MEGATHREAD $9 minimum wage starts soon!!!

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Worst case:
8.25 gets bumped to 8.40-ish merit then to 9.00
Best case:
8.25 gets bumped to 9.00 then 9.25 for pay grade bump then 9.40-ish for merit.

Big difference for those in the 8-8.99 range currently.
So today I received my review. I am currently Signing N09. I was getting paid $9.25 hour (base + $1.00 + $.25 (raise that was given to me at my three month review)). Graded as EX and given a 4% raise. New base is $9.00 + $1.00( N09)+ $.37 (4% raise based on $9.25). The prior $.25 raise dissolved except for it factoring in on my merit raise. Total raise according to Target = $1.12 (12.1%). Effective date 4/26/2015. Reflects on 05/15/2015 paycheck.
To my knowledge there is no three month review. You sure they didn't just raise base in your store by .25?
Honestly I couldn't say for sure why I received the raise, no one told me point blank what it was for, but it kicked in the week after my 90 days. My fiance and I started at the same time and we both got the raise. The other three people who started at the same time as us didn't. They were termed a few months later. I just assumed they weren't cutting it enough to get the raise, and then never got any better and were let go.
If you want a living wage, you shouldn't be in retail.

So, basically if your a new team member making the national minimum wage of $7.25 and and get a 25 cent merit raise, then you will get another $1.50 to put you at the new Target minimum wage of $9.00 (N03....Cashiers, Cart Attendant, Sales Floor). But if you have been with Target for many years and you are making $8.75, and get a 25 cent merit raise, you get NOTHING, since you hit the new Target minimum wage. IT IS NOT FAIR!!!!!!...... Please correct me, if any of this information is wrong, I honestly hope I am wrong!!!!🙁
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From what's been written here, I *think* that the newish team member will be raised to $9.00, then get a $0.25 merit raise for a pay rate of $9.25. You will be raised to $9.00 and get a $0.25 merit raise for a pay rate of $9.25. So you'll both be making the same if you're at the same level of pay (NO3).
For everyone getting worked up over the speculation of what may come; please, when you get your annual review and raise, if it's not what you expect as far as minimum bump + merit, say something during the actual review. It may or may not do much for each person, but obviously a lot of team members care enough to talk about it here or even ask their TL or ETLs in advance. So don't simply "let it go" when you get your review. Let it be known so that if for no other reason you let someone above you know your feelings on the subject.

side question: has anyone's store had this spoken about openly yet? In a huddle or anything?
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For everyone getting worked up over the speculation of what may come; please, when you get your annual review and raise, if it's not what you expect as far as minimum bump + merit, say something during the actual review. It may or may not do much for each person, but obviously a lot of team members care enough to talk about it here or even ask their TL or ETLs in advance. So don't simply "let it go" when you get your review. Let it be known so that if for no other reason you let someone above you know your feelings on the subject.

side question: has anyone's store had this spoken about openly yet? In a huddle or anything?
Not mine unless I have been off that day. I'm thinking they probably hope we haven't seen it (haha). Because if enough TM had asked, then he would have said something to us as a team.
Was told by Etl HR it is $9 minimum plus workcenter wage increase (no3,no5 and such) plus your yearly review. So electronics here is $.75 over minimum, so ill be making $9.75 + yearly review raise. Im liking the extra $1+ increase to wages. As for the possible $10 hike in 2016, it will be determined closer to 2016 based on average pay for retail employees.
Was told by Etl HR it is $9 minimum plus workcenter wage increase (no3,no5 and such) plus your yearly review. So electronics here is $.75 over minimum, so ill be making $9.75 + yearly review raise. Im liking the extra $1+ increase to wages. As for the possible $10 hike in 2016, it will be determined closer to 2016 based on average pay for retail employees.

Any idea what would happen if you were already over the minimum of your pay grade?
YEAH!!!!! Thank you. I keep reading this thread and trying to figure out what the h eck it all means.... but all I really wanted to know is What's in it for me?
Hope everyone gets raise... esp those who have been at spot a while
Loyalty and experience should always be rewarded
YEAH!!!!! Thank you. I keep reading this thread and trying to figure out what the h eck it all means.... but all I really wanted to know is What's in it for me?
Hope everyone gets raise... esp those who have been at spot a while
Loyalty and experience should always be rewarded
Yeah you will be bumped up to 9.00 an hour, if you are not currently making that, and then you will receive your merit raise. if you haven't been with Target for a year yet, your raise will be prorated for the number of months you have worked.

so you will make 9.00 plus whatever your merit raise is (You should receive it in the next month)
Any idea what would happen if you were already over the minimum of your pay grade?
You will probably get screwed...

Eg: if base is $7.25, and your paygrade starts at $.50 above base...but you are currently at $9.51 due to years of annual raises. You will be now making about the same as brand new TMs. Hell, some may even end up making more than you if they get a better review.

Based on what I have read here and what the TLs at my store have been whispering about, this new minimum heavily benefits new TMs.
So wait im backroom team member. Been with target for a little over 2 years. I make $10.15 now 5 cents first review. Got a $1 raise due to moving from 4am to 6 am. Then got a 35 cent yearly review raise. Will i only get my yearly raise and thats it? Or pay grade increase raise too?
I just started March 16th and yes the $9.00 is correct and I was also told that it may jump up to $10.00 by July like Walmart.
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