MEGATHREAD $9 minimum wage starts soon!!!

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If you can't afford to live in Los Angeles because you are working a shitty job with a shitty level of pay, then move somewhere else. You don't have to live in LA.
Yeah because moving someplace with a lower cost of living (likely to another state) doesn't cost a thing. And getting a new place in a new city where you have no friends and no job is easy!
Yeah because moving someplace with a lower cost of living (likely to another state) doesn't cost a thing. And getting a new place in a new city where you have no friends and no job is easy!

Would it be cheaper and less painful in the long run to scrounge your way to a lower cost of living area with a better ratio of pay to cost of living or would it be better to just stay where you're at forever?

And the $15/hr minimum wage thing is never going to work for the economy in general, never mind Target. Talk about skyrocketing inflation. Additionally, the people that don't get a proportional increase that are just beyond the $15 are going to get pissed and leave their jobs that they have a lot of experience in which is going to further worsen things.

I honestly hope McDonalds lays off AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE out in Los Angeles. Replace them all with machines. ALL of them. Have like 1 active employee at any given location at any given time. Those jobs are even less skilled than the jobs we have at Target, lol.

People shouldn't be entitled to anything. Life isn't fair. You can blame existence or God if you wish, but life isn't fair nor is it ever going to be. If you take away capitalism completely, you significantly reduce the speed at which new ideas and innovation are arriving.

If you can't afford to live in Los Angeles because you are working a shitty job with a shitty level of pay, then move somewhere else. You don't have to live in LA.

That's not to say that I don't care about these people, though I know it sounds that way, because I actually do. However, it's not the government's job to take care of you. Have some personal responsibility. And if you want to talk about the large gap and class divide between blacks and whites, that is a generational affair that can only be corrected through increased education. Raising minimum wage isn't going to do jack shit except make things worse in the long run. You have to correct these problems in the beginning... education, education, education.

Starting with the fact that we actually had for the first time a drop in how much people with educations made.
Going to the fact that many of the people working those low wage jobs are people with educations who can't get work in their fields.
Add to that, the fact that states are making it even more difficult to get a decent education in the inner cities as it is.
So education is not the magic bullet you claim.

The fact that if the minimum wage from the sixties had been raised to keep up with inflation it would be some where in the 20 dollar range is well known.
Then we move on to how countries like Australia have minimum wages that high and have a much lower unemployment than we do, from there I'l jump over to the dozens of studies that prove raising the minimum wage doesn't hurt the economy, that there isn't new job loss and the influx of money to the working class, in fact helps it.

Your claim that somehow people need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps is a bit ludicrous considering that the current conditions have created a a situation where major corporations are using government funding to pay part of the wages (through food stamps and Medicare) in order to not have to pay people reasonable wages.
If they charged an extra .10 a burger they could pay people to live rather than pay millions to CEOs and stockholders.

People live where they do for many reasons, to tell them just move and that they are idiots if they don't shows little compassion and a lot of hubris.
How in the world did the black white income divide come up, Anonymous? Lol.. Don't answer that. I don't wanna know. But as a black girl with a degree (TEMPLE U MOTHERF****R... sorry, Owl pride always and forever), I don't think education is the answer. Lot of people I know of varying races with no college education (anecdotal evidence of course isn't trustworthy) in my age bracket are doing well, debt free, not living with parents, etc. If I wasn't so in love with the experience, I'd be regretful about going to school. Actually, I think I still am a little regretful.
he fact that if the minimum wage from the sixties had been raised to keep up with inflation it would be some where in the 20 dollar range is well known.

Just to note: Going strictly by inflation, minimum wage in the late 60s would be worth $11-12 now. The $20+ figure is when you account for GDP per capita as well.
Just to note: Going strictly by inflation, minimum wage in the late 60s would be worth $11-12 now. The $20+ figure is when you account for GDP per capita as well.

My bad.
Comes from trying to pack too much into too little space.
I was trying not to write one of those tl;dr posts that I do so often and came up short.
Thanks for catching that.
Starting with the fact that we actually had for the first time a drop in how much people with educations made.
Going to the fact that many of the people working those low wage jobs are people with educations who can't get work in their fields.
Add to that, the fact that states are making it even more difficult to get a decent education in the inner cities as it is.
So education is not the magic bullet you claim.

The fact that if the minimum wage from the sixties had been raised to keep up with inflation it would be some where in the 20 dollar range is well known.
Then we move on to how countries like Australia have minimum wages that high and have a much lower unemployment than we do, from there I'l jump over to the dozens of studies that prove raising the minimum wage doesn't hurt the economy, that there isn't new job loss and the influx of money to the working class, in fact helps it.

Your claim that somehow people need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps is a bit ludicrous considering that the current conditions have created a a situation where major corporations are using government funding to pay part of the wages (through food stamps and Medicare) in order to not have to pay people reasonable wages.
If they charged an extra .10 a burger they could pay people to live rather than pay millions to CEOs and stockholders.

People live where they do for many reasons, to tell them just move and that they are idiots if they don't shows little compassion and a lot of hubris.

Higher education is bullshit unless you're going into something very specific that requires extensive knowledge about a particular subject, and even then half of your degree might not directly pertain to the field that you want to work in. Actually, higher education is one of the biggest problems in this country right now considering that student debt is now the #1 form of debt. A large number of people are racking up the equivalent of a mortgage or more before they even graduate and that bubble is going to completely burst at some point and it wouldn't shock me if the government eventually ends up saying "lol, we were only kidding... you don't have to pay back that debt... you deserve to be bailed out just like failing corporations" to the majority of students.

So... I'm not talking about "higher" education and how much that does or does not lead to post graduate employment. I'm talking about starting at the elementary level when people's brains truly are still sponges sucking up everything they're told and raised to believe... and doing the absolute most we can to impact people's lives before they grow up to have a victim mentality about life because that definitely seems to be the trend in this country right now, across the board. Nobody wants to take responsibility for anything and everything is someone else's fault and they're a victim in some way. This type of mentality has spread to everyone regardless of economic status. We could go into the degradation of morals as a society, the lack of an even close to functioning family unit, etc... but that goes pretty deep and I am straying from the topic.

As to your point about corporations and government, well, haha... a big part of that problem is that people flat out do not educate themselves about the politicians that they are voting for. They listen to a few talking points, vote for someone based off of a single viewpoint of a candidate or that candidate's party rather than educating themselves and actually choosing the best candidate. It's quite sad how far thing have fallen. Again... education. And those laws that you speak of that are being exploited need to change. But that really has nothing to do with minimum wage. That has more to do with the entitlement mentality. If we *did* stop subsidizing companies in that manner, they would have to change their policies on wages or the quality of people that work there would lower and the company would suffer but we as a society and the government are not allowing that to happen.

The problem does partially lie in with the fact that ultimately, CEOs are making too much money and the lowest paid workers are not... but that's one of the prices of living here... in this country. What you're essentially suggesting is that we regulate a company's moral compass. What we have right now is some type of bastardized form of capitalism... because it sure as hell isn't free market capitalism.

What about innovation? Please, I would love for you to compare a list of technological advances that have come out of Australia and then stack that up against what has come out of the US. 🙂 Please, please do...

Essentially, in America, we now pretty much only produce one extremely quality thing... and that is ideas. Ideas, ideas, ideas. Let's not give motivation for those ideas to go elsewhere.

People are idiots no matter what their economic status, profession or any other notably defining characteristic. I always question myself as to why I even try... perhaps that makes me the biggest fool of all.
Higher education is valuable no matter the major imo. I'm a staunch supporter of a liberal arts education. I feel like grad school is the avenue for specialization.

Obviously there are technical skills and essential knowledge that some majors are going to need (think engineering, pre-med, nursing, etc), but I think it would be beneficial for our higher education system to put more emphasis on learning how to think. Knowing lots of facts and being intelligent are not the same thing. Our colleges and universities are great at turning out people who know the basics in their chosen career field; they are not so great at developing critical thinking and analytical skills. Developing well rounded individuals who know how to think and learn and have a desire to do both benefits individuals, employers, and society as a whole. No one will ever convince me otherwise.

That said, some people are paying way too much for education.
Higher education is valuable no matter the major imo. I'm a staunch supporter of a liberal arts education. I feel like grad school is the avenue for specialization.

Obviously there are technical skills and essential knowledge that some majors are going to need (think engineering, pre-med, nursing, etc), but I think it would be beneficial for our higher education system to put more emphasis on learning how to think. Knowing lots of facts and being intelligent are not the same thing. Our colleges and universities are great at turning out people who know the basics in their chosen career field; they are not so great at developing critical thinking and analytical skills. Developing well rounded individuals who know how to think and learn and have a desire to do both benefits individuals, employers, and society as a whole. No one will ever convince me otherwise.

That said, some people are paying way too much for education.

Haha, very true... I'm not entirely sure that people can be completely molded in terms of learning "how to think" though. Nature and nurture are both pretty important in terms of one's overall development and intellectual growth.
I think our schools teach too much useless information and not enough life skills.

I have always thought that the junior/senior year of high school needs a class called "life skills" where you learn to write a check, open a checking account, balance a checkbook, write a resume, write a cover letter, how to do your taxes

I have always thought that the junior/senior year of high school needs a class called "life skills" where you learn to write a check, open a checking account, balance a checkbook, write a resume, write a cover letter, how to do your taxes

Absolutely! Add buying a car and it's basic maintenance. Also some common sense plumbing. Even if you rent sh-t happens, a quick fix has saved me $.
I wish it was increased to $10, an extra dollar for every hour I park. You would think that they would at least give us parking decals. On an 8 hour shift, I have to pay $9 on parking.
I wish it was increased to $10, an extra dollar for every hour I park. You would think that they would at least give us parking decals. On an 8 hour shift, I have to pay $9 on parking.
Is that store in a mall? Does the mall not offer free/discounted parking to employees?
Is that store in a mall? Does the mall not offer free/discounted parking to employees?
It's in a shopping center. There's a movie theater, Nordstrom Rack, and other stores like that. If there was free parking, no one's ever told me about it.
I wish it was increased to $10, an extra dollar for every hour I park. You would think that they would at least give us parking decals. On an 8 hour shift, I have to pay $9 on parking.
There is commuter option in spot discounts, doesn't that work?
In middle school, my science teacher did an activity where we wrote fake checks then handed them to someone else in class to see if they could find a way to forge extra money. It was kinda fun. I used weird colored gel pens so no one edited my check. Some dummy used a pencil. Checks are on their deathbeds, though. I mean, it's a piece of paper with all your banking info and address right there. Doesn't seem safe. I've been doing other people and my own taxes since high school, but I use turbo tax lol. People know that, but it was (at the time) cheaper to pay me or my mom than it was to buy turbotax or pay someone else. Now, if your taxes are simple, it's free to do em with tt's website. People with simple taxes still ask my mom to do their taxes, though... And they still pay her! She used to do them by hand... In the olden days. We learned resume writing in PC apps (probably called something different now) which was required in my high school.

My school offered a little course on paying for college that kids and/or parents could go to on the weekend, but I don't think anyone went. I didn't, because I was dumb. I wasn't fully prepared, but for such a small school, I think they made a good effort. Especially when I think of how unprepared some of my friends from other areas were.
I learned how to write checks and balance a checkbook and plan for a family and do all of that stuff in the 4th grade. I would have been hella mad if we had to repeat it in high school. Taxes we learned how to do in junior high. But I do them for free for now online and hopefully by next year they will be too complicated to do on my own with my new profession. Resumes and cover letters were covered in....hmmm....I don't remember when, to be honest....but I think they were covered so many times, there is no way anyone could have gotten out of learning how to do it (of course whether or not they paid attention/cared is anyone's guess).
Title research is another good one that people pay for but is so easy and available to the public.
I learned how to write checks and balance a checkbook and plan for a family and do all of that stuff in the 4th grade. I would have been hella mad if we had to repeat it in high school. Taxes we learned how to do in junior high. But I do them for free for now online and hopefully by next year they will be too complicated to do on my own with my new profession. Resumes and cover letters were covered in....hmmm....I don't remember when, to be honest....but I think they were covered so many times, there is no way anyone could have gotten out of learning how to do it (of course whether or not they paid attention/cared is anyone's guess).
Did you get a new job?
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