Archived AE 2017

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Deli Bakery merge was announced at my store today.

I just switched to Produce/Meat TL (From CTL with dry, dairy, frozen, meat, mini) and I was told that I'm likely getting dairy and frozen as well. The former-produce-TL-now-CTL will only be responsible for dry. I'm told that there will be an additional PA (I only have one right now) but I should expect hour allocation to remain about the same???

Also, I don't know how much of the following is my new STL or AE2017 but instocks will be going to an all day process and grocery will have more closers (to break down dairy the evening when the truck comes). Also, closers will be scheduled an hour past close.

Today was a very quick meeting and I'll have to wait until Friday to see how everything will unfold when I get more info.
Confirmation for instocks? I haven't heard anything and our hours were cut
I feel bad for 4am stores that open at 7am. It simply won't be shoppable.

I work at an AA (always on the cusp of being A Volume Store)I work at a 4am store "technically" (about 1/2 of our Flow team actually starts at 3am) and we Open at 7am. It is definitely doable, however not ALL the time. I think our STL understands this, if it has hurt anything it is our Market/Pfresh Push.
Low volumes are condensing all three positions to one. High volumes are condensing food ave and starbucks, but keeping a separate food TL for TL the sales floor. Basically food ave is moving to the sales floor in high volume stores.

Even upper volume ST's are moving this around it appears. The org charts I have seen are calling to consolidate some of the food service roles (FA + SB and Bakery + Deli) but are adding a role back into the SF portion of Food as a Meat/Dairy/Frozen TL. Still a net loss it appears of 1 TL, but the squeeze is in two areas.
Low volumes are condensing all three positions to one. High volumes are condensing food ave and starbucks, but keeping a separate food TL for TL the sales floor. Basically food ave is moving to the sales floor in high volume stores.

So, low volume stores will have one TL over Starbucks and Market? Am I reading this correctly?
So, low volume stores will have one TL over Starbucks and Market? Am I reading this correctly?
Due to AE changes this year, we have been bumped from ULV to LV. If I heard correctly, SBUX/Cafe will be one TL and Consumables will be another TL.
Confirmation for instocks? I haven't heard anything and our hours were cut

Yes our hours were cut too. It kinda makes sense since we almost never get research push done. Also after its done you could PTM or help with CAFs. If someone is actually scheduled to close they should get some salesfloor hours since they will probably help zone and coverage later at night.
I miss it too.. Our process is basically In-Stocks runs the task list then pushes pog fills all day. Nothing more..

Our new STL wants instocks doing the PTM process again. But thats on top of research and there are only two of us with hours both cut so......
Our new STL wants instocks doing the PTM process again. But thats on top of research and there are only two of us with hours both cut so......

We did this last year basically with 70hrs for the entire week. PTM did not happen. We basically stopped shooting anything not on the list since we would get all kinds of shit for not finishing our pulls. It has come to bite them in the ass after a year. I was told to shoot infant hardlines and 4 full tubs came out and a flat of diapers..

I finished one tub and it was time to clock out. Not my problem what happens to it. You told me to shoot it, nothing about pushing it.
We did this last year basically with 70hrs for the entire week. PTM did not happen. We basically stopped shooting anything not on the list since we would get all kinds of shit for not finishing our pulls. It has come to bite them in the ass after a year. I was told to shoot infant hardlines and 4 full tubs came out and a flat of diapers..

I finished one tub and it was time to clock out. Not my problem what happens to it. You told me to shoot it, nothing about pushing it.

We are at about 120 hours of instockout a week.

Since some of our IS people are backroom trained we have them pull batches while the rest do research. By the time all the research is done they are pushing, by the time all the pulling is done they are pushing too. All done within 4 or 5 hours.
We are at about 120 hours of instockout a week.

Since some of our IS people are backroom trained we have them pull batches while the rest do research. By the time all the research is done they are pushing, by the time all the pulling is done they are pushing too. All done within 4 or 5 hours.
Just because they are backroom trained does not mean they should be required to do backroom work without backroom pay. It's so shady IMO.
So I know this is repetitive but anyone who have already heard the AE changes, can you guys confirm if Starbucks and Food Ave will be combined across all volumes or is it depending on volume as it has been?
Just because they are backroom trained does not mean they should be required to do backroom work without backroom pay. It's so shady IMO.

Exactly. Very shady and if those guys/girls spend most of the days in the back room you might want to look into getting backroom pay for them.

120hrs we could change the store on that.. But 70hrs keeps heads above water.
So I know this is repetitive but anyone who have already heard the AE changes, can you guys confirm if Starbucks and Food Ave will be combined across all volumes or is it depending on volume as it has been?
My store is one of the highest volume stores and to the best of my knowledge we are keeping the two positions separate. However I haven't seen anything official.
Just because they are backroom trained does not mean they should be required to do backroom work without backroom pay. It's so shady IMO.

Well, they still get backroom pay even while instocks. Remember if you are keyed as one work center and you work somewhere else you still get your regular pay.

One of our GSTL cashiers sometimes due to call outs and she still gets GSTL pay.

The people who get screwed are the hardlines tms who do instocks. In stocks is technically n05 so they should get .25 cents more for these instocks shifts but you have to have your regular work center changed before you get that raise.
The people who get screwed are the hardlines tms who do instocks. In stocks is technically n05 so they should get .25 cents more for these instocks shifts but you have to have your regular work center changed before you get that raise.

Keyed in as HL TM and on my 4th consecutive week of nothing but Plano and Electronics shifts. I'm happy to get the hours in other workcenters, but the problem you describe does sting a bit. If they're going to use me as a cheaper presentation/electronics TM, the least they could do is be less stingy with hours...
Even upper volume ST's are moving this around it appears. The org charts I have seen are calling to consolidate some of the food service roles (FA + SB and Bakery + Deli) but are adding a role back into the SF portion of Food as a Meat/Dairy/Frozen TL. Still a net loss it appears of 1 TL, but the squeeze is in two areas.
Do you know at what store level this starts? Before Monday, I was the dry/dairy/frozen/meat TL and I was swapped with Produce (and kept meat). After the AE bomb dropped on Monday, I was informed that I would likely end up with produce/meat/dairy/frozen. This move was supposed to make things less stressful for me :/
My org chart for 2016 was supposed to have 3 in HL, but still only has 2.
We're high volume and combining Food Ave/Starbucks.

Let's just say my store is not at all happy with corporate right now. It's amazing that Target will see a high performing, functional store and do everything in its power to turn it into a craphole like everywhere else
It's just insane that they're doing this. Our FA TL is a senior team lead and has maybe 1 shift a month at FA, otherwise she is helping out every area of the store her other shifts. Out SB TL is there 40 hours a week, maybe once every 2 weeks they have her somewhere else. So now that this is happening, I have to help out consumables (something FA took over completely for me and I don't mind helping) but now we have no idea what's happening with Stabucks. We legitimately don't have any reliable baristas that could significantly help us out in the transition. And we will have a "floating" TL once this goes into effect and the SB TL will be switched to the salesfloor with me to help me.

It's frightening to think about what's going to happen to our store since FA TL is an integral part every single day with helping us in every area of the store. Our Stabucks TL is great but doesn't have the knowledge for them to basically switch spots.
Food ave and starbucks can basically run themselves. We have one of the busiest food services in the company at my store and we all agree that they could get away without a TL.
I'm concerned about the fact that they want to combine Deli and Bakery, even in high volume stores. (Unless I am mistaken.) Will this mean a further reduction in hours, with one person covering both areas for even longer periods of time? (There's no way that this ends well.) Will the hours for each area still be separate? (In my recent experience, not in practice. The TL will favor their original area.) Will they take the time to train the team lead that stays, in the area they may have never been involved with before? (I'd bet big money on NO.) Will they add an assistant position to help with the pains that come with downsizing? (Probably not; they'll just expect a TM to step up and fill the role without the pay.) Will cross-training between Deli and Bakery become a priority? (No way, no hours!)
I only see this ending poorly.
We're high volume and combining Food Ave/Starbucks.

Let's just say my store is not at all happy with corporate right now. It's amazing that Target will see a high performing, functional store and do everything in its power to turn it into a craphole like everywhere else

Seconded. Not our fault the other stores in our district are crap.
Exactly. Very shady and if those guys/girls spend most of the days in the back room you might want to look into getting backroom pay for them.

120hrs we could change the store on that.. But 70hrs keeps heads above water.
70-80 hours is how much we usually get. We do ptms, research, rigs, have to do our own pulls, and get the push done. We scan the entire store in a week. But now we are cut too 55-60 hours. It's a joke. I couldn't imagine getting 120. I'd be doing ptm, research the entire store, start dropping manuals and pog fills, pullimg them all, making sure all the counts are right on the backstock. My store would look beautiful. I know this because that's how many hours we got during Christmas time and it looked great.
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