Archived Bye Bye MAX FSTL.... Hello MY TIME........

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I think MyTime is going to be the thing that helps me GTFO. I cannot be in a situation where I have to worry every week if a computer is going to give me enough hours to pay my bills. It's been a fun decade, Spot - thanks for the push out the door.
We had a girl drop her availabilty to one day a week because she got a new job. They were fine with her doing it...and my time will not schedule her at all.
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I'm pretty much convinced I'm not going to get scheduled once we roll it out... Training for it was last week I saw on the calendar. How long do you think we have?

I think I ended up with open availability on Sat, Sun, Mon, Wed. Until 5 on Tuesday, unavailable on Thursday & Friday. I capped my hours at 20, down from 25. They knew I only wanted 15 or so, but I'm scheduled 25 the week. Hence the drop in the cap. I can change it some once school gets put for the kids.... We will be slow by that point though.
I wonder what mytime will do with me. Only available m-w for a specific 5 hours. It's gonna automatically terminate me.

We have a cashier with similar availability. She rarely gets more than one shift per week.
If my primary workcenter is BR early morning, but I only work BR Day, should I get that changed so I get as many BR Day shifts as possible? There are 3 other BR Days, but they work early and mid also.
If my primary workcenter is BR early morning, but I only work BR Day, should I get that changed so I get as many BR Day shifts as possible? There are 3 other BR Days, but they work early and mid also.

With MyTime it puts Day and Early BR together, no longer separates it. I would suggest changing your availability but speak with your TL about it as well. When we changed over to MyTime and everyone put in new availabilities we were denying them left and right because they were such drastic changes from the norm.
I can't change my availability, but the other BR days have open availability so why can't they only work truck and mids and I get all the closings. Then we can rotate weekends.
When My Time is making the schedule, it doesn't start with you and fill in your schedule before moving on to the next person on your team. It's going to start on Sunday and decide what shifts your store needs. Then it will assign people to those shifts as it deems necessary. You may get the shift you want, or someone else may. Once Sunday is complete, it moves on to Monday, and so on. So it doesn't care if you get less hours because it's a computer program. As long as it can find someone to fill the shifts, it has done its job.

As an aside, my personal opinion is that My Time's tertiary purpose is to punish people who have limited availability. Target's desire is for as many people as possible to have open availability, so creating a computer that has no empathy means the store doesn't get to cater to strict availability requirements. As TMs receive less hours than before, maybe even losing insurance in the process(added bonus!), they move on and Spot gets to hire someone with open availability. The TMs who generally have stringent availability requirements tend to be more veteran TMs who were grandfathered into their availability. Those are also the TMs that have the highest pay for their position. All-in-all, target has found an easy way to disrupt those TMs and replace them with cheaper, more exploitable alternatives.
When ever my store switches to this do we have to re submit our availability ? I like that I dont have to stay past 9pm friday or saturday lol
As a SBTL, I'm really liking MyTime. I've been getting 165-175 hours each week, which is 10 more than with MAX. I had been struggling with adequate staffing for the afternoons, which is no longer a problem. My team is no longer complaining about having rough nights and our survey scores have shot up to green YTD. Even the 4-7pm and After 7pm categories are green now! I really like the Coverage Graph when making edits, so for it's been spot-on each day, and my team has been telling me how much better the nights are going for them. I can say from a guest-centered perspective, MyTime is fantastic.
Also, the ability to see your punches, make corrections and put in Vac/PH right after punching out instead of waiting 24 hrs is THE BEST!
I am all for a system telling us which part of the day is our busiest and what shifts we should schedule.. that is not the issue.what I do not like is the "dont touch it" mentality. Im sorry but if my worst cashier is scheduled 8-430 and my best is scheduled 10-2.. I am going to swap them if it is in Their availability. We told our hr this right up front. The general shift can stay but the talent chosen for that position will be my choice. And if a tl is scheduled opening shifts now.. MyTime can give them a couple closings? Then my etl thinks bringing a task driven team In later In the day is a good choice when they complain that they use the hours max forecasts and not some stupid forecasting tool that shoots low and then blows up a week later. HECK NO. The meeting we had was pretty tense. Im anticipating the first schedule.. Heads Will Roll if they do not let us have some say.
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So how does this MyTime thing affect the Receiving/Reverse Logistics area? If they think that I can get all my tasks done in less than 5 hours they are crazy!😵
I am all for a system telling us which part of the day is our busiest and what shifts we should schedule.. that is not the issue.what I do not like is the "dont touch it" mentality. Im sorry but if my worst cashier is scheduled 8-430 and my best is scheduled 10-2.. I am going to swap them if it is in Their availability. We told our hr this right up front. The general shift can stay but the talent chosen for that position will be my choice. And if a tl is scheduled opening shifts now.. MyTime can give them a couple closings? Then my etl thinks bringing a task driven team In later In the day is a good choice when they complain that they use the hours max forecasts and not some stupid forecasting tool that shoots low and then blows up a week later. HECK NO. The meeting we had was pretty tense. Im anticipating the first schedule.. Heads Will Roll if they do not let us have some say.

The system should be pulling fairly, which is the reason you should not be touching it. Just because someone is a better performer does not guarantee them hours. If your worst cashier is open availability and wants 40 hours, and your best is only available 8-4:30 M-F and limited on weekends and also requesting 40, and the hours are limited, it is fair for your worst to get the 8-4:30 and your best to get 10-2! Your worse should be working more to be fair, and you should be spending time either improving them or getting rid of them.

TL's can be on set schedules, so that is not the issue. And you should have a guest driven team at all times, but specifically during the middle of the day. When the most guests are in the store, that is when you want to have to most bodies representing service.
I am all for a system telling us which part of the day is our busiest and what shifts we should schedule.. that is not the issue.what I do not like is the "dont touch it" mentality. Im sorry but if my worst cashier is scheduled 8-430 and my best is scheduled 10-2.. I am going to swap them if it is in Their availability. We told our hr this right up front. The general shift can stay but the talent chosen for that position will be my choice. And if a tl is scheduled opening shifts now.. MyTime can give them a couple closings? Then my etl thinks bringing a task driven team In later In the day is a good choice when they complain that they use the hours max forecasts and not some stupid forecasting tool that shoots low and then blows up a week later. HECK NO. The meeting we had was pretty tense. Im anticipating the first schedule.. Heads Will Roll if they do not let us have some say.

I know right!? I better not get additional closing shifts as a TL. I'm already fighting to reach 85% on MAX and I have to change my own SET SCHEDULE to make it get to 85% because MAX says we apparently don't need anyone on the sales floor from 8a-10a. WTF. (I change the shift after publishing because TL set schedules were not supposed to be affected by this Guest Driven Scheduling bullsh*t).

TL's can be on set schedules, so that is not the issue. And you should have a guest driven team at all times, but specifically during the middle of the day. When the most guests are in the store, that is when you want to have to most bodies representing service.

@Rock Lobster, please come talk to my HR team at my store about set schedules. There is no way in heck I am giving up my set schedule because of Guest Driven Scheduling.

Lol sorry, Rant over. 😀
The reason for no sales floor TMs before 9 or 10 is that Early AM Flow, Plano, and Price change can help the guest and backup the lanes.
The reason for no sales floor TMs before 9 or 10 is that Early AM Flow, Plano, and Price change can help the guest and backup the lanes.

You are wrong. No flow at my store, they are gone by 7am. . Reshop to be done, zone to be done and process teams have work to do that for the last month we are not doing since My time has chopped our hours down so we are allowed to do the bare minimum of our core roles. And with gutting of cashier hours, I have become a defunct cashier since as soon as I get back to the isle I was scanning for In-Stocks they call back up again.

It is one way that our scans with LOCS has dropped since we are not really scanning.
The reason for no sales floor TMs before 9 or 10 is that Early AM Flow, Plano, and Price change can help the guest and backup the lanes.

You are wrong. No flow at my store, they are gone by 7am. . Reshop to be done, zone to be done and process teams have work to do that for the last month we are not doing since My time has chopped our hours down so we are allowed to do the bare minimum of our core roles. And with gutting of cashier hours, I have become a defunct cashier since as soon as I get back to the isle I was scanning for In-Stocks they call back up again.

It is one way that our scans with LOCS has dropped since we are not really scanning.

No, you are wrong. Guest Service is the base of any TM"s core role. The guest does not know if you are a freight stocker, or performing price changes, or a sales floor TM. Look at the core roles. Guest service is on every core role. Guests first, task last.
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