target (oh so graciously) raised the cap so us ole timers could get a bit of the action. lol
Don't get me wrong...I'm grateful for the raise but it's a crying shame that it took Walmart to nudge Target in the direction of doing-the-right-thing!
Thanks Wally World!
These jobs in retail aren't a walk in the park, i don't understand how this work is deemed at about min wage to start and if you work as a receptionist for example sitting and answering phones you get around $2-4+ more an hour.
Good lord, I wish I made $7.50 when I started. I started at $7.25 when I began working for Spot a little over 3 years ago. I'm not even that close to the $8.00 mark yet.

But I hear ya. I wonder if the veterans and those who already make over $9 an hour at my store will get an analogous raise too.

Ouch. I started at $7.40 2 years ago, I now make $10.30
Anybody in an area where minimum wage is already above the $9 mark? Has your store acknowledged a raise system in regards to this? As is, we have not yet had this addressed in any leadership meetings, nor have there even been emails to ETLs regarding this. From the annual review increases I know of there doesn't seem to be an increase either.

For a while I was waiting to hear what would happen in our store with our team, but I'm beginning to think it is simply going to overlook us entirely.
We were already at $9. And you are correct - nothing was said. The TM reviews show the annual raise as 3% (or whatever) of their current rate of $9.00 for an increase to $9.27. Because this is the only place I've heard about the raise, it's kinda hard to bring it up to the STL.
These jobs in retail aren't a walk in the park, i don't understand how this work is deemed at about min wage to start and if you work as a receptionist for example sitting and answering phones you get around $2-4+ more an hour.
We're considered "unskilled". I've done both (doubled as a receptionist during my stint with a mural painting nonprofit, did telefunding with data entry/receptoinist type duties and now a cashier at target) and while they all netted me minimum wage (or slightly above minimum, started at Target at $8/hour compared to the state minimum of $7.90) Target has definitely required more skill.

Also maybe this is nitpicky but it's getting on my nerves the rhetoric of "WELL I WORK AS A (insert semirespected career here) AND I ONLY MAKE (insert number slightly above minimum wage here) WHY DO THEY DESERVE THAT?" (conversely there's "WHY DOES (insert semirespected career here) MAKE (insert number slightly above minimum wage here) ALL THEY DO IS (simplified version of their job description and skills)". Why are we shitting on people trying to make a life for themselves? It's not retail workers fault that EMT's only make $11/hour, and it's not their fault we make minimum wage. It's the capitalists that employed you that decided that, and they're the ones spinning the story to make it seem like retail workers/food service workers/etc are lazy and greedy and spoiled for wanting slightly better pay (which in itself is only a bandaid on the entire situation).

TL;DR it's not newbies fault Target never gave you a raise, it's not retail workers fault you don't get paid enough, and it's not receptionists/nurses/teachers/etc's fault that Target (and other corporations) don't give a fuck about their employees and will give us literal crumbs until they decide to be nice and throw us a piece of toast when we all know damn well that's not enough for dinner.
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