MEGATHREAD $9 minimum wage starts soon!!!

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Your right this country has gotten progressively more hostile towards unions ever since Ronald Reagan was in office.
States that could have made their laws hostile to workers and this nation is feeling the results of that.
What was once a thriving middle class is now gutted.

As someone who grew up listening to stories of the early days of unions, where sometimes it became pitched battles with armed guards shooting at woman and children, I think I understand the challenges that anyone would face trying to organize Spot.
Except nowadays it would legions of lawyers and walls of paperwork.

Investing in fresh employees is easy.
But making sure they stay on requires that they see that the people who are already there are well treated.
If you know that the person who is training you is happy in their job and has always been that way, you are much more likely to stay.

Unions are great now.
They can make a big difference.
It's just a matter of if people want to fight for them.
Agreed to thag, (not certain if laws apply here) but what would make Spot actually listen to a union? What happens to people who cant afford the union dues?
I would think that if Target gave in to a unions demands then there would probably be some press release and whatever change would be across the board. 😕
I had lower health insurance costs with my union job. So yea there are dues to pay, but in the end I still made more. Unions reward time put in. The longer you've been with the company the better benefits you have. Some don't agree with that.

But we wouldn't be debating it if spot knew how to treat their veteran employees right. Everyone would be getting a raise right now, not just newbies.
So after debating whether or not it was worth the hassle, I decided to ask my team lead for a raise today.

After explaining that after the new wage increase, a new hire would be only making $.25 less than me - when I at one time had a $1.75 advantage - I asked that my "merit pay" be increased to $1.50 after and including this years review (which is still less than the $1.75 I had). I also reminded him how I am trained in multiple workcenters and how im always asked to do things for other work centers. Much to my surprise, he agreed with me and said he would talk to our STL about it, but also told me not to stress out about it until I see what the new wage for my work center will be. If it goes through, I would be making $11.50, which I feel is fair.

I suggest that if there are others in this position, who have seen their gap in pay between new hires decrease over time, they talk with their ETL or STL about getting a raise that better reflects the time (and effort) they have put in.

Yeah, my guess is you probably shouldn't hold your breath.

First, I fully believe your TL supports you and will talk to the STL. But remember the stores are only given so much for raises at this time of year. So that means someone else's raise would have to take a hit. On top of that, they would have to explain the increase to the HRBP...because the stores don't really have any negotiating room with TMs. And my guess is that the HRBP will say that if you want that raise, you need to develop and become a TL.

So it's a nice dream, but even if you get lucky and get that boost, I guarantee that most everyone else will be shot down because the districts are not going to allow all of the stores to increase everyone's wages outside of their budgets.
How about the ones who's been at Target for years? Will they get something? I started $7.50 8.4 years ago

I make $12 now
Im not holding my breath......Im a former specialist who makes $ pay was "capped" when my position was eliminated and I have not gotten a raise for over 5 years.
The bottom line is that no one should be shopping or working at chains. They invested in procedures to make the jobs "easier" so they don't think they have to pay as much. Labels are printed onto cases to tell you where they go, all ordering is automated, all you do is scan stuff to tell you if we have it. Local businesses do not have these systems, so more thought has to go into the job. However, they think they can pay less because the chains pay less.

Entry level at McDonalds will be higher than current N5 base pay at my store and possibly even after the adjustment.
Not in my state. Here min. wage is $7.25. Adding in the McD $1 bump brings their new base to $8.25 for corporate locations. Unfortunately, 90% of McD's are franchise s and not required to bump the pay. I am glad Spot is raising starting pay. As someone employed by Spot for less than a year, I doubt that my prorated raise would have gotten me over $8/hr. Now I need to decide if I want to stick it out with Spot to see if he will follow Wally World and move to $10/hr next February, or jump ship now and try to get in at Wally World where the $10 is guaranteed....hmm...
I just looked over a list of minimum wages by state. Didn't realize so many states were at 7.25 still not that my state is much better (went up to 8.25 last year. 8.38 this year. Going up every year).

If they were paying minimum everywhere, the dollar is a start. I wonder how their long timers feel about it though lol.
Honestly, I think people saying that old employees are like old skin and shouldn't complain about their pay are probably in fact managers earning enough to make a living.

As for the raise, it's a step in the right direction. However $11 would be better
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I used to make fifty cents less as a shift lead at McDonald's a decade ago than I do after a similar time at target due to lack of raises/promotion chances. I could have been a salary manager at McDonald's after two years if I hadn't been seasonal due to college in another state. But they reward initiative, hard work, and loyalty. I also never got below a fifty cent raise.
That's already California's minimum wage. 😕
Next year it goes to $10 though which is nice.
I mentioned in a previous post that I asked for a raise. On Friday, I found out a little more. My ETL came back to me and said that my STL wants me to be PFresh and moving to a new workcenter would be the only way they could justify a raise "that big" ($.75 bump). Later that day, the STL herself came to me and said she is looking into my raise but can't make any guarantees - no mention about PFresh. So I'm still "holding my breath" I suppose.
I wouldn't hold your breath too long; sounds like they wanna let you down gently & gradually.
Reminds me of the story about the guy who asked his brother to watch his dog while he was out of the country.
When he came back, his brother told him that the dog had died suddenly.
The guy was upset at the loss of his dog & angry how his brother had broken the news.
"Why?" asked the brother. "You could've told me gradually," he said.
"How?" asked the brother.
"The first time I called, you could've told me that the dog was on the roof & you couldn't get him down." said the guy.
"The next time I called, you could tell me that he fell off the roof & was at the vet's in critical condition."
"The next time, you could say he'd taken a turn for the worse before telling me he had died."
The brother shook his head. "Wow. I didn't even think of that. I'm sorry about that."
"Well," said the guy "what's done is done. How's Mom, by the way?"
The brother paused & said "Mom's on the roof & we can't get her down."
any team leads get their merit raise yet also get a pay increase for the new starting wage? or do any of you know if there will be any increase in team lead pay to compensate for the new wage increase?
So, when does this new minimum wage set in? I've read that it's supposed to happen this month, but the HR at my store told me it will arrive in May.
i already make over $9 plus shift diff, so I'm probably not getting a cent from this PR increase, plus hours are cut out the ass. Garbage.
Had a chat with my etl-hr the other day. I was basically told that Target is bumping up pay to stay competitive with Walmart.
(blah, blah, blah...explained how the pay increase works)
Finally told me what my increase will be. (I got nothing last year due to capping out). Told me I was getting an increase. The actual amount sounded ok until I was just sitting here wondering how much of a percentage it broke down to.... 2%. But compared to last year...I'LL TAKE IT! LOL

Also, hats off to Walmart for getting Target to bump up everyone's pay. Sounds like Walmart is leading the pack and Target is just trying to keep up. That's a shame... I really feel like Walmart is a booming company and Target is trying to act like this cool little boutique with all the overpriced pretties that most of us can't afford. No wonder sales are down. Crap costs too much and everyone is across the street doing all of their shopping in one stop.
Had a chat with my etl-hr the other day. I was basically told that Target is bumping up pay to stay competitive with Walmart.
(blah, blah, blah...explained how the pay increase works)
Finally told me what my increase will be. (I got nothing last year due to capping out). Told me I was getting an increase. The actual amount sounded ok until I was just sitting here wondering how much of a percentage it broke down to.... 2%. But compared to last year...I'LL TAKE IT! LOL

Also, hats off to Walmart for getting Target to bump up everyone's pay. Sounds like Walmart is leading the pack and Target is just trying to keep up. .
My STL told me that she hadn't heard about any wage increase until WM announced their wage increase in March and she felt that ut was only done to match Walmart.
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