Archived AE 2017

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That part really irks me. When will they learn that people stocking the shelves when the store is open do nothing but hurt customer service, not help with it. Guests don't want to trip over boxes and TMs don't want to have to stop and move out of the way and help guests.

Yeah every store in my district is going to 4am including the hv stores.

What's even worse is how difficult it will be to get equipment with so much overlap between 4 am and 9 am.
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Guess it is a way to cut head cuts as many overnight do the job as it meets their requirements. Some work night while their spouse works days so they have coverage at home for the kids. Means many will HAVE to quit due to new start (or dayside will start at 4am, arghhhh)

Ironically just last week it was announced Mytime now allows you to key someone into a secondary workcenter to auto fill their schedule. A lot of our dayside people with open availability are getting keyed to help the flow team at 4am.

Tells me not every position for those flow team members leaving is going to be filled. I imagine a lot of people will start at 6 so Spot can avoid paying differential.
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During our meeting it was said they will be merchandising team members at paygrade 15... And ETL ops was going away. Neither of which affects my store since we have a vml and no etl ops.

VMTMs at PG15? Does that include mid volume stores too? If that's true, I'm interested. I have previous experience in merchandising.
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VMTMs at PG15? Does that include mid volume stores too? If that's true, I'm interested. I have previeous experience in merchandising.

I am definitely curious how this will look. We currently have several hardlines tms who work as vm when our tl isn't there. That would be a 4 dollar raise for them.

A vmtm at pay grade 15 is making more than a ctl. Same as HLTL. Crazy...
Ironically just last week it was announced Mytime now allows you to key someone into a secondary workcenter to auto fill their schedule. A lot of our dayside people with open availability are getting keyed to help the flow team at 4am.

Tells me not every position for those flow team members leaving is going to be filled. I imagine a lot of people will start at 6 so Spot can avoid paying differential.
Yep so true on both parts.
ULV status is getting lowered, so many stores are going up in org charts from last year. They will increase in TL from that, along with earning a Food TL for Pfresh instead of 1 SFTL owning it all. O/N status was increased (something like 85 stores going to 4am) so lots of converting.

My store has always been on the cusp of getting out of ULV status, will be nice for us. I just hope we hurry up and implement it before I have to write 35 reviews😱
Deli Bakery merge was announced at my store today.

I just switched to Produce/Meat TL (From CTL with dry, dairy, frozen, meat, mini) and I was told that I'm likely getting dairy and frozen as well. The former-produce-TL-now-CTL will only be responsible for dry. I'm told that there will be an additional PA (I only have one right now) but I should expect hour allocation to remain about the same???

Also, I don't know how much of the following is my new STL or AE2017 but instocks will be going to an all day process and grocery will have more closers (to break down dairy the evening when the truck comes). Also, closers will be scheduled an hour past close.

Today was a very quick meeting and I'll have to wait until Friday to see how everything will unfold when I get more info.
Anyone else from a B/C volume store have a plan for the shift in backroom/flow hours? Curious to see what other stores are getting for Backroom and then allocating towards instocks.
Anyone else from a B/C volume store have a plan for the shift in backroom/flow hours? Curious to see what other stores are getting for Backroom and then allocating towards instocks.
We must, big hush hush meeting with them Friday. But ae meeting want 3 til guess was feeling out possible changes for backroom.

I'm hoping they didn't screw us over on jumping org charts finally. 4am year round unload was going to be sweet. If they let the ulv next door jump but not us that's incredibly stupid.
Only low volume that don't have vml

This is what needs to be clarified. The earlier post made it seem like stores that have a VMTLs are getting VMTMS at pg15. Which would be an awful lot of payroll for VM.
That part really irks me. When will they learn that people stocking the shelves when the store is open do nothing but hurt customer service, not help with it. Guests don't want to trip over boxes and TMs don't want to have to stop and move out of the way and help guests.
Yeah but everyone else who's not overnight or even 4am got that shock a long time ago and we've been making due. They're just trying to distribute the workload a little bit more evenly. Everyone know low volume stores are hell compared to like A volume and up.
I am definitely curious how this will look. We currently have several hardlines tms who work as vm when our tl isn't there. That would be a 4 dollar raise for them.

A vmtm at pay grade 15 is making more than a ctl. Same as HLTL. Crazy...
It's only happening in store without a VML. Because they will essentially be a VML with no team.
I feel bad for 4am stores that open at 7am. It simply won't be shoppable.
We are a 4am store and most days during holiday 7am openings were not a problem. The bulk was off the floor before guest came in. A couple of days we had huge market push and it got a little nutty but for most part guest weren't trip or flow or vice versa.
We are a c volume store and I was just informed that our Starbucks TL will also be inheriting Market/P-Fresh as well. Should be interesting since I am a PA.
We are a c volume store and I was just informed that our Starbucks TL will also be inheriting Market/P-Fresh as well. Should be interesting since I am a PA.
Low volumes are condensing all three positions to one. High volumes are condensing food ave and starbucks, but keeping a separate food TL for TL the sales floor. Basically food ave is moving to the sales floor in high volume stores.
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