MEGATHREAD $9 minimum wage starts soon!!!

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Was listening to the stl debating this with a tm the other day. Plus what they have to hand out for reviews. I'm tired of the endless suppositions. I just want my raise/review already.

I assume it will be merit raise, then bump to $9, cause that's the least beneficial to the team. I'm screwed either way. I make just over $9 without my pa bump. And I make way over after my pa bump. Merit raise is all I hope to see this year, and I doubt I'll be seeing an O...
I'm betting on the merit raise, then up to $9 if you're still below. Target ain't stupid or particularly generous. They didn't say that everybody would get a raise. They said that everybody would make at least $9.00 per hour. After all, the merit raise was determined prior to the $9.00 announcement.

And in my time with Target, never has anyone above the base gotten a raise when the base got bumped.

Further, the last time I was in that situation (just a couple months ago), everyone in the store was raised to $9.00 per hour. Those who made $8.95/hour got a nickel raise. Those who were recently hired were making $8.25 and got a $0.75 raise. Explanation? The raise wasn't for the person, it was for the position.
I'm betting on the merit raise, then up to $9 if you're still below. Target ain't stupid or particularly generous. They didn't say that everybody would get a raise. They said that everybody would make at least $9.00 per hour. After all, the merit raise was determined prior to the $9.00 announcement.

And in my time with Target, never has anyone above the base gotten a raise when the base got bumped.

Further, the last time I was in that situation (just a couple months ago), everyone in the store was raised to $9.00 per hour. Those who made $8.95/hour got a nickel raise. Those who were recently hired were making $8.25 and got a $0.75 raise. Explanation? The raise wasn't for the person, it was for the position.

The rollout guide for the pay increase specifically says that TMs under the $9 per hour mark will get raised to the new minimum AND receive their merit raise on top of it for this year. It is different than the last 4 times I have seen it happen.

I do not know about paygrade positions though. I am assuming it will function the same, since said TM could just quit and reapply to start making the new amount (say $10 for a PG9 position).
The rollout guide for the pay increase specifically says that TMs under the $9 per hour mark will get raised to the new minimum AND receive their merit raise on top of it for this year. It is different than the last 4 times I have seen it happen.

I do not know about paygrade positions though. I am assuming it will function the same, since said TM could just quit and reapply to start making the new amount (say $10 for a PG9 position).
Yeah, but who is saying they would rehire you...They could hire a kool aid drinker for the same cost and brain wash them before they know better...
The rollout guide for the pay increase specifically says that TMs under the $9 per hour mark will get raised to the new minimum AND receive their merit raise on top of it for this year. It is different than the last 4 times I have seen it happen.

I do not know about paygrade positions though. I am assuming it will function the same, since said TM could just quit and reapply to start making the new amount (say $10 for a PG9 position).

Thanks Rock 😀
It's disgraceful
yea! I worked very hard and earned every raise I ever gotten. Corporate is basically saying "yea... you have been loyal for many years but it does not matter to us." I really want to write corporate and I know they wont give a shit but I am sure it wont get me fired.
I consider myself a calm, level-headed leader for this company, but after receiving my review the other day and AGAIN for the second year there was no increase in my wage, not even 1%, I am very concerned....Why you ask, well, there are many team members that were given higher % merit increases due to 'more $ in the budget' I guess no $ for team LEADERS though??..Oh and BTW, you Team Leaders out there won't be receiving an increase either (adjusted wage) may get one with a merit increase, but that will be all...I think in some respects we have made some progress (like closing Canadian operations)but we have a LONG way to go in regard to treating loyal, hard-working, dedicated leaders like they matter...I am not an ETL looking to build a resume with Target and then leave, I am a Team Leader.. here because when I started the Company stood for something....where did THAT Company go??🙁🙁🙁🙁
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I hate to say it but I dont think Target will care if you quit if you are mad. They are probably counting on a few people to get mad and quit. For every person making over $9 an hour that throws a fit about everyone now making the same as them or very close to it that quits its just one more person they will hire at the new cheaper rate.
I hate to say it but I dont think Target will care if you quit if you are mad. They are probably counting on a few people to get mad and quit. For every person making over $9 an hour that throws a fit about everyone now making the same as them or very close to it that quits its just one more person they will hire at the new cheaper rate.
yea I know Juiced.. I've been hit below the belt before but never like what Target is doing. After I quit I will likely no longer shop at Target.

If you already make over $9 you will see no increase in your pay. 100% confirmed.

All the max pay for the pay grades HAS gone up though.
I was told that it would be bump up to $9 and then raises. But if pay grade differences are included as well, it almost seems too good to be true. Say I get a 30 cent raise for my review...I'm currently at $8.45 as a GSA (base+.50) So that would be $9+.50+.30. Going from $8.45 to $9.80??? I'm almost afraid to get excited.
This is correct. I've read the guide and pulled merit sheets myself today to check. (ETL-HR here).

Sounds like Brian Cornell is trying to turn things around. He's cutting unnecessary positions at HQ and rolling that payroll into where it counts the most.

Also, for all the nay sayers, this bump was planned since December. When the HQ cuts were announced, someone leaked it to Wal Mart after they were hired on, so Wally World was able to beat us and look like the hero.

Call me a kook-aid drinker, but it was a nice year of raises at my store.
This is correct. I've read the guide and pulled merit sheets myself today to check. (ETL-HR here).

Sounds like Brian Cornell is trying to turn things around. He's cutting unnecessary positions at HQ and rolling that payroll into where it counts the most.

Also, for all the nay sayers, this bump was planned since December. When the HQ cuts were announced, someone leaked it to Wal Mart after they were hired on, so Wally World was able to beat us and look like the hero.

Call me a kook-aid drinker, but it was a nice year of raises at my store.
God I hope so. I've been on the fence about quitting spot, but I'm making alright wages (9.40/hour). My problem is the hours :/
This is correct. I've read the guide and pulled merit sheets myself today to check. (ETL-HR here).

Sounds like Brian Cornell is trying to turn things around. He's cutting unnecessary positions at HQ and rolling that payroll into where it counts the most.

Also, for all the nay sayers, this bump was planned since December. When the HQ cuts were announced, someone leaked it to Wal Mart after they were hired on, so Wally World was able to beat us and look like the hero.

Call me a kook-aid drinker, but it was a nice year of raises at my store.
kook-aid drinker
It would taste like Diet Mountain Dew Baja Blast. Fuck you Taco Bell for discontinuing it!
I love any kind of Mountain Dew from a bottle or can, but I'm not a fan of any of them from a fountain. That said, I used to get Baja Blast on every Taco Bell run!

I haven't drank any soda for the past three months and have entirely cut out caffeine. No soda, coffee, tea, energy drinks, excedrin... nothing. We have a remodel coming up and I am determined not give in!

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