MEGATHREAD $9 minimum wage starts soon!!!

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Yeah except I actually pay taxes unlike a lot of Illegal Immigrants who get paid under the table.
What do you think not reporting your tips means?

Also, legal or not, immigrants pay a ton of state taxes that are collected up front (sales tax, rent taxes, etc) just like everyone else.

If they really want to help people in this country, they don't need to raise the minimum wage, they need to reduce income tax and spend less money on things we don't need (ACA).

Protip: Most people who are working minimum wage jobs to support families already have a $0 income tax liability due to the fact that they don't make enough taxable income to offset the deductions and credits they take. In fact, over 40% of household tax returns had $0 tax liability ( in 2013. Reducing income taxes won't help these people at all.

Another fun fact, illegal immigrants that use spoofed social security numbers to be able to work a legitimate job don't file tax returns to lessen the chance of an IRS wondering why 2 returns are being filed for the same person. This means they don't get the chance to take advantage of any tax breaks (child tax credit, standard deductions, etc) that normal citizens file for and receive. They end up paying out a much larger % of the income in taxes than legal citizens in the same income bracket do.
Maybe if you're broke you don't pay any income tax. I don't even make that much (40-50k) and i'll probably have about 10,000 of that paid in taxes at the end of the year.
Maybe if you're broke you don't pay any income tax. I don't even make that much (40-50k) and i'll probably have about 10,000 of that paid in taxes at the end of the year.

$55k gross household income, $1,049.25 total income tax by the time everything was worked out. That's the first time in about 7 years I had any tax liability at all.
$55k gross household income, $1,049.25 total income tax by the time everything was worked out. That's the first time in about 7 years I had any tax liability at all.
Illegal aliens pay nothing they send all their money back home . And they are of illegal activity such as ms 13 and are drug pushers but your guy Obama wants them here . Ps min wage going up is bad news everything goes up same with cost of living.
Illegal aliens pay nothing they send all their money back home . And they are of illegal activity such as ms 13 and are drug pushers but your guy Obama wants them here . Ps min wage going up is bad news everything goes up same with cost of living.

Not a single bit of that had anything to do with the post you quoted.
Not a single bit of that had anything to do with the post you quoted.
Did not want to copy you wall of text min wage going up is bad idea cost of living goes up food and gas everything goes up but I guess you all don't understand what min wage is.
Did not want to copy you wall of text min wage going up is bad idea cost of living goes up food and gas everything goes up but I guess you all don't understand what min wage is.

4 sentences broken into 2 paragraphs, each with distinctive points is a wall of text to you? I would hate to think what would happen if you had to read a book or something.

Fun fact: Price of gas isn't affected by minimum wage! Oil prices are set by speculators who try to determine the supply vs demand. Workers at oil refineries that actually produce gasoline are paid substantially higher than minimum wage so increasing minimum wage won't impact that part of the process. Truck drivers are paid either by the mile, by contract bidding, or by the hour depending on who they work for and they ALL take home more than minimum wage. The only impact it may have is if the gas station clerk was only making minimum wage.

As far as food prices go, you may want to delve into how illegal immigrants being paid under the table goes a LONG way to keeping food prices down. Farms are exempt from various labor laws such as minimum wage and age of employment. As a result, about 25% of our food is produced by children as young as 6, many of whom are those "anchor babies" you complain so much about.
4 sentences broken into 2 paragraphs, each with distinctive points is a wall of text to you? I would hate to think what would happen if you had to read a book or something.

Fun fact: Price of gas isn't affected by minimum wage! Oil prices are set by speculators who try to determine the supply vs demand. Workers at oil refineries that actually produce gasoline are paid substantially higher than minimum wage so increasing minimum wage won't impact that part of the process. Truck drivers are paid either by the mile, by contract bidding, or by the hour depending on who they work for and they ALL take home more than minimum wage. The only impact it may have is if the gas station clerk was only making minimum wage.

As far as food prices go, you may want to delve into how illegal immigrants being paid under the table goes a LONG way to keeping food prices down. Farms are exempt from various labor laws such as minimum wage and age of employment. As a result, about 25% of our food is produced by children as young as 6, many of whom are those "anchor babies" you complain so much about.
It common economics sir you can look it up yourself.
I agree with some people that raising the minimum wage to $15 or $20/hr is too much, but it should be $10.90 adjusted with inflation.


Hear hear .. I don't even quite make $20 (close) , and if some burger flipper is making that, that's pure bullshit lol.

You're making the claim that raising minimum wage would increase gas prices. The burden of proof is on you.

When you raise the minimum wage, any business that pays employees minimum wage (like gas stations) will likely increase prices and/or cut back on assets (employees,costs,etc.)

It's safe to say that most places will increase their prices. Whether or not gas will go up, that's debatable.
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Did not want to copy you wall of text min wage going up is bad idea cost of living goes up food and gas everything goes up but I guess you all don't understand what min wage is.

Actually you're wrong, minimum wage hikes don't cause inflation.

The bottom line: these minimum wage hikes pose no inflationary threat.
The potential contribution of the minimum wage COLAs to inflation would be to raise the rate of inflation by less than 0.1 percent.
This would raise, for example, the average annual inflation rate of 2.6 percent to 2.7 percent—a change so small that the rate is effectively unchanged in any meaningful way.
In fact, this potential impact on inflation is smaller than the margin of error for the Department of Labor’s estimate of inflation.[5]

People who are getting those hikes spend the money across the board so it goes back into the economy.
In fact places like SeaTac where the raised it to $15.00 and everyone insisted businesses would go bankrupt and people would be out of work, actually the employment rate is better.
SeaTac, WA Unemployment Rate is at 4.60%, compared to 4.90% last month and5.20% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 7.15%
So much for the sky falling.
Actually you're wrong, minimum wage hikes don't cause inflation.

People who are getting those hikes spend the money across the board so it goes back into the economy.
In fact places like SeaTac where the raised it to $15.00 and everyone insisted businesses would go bankrupt and people would be out of work, actually the employment rate is better.
SeaTac, WA Unemployment Rate is at 4.60%, compared to 4.90% last month and5.20% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 7.15%
So much for the sky falling.

Wage hikes hurt a business' bottom line. Not sure how people don't realize how that can be harmful for a business - and not only for the corporation, but the workers too. Target would likely merge even more positions (like BRTL and Instocks in lower vol stores already), as well as cut positions and cut hours. No business is going to just accept losses, they will compensate to run more efficiently to make up for those losses. It's not always a win/win for everybody.
And if it's this

Sure there is going to be bounce back on a decision as radical as what he did at Gravity, that's the way the law of unintended consequences works but it has been three months since he made the announcement and one of the problems is his dickhead brother decided to sue the company (which has nothing to do with the economics).
Give it a year or two and we'll see how this really shakes out.
The right is really happy to jump all over this, especially interviewing the one (rather pretty) employee who jumped ship.
It makes for great articles but we haven't really had a chance to see how this is going to play out.
And if it's this

Sure there is going to be bounce back on a decision as radical as what he did at Gravity, that's the way the law of unintended consequences works but it has been three months since he made the announcement and one of the problems is his dickhead brother decided to sue the company (which has nothing to do with the economics).
Give it a year or two and we'll see how this really shakes out.
The right is really happy to jump all over this, especially interviewing the one (rather pretty) employee who jumped ship.
It makes for great articles but we haven't really had a chance to see how this is going to play out.
It not just that company their are other companies that are doing that or rising their prices .
Wages simply wouldn't be an issue if the stock market didn't exist.
As to the question of "Why should a burger flipper get $15 when a paramedic only makes that much?" here is a paramedic to answer that question.

If you want hire taxes you keep voting to rise it their is a reason why it is a minimum wage job.
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