We do infant hard lines which is in softlines and some of the socks, underwear sometimes shoe.. But only if a rig pops up or someone notices say all these shoes keep saying we have them but they walked out the door, then we will change it.. But research? Are stores actually shooting research? I haven't shot a valley doing research in months.. They just drop pog fills every day now.. Better to pull and back stock half the back room every day than only pull what is needed..

Oh yes, as a matter of fact I was informed we are expected to do research everyday. "How are you supposed to fix the eaches and outs?" He asks if we question that. We are expected to do this
So because my leadership has no clue...I'm soliciting suggestions. In an A volume store, we now have 1 FRO and 2-3 tms coming in between 8-9 (including 1 or both of our TLs), 1 mid coming in around 12-1 ish, and for closing 1 FRO and 2 on the floor. What would you have each of the tms doing? Right now, 2 openers zone, 1 does reshop, mid does reshop, and closers zone as usual. It isn't working.

What's not working? What's the issue?
Ok, I am posted the paperwork I was given today in yet another E2E meeting to determine who can do what and who needs to be trained. (also and to explain the level of work the SL ladies
(all of our SL TM are females, all hardlines flow until e2e were male. ) The top is chopped off because it has the store # on it. Its for essentials. He gave out one to Food and to Style. In the grey areas are times Morning afternoon and evening.
Also this nice pointpoint graph accompanied it.

Also, STL informed us at huddle that GVP is coming in two weeks to walk our store and if he likes what he sees we become the model he will use in his report to Minneapolis. So we could very well not only be the store that decides how the other stores in our area (its a high 2 digit number) do e2e, if Spot likes his idea then well then I apologize.

Bosch, they are serious about repetitive daily research. No pog pulls they have to be able to pull up a product and see it was scanned and when or they WILL ask why? Don't know if your system is better. Just though I would share, since we are all on the Ship together.
Bosch, they are serious about repetitive daily research. No pog pulls they have to be able to pull up a product and see it was scanned and when or they WILL ask why? Don't know if your system is better. Just though I would share, since we are all on the Ship together.

Disrict used to do this during walks all the time. Would check up on our Research Scans - or lack of.
My STL finally saw what I mean when I say "Research fills the floor." A few weeks ago I was able to go through HBA with a good research scan. A couple of days later as he was pushing HBA from the truck, he said he could see the difference the researching made with product coming in and filling the holes. I try to research each day but the cut in hours has made that difficult. That's why I liked when each day of the week certain departments had to be researched, it made sure that MOST of the store was researched each week. I hope with E2E each team will have the opportunity to research their areas completely and frequently.
So because my leadership has no clue...I'm soliciting suggestions. In an A volume store, we now have 1 FRO and 2-3 tms coming in between 8-9 (including 1 or both of our TLs), 1 mid coming in around 12-1 ish, and for closing 1 FRO and 2 on the floor. What would you have each of the tms doing? Right now, 2 openers zone, 1 does reshop, mid does reshop, and closers zone as usual. It isn't working.
What part isn't working? That's pretty similar to my store, except they also push the truck.
What part isn't working? That's pretty similar to my store, except they also push the truck.
What's not working? What's the issue?

The zone looks awful. We need it to be zone at night after everyone shops. On weekdays, it doesn't need to be done in the morning. We are also leaving 5 carts if unsorted reshop at night, and of course we're not supposed to have any. Meanwhile, we just started this on Sunday and everyone already wants to quit. We had someone who has been with the company for nearly 20 years give notice and I think this may be a big part of the reason why.
Also wanted to point out that our store loves to call reshop 'stray' Never asked why.
I envision strays as product that just idly wandered away from its location on its own. Based on early morning observations a good bit of Easter candy migrates, choosing a route out of mini seasonal thru a couple of blocks then fanning out to the front doors. Wrappers confirm predation but sales indicate that the majority of the candy exits in a paid for state. A proliferation of Reese's appears to be displacing Starburst in fierce competition. Man I'm going to be glad for Easter to end...
My STL finally saw what I mean when I say "Research fills the floor." A few weeks ago I was able to go through HBA with a good research scan. A couple of days later as he was pushing HBA from the truck, he said he could see the difference the researching made with product coming in and filling the holes. I try to research each day but the cut in hours has made that difficult. That's why I liked when each day of the week certain departments had to be researched, it made sure that MOST of the store was researched each week. I hope with E2E each team will have the opportunity to research their areas completely and frequently.

Your STL seems like he has no idea what he is doing. Any STL who doesn't realize that this would help should be a Cashier.
The zone looks awful. We need it to be zone at night after everyone shops. On weekdays, it doesn't need to be done in the morning. We are also leaving 5 carts if unsorted reshop at night, and of course we're not supposed to have any. Meanwhile, we just started this on Sunday and everyone already wants to quit. We had someone who has been with the company for nearly 20 years give notice and I think this may be a big part of the reason why.
I think part of the point of this process is to have it zoned BEFORE everyone shops, not after.
Grocery Model calls for each aisle in the morning to get stocked, zoned, scanned, backstocked, pulled, and restocked by each TM technically. Then you let the aisle ride the rest of the day by installing zone free fixtures throughout the areas.

Technically for the Grocery Model isn't there no backstock? everything is just staged on U-Boats? this is what was explained to me anyway, but I could EASILY see how might some would be confused in my store due to lack of communication from corporate.
Technically for the Grocery Model isn't there no backstock? everything is just staged on U-Boats? this is what was explained to me anyway, but I could EASILY see how might some would be confused in my store due to lack of communication from corporate.
We aren't backstocking fresh meat and produce. Everything else we are still backstocking. There's no way we can stage everything on u-boats Right now.
So does that mean your closers don't zone at night?
Sorry I was talking about softlines.
It should up being like that for every department that moves to end-to-end.

The point is that there is NO reason to get the store zoned perfectly by 11PM. When you complete your zone, the store is looking its best, and its to impress who? The next people to see it are the flow team!
This is my new favorite quote (stolen from another thread, but applies here too).
Your STL seems like he has no idea what he is doing. Any STL who doesn't realize that this would help should be a Cashier.
On the contrary, of the five STL we have had since the store has opened, he is by far the best. He has been with us a little under a year and things have gotten much better in spite of what HQ has demanded. Not only did we beat goal everyday but for two days in March, we also beat comp, too. We are doing the same this month. And, more hours for us TMs has followed. Our three previous STLs just stayed in their office with their eyes glued to their computer's monitor. Our current STL is constantly on the floor pushing, zoning, and basically, leading by example.

Regarding his change of view point on research, he was just following the directive from HQ to fill the floor by dropping POGs. In the end he saw the weakness in trying to fill will POGs without backing it up with research.

Is he perfect? Hell, no. But I am already dreading who will replace him when he is cycled out of my store.
Regarding his change of view point on research, he was just following the directive from HQ to fill the floor by dropping POGs. In the end he saw the weakness in trying to fill will POGs without backing it up with research.

Same at our store Research means you measure twice and cut once. We fill to depth so much and then the capacities never change and it happens all over again
Same at our store Research means you measure twice and cut once. We fill to depth so much and then the capacities never change and it happens all over again

I would love if we could, we cant even get the In-Stocks people pushing the pog fills equipment to push to more than what is on a pick label.. And that is all the hours In-Stocks gets..
So according to HR, they are just randomly allowing MyTime to schedule SL since starting this end-to-end thing. The result? We have no opening FRO on a weekend, and a couple nights w/o an FRO. Schedule me as FRO til 10:30 when our store closes at 11. Who the heck is going to answer the phones? You can't pull the one tm on the salesfloor for that. Who's going to backup cashier, zone, or get other work done?

My store has always scheduled fr like this. FR didn't answer phones when I started though. FR was always 9a-10. Now we sometimes have fr all day, sometimes not. It's not the same time range each day. In the morning, the hr tm answers the phones (that's who used to answer phones here). At night when I leave, they just hope the phone doesn't ring. They don't want the night bell lol.

End to end is working okay here, though.... on weekdays. Here's a more in depth breakdown of how they're doing it here.

The early morning tms push the truck stuff and reshop in the morning except the areas dedicated to brand tms or whatever (swimwear, shoes, rtw, accessories which FR does), then the morning soft lines tm does rtw reshop.

Style/brand /whatever tf they're called tms do their areas' reshop/push/zone.

The whole team does a midday zone on a bad area (in the past wallets, kids basics, sleepwear...).

The mid tm will usually continue to do rtw because it's the only one that really builds up quickly.

Closers zone and in a perfect world, leadership would like the closers to also finish the reshop. It's not working that way, but honestly we aren't leaving a ton of reshop for the morning... On weekdays.

On weekends, everything is piling tf up. And I still can't figure out how to do all the new fitting room responsibilities. It's too busy right now. They're supposed to be putting an extra person in the fitting room during the busy weekend hours, but they're scheduling the second person at the wrong time or they don't schedule one at all. They have me training new people and idk what to tell them because everyday I go in and I have a new responsibility or everything is rearranged again because of their new hotel lobby goals.

A couple long-time tms are planning to retire in the near future (when they previously planned to put it off a bit) because of this.

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