MEGATHREAD $9 minimum wage starts soon!!!

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I haven't drank any soda for the past three months and have entirely cut out caffeine. No soda, coffee, tea, energy drinks, excedrin... nothing. We have a remodel coming up and I am determined not give in!

I wish I was you... I drink less soda than before but I'm addicted to coffee. Here's a useless fun fact... I always hated coffee and didn't start drinking it til I was 23... all because they sampled Pumpkin Spice Lattes at a huddle. Damn you Target for causing my coffee addiction!!!!
Eventually I'll be at the point where I can enjoy the occasional cup of coffee with a friend. But right now I'm just shunning all of it. And curiously, I don't need it to get through the day anymore! Soda is two fold because of all the sugar and caffeine. Really trying to eat healthier and be healthier. Not a New Year's resolution, just time to make some changes.

This is correct. I've read the guide and pulled merit sheets myself today to check. (ETL-HR here).

Sounds like Brian Cornell is trying to turn things around. He's cutting unnecessary positions at HQ and rolling that payroll into where it counts the most.

Also, for all the nay sayers, this bump was planned since December. When the HQ cuts were announced, someone leaked it to Wal Mart after they were hired on, so Wally World was able to beat us and look like the hero.

Call me a kook-aid drinker, but it was a nice year of raises at my store.
That's crap still if you are over $9. It means the piece of crap pa who had been here a year will make five cents less an hour before merit raises. Cause he week bump to $9 and I make five cents more than that before my pa bump. So if his merit raise is better he will have surpassed five years of raises I've gotten by doing nothing. Literally.

Time to polish off the resume and count time till the new grocery store is built near me. Produce manager has a nice ring...
Part of me wants to say that it shouldn't matter what other people are getting paid and we shouldn't really compare ourselves to others... But I just can't say those words. I don't believe them. It's just messed up.
So I make 10.51 after almost 9 yrs with Target. I started as a specialist and we were paid 8.00.
So after almost 9 yrs and 2.51 in raises, someone right off the street is going to make 9.00??? 🙁
I mean, I'm happy for those cashiers that barely even make 8.00 but I will be real pissed if I don't see some kind of increase. I already got gipped last year. I was told that I capped out as a cashier. I'm not real sure that was correct or not. I thought merit raises were based on performance....?

I'm confused... Those of us over 9.00 will see some kind of increase.... or not?
If your capped the only way to get a raise is get a EX or O (goodluck on that) on your review. However the caps have been raised this year so most should get some sort of raise this year.
Part of me wants to say that it shouldn't matter what other people are getting paid and we shouldn't really compare ourselves to others... But I just can't say those words. I don't believe them. It's just messed up.
Yeah, until the little shit is spending an eight hour shift chatting and letting everyone else do his work. Even though he's on corrective action for theft and swears like a sailor.

It would be one thing if we only hired dependable, hard working team members. Instead we hire lazy back stabbing children.
^so would you be okay with making similar hourly wage to the newb if they fired the lazeball and got better people?

There's been studies and junk that say that better pay brings and keeps better , more priductive talent, so it's possible that the quality of TMs will go up at some point sooner vs later.
In CA we're already at the $9 wages. Before I became TL (March last year) I was at $9.77 so I was a bit annoyed that if I hadn't promoted I would still be making less then when minimum bumps up to $10 next year. What I think is very unfair is the team members who barely make more than $9 after years at Target. One ex. is a brand team member who has been with the company for almost 10 years and is making the same as me ($13 and I've been with the company for 5 years ). Her wages are worth way less than a new cashier. Even with a bump in paygrade she still isn't getting much. Is it fair? No absolutely not but unfortunately that's the way things are going. Retail is hard and exhausting and will always be underpaid. I'm trying damn hard to be optimistic and say this is only the start and hopefully we'll all have fair living wages. And I understand how unfair raises have been over the years but I'm going to focus on the positive right now because it's exhausting feeling so much resentment against this company especially since I'm close to finishing my degree.
My wife works in an industry that is funded by the state. She's not gonna be able to find good workers if Walmart and target pay more.
and once again here are my thoughts on this...

Target you can keep your ...

I wish I was you... I drink less soda than before but I'm addicted to coffee. Here's a useless fun fact... I always hated coffee and didn't start drinking it til I was 23... all because they sampled Pumpkin Spice Lattes at a huddle. Damn you Target for causing my coffee addiction!!!!
Same. I've been able to cut down on soda lately but I can't go a day without drinking 3 cups of coffee. Some days it's 4. It's not a good financial habit either. But those caramel macchiatos though....
If you want a living wage, you shouldn't be in retail.

Didn't used to be the case.
There was a time when you could support your family working retail.
In the early days of Target that was true.
I worked in the meat department of a grocery store where the cashiers where able to make house payments, car payments, buy food, save to send their kids to college and there was a retirement fund.
Retail doesn't have to suck.
We just have come to accept that it does.
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^so would you be okay with making similar hourly wage to the newb if they fired the lazeball and got better people?

There's been studies and junk that say that better pay brings and keeps better , more priductive talent, so it's possible that the quality of TMs will go up at some point sooner vs later.
I already make less than the lazy old man who had been here longer and gets high merit reuses because he flies below the radar. So I'd be more ok with someone who busts ass getting paid the same. At least all that money would get results. Instead it gets me nothing but bitching because we get paid "so little" and corporate "doesn't care because we don't get bonuses"
I don't expect a living wage but I sure as fuck won't be "thankful" every time they give me a raise of a few pennies.
you should expect it, it won't change but you have every right to expect a living wage from a company that makes as much money as Target. the only thing you can do is get yourself out of the loop, answer phones at a doctors office, get into construction, etc all non retail jobs that pay more or go to college for other opportunities, just run from retail, otherwise stay and expect to be let down on a consistent basis and know it's what you chose.
This is correct. I've read the guide and pulled merit sheets myself today to check. (ETL-HR here).

Sounds like Brian Cornell is trying to turn things around. He's cutting unnecessary positions at HQ and rolling that payroll into where it counts the most.

Also, for all the nay sayers, this bump was planned since December. When the HQ cuts were announced, someone leaked it to Wal Mart after they were hired on, so Wally World was able to beat us and look like the hero.

Call me a kook-aid drinker, but it was a nice year of raises at my store.

I sure hope this is true..
We already had the bump in raise. It doesn't have much of an effect though.
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the flow team at my store gets $9 plus an extra dollar for over night, I wonder what they'll raise us to...
So today I received my review. I am currently Signing N09. I was getting paid $9.25 hour (base + $1.00 + $.25 (raise that was given to me at my three month review)). Graded as EX and given a 4% raise. New base is $9.00 + $1.00( N09)+ $.37 (4% raise based on $9.25). The prior $.25 raise dissolved except for it factoring in on my merit raise. Total raise according to Target = $1.12 (12.1%). Effective date 4/26/2015. Reflects on 05/15/2015 paycheck.
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