How much are you making?

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Started at $8.75 last year, now make $8.99

State minimum wage increases to $9 tomorrow.
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GSA for 7 months - started at $11.50 and got $0.20 at yearly, now making $11.70 an hour. Before that, I was hardlines for about 5 months and was hired on at $10.50 an hour.
$10.45 Pharmacy Clerk
Been with Target for 12 years and worked nearly everywhere, except flow, Starbucks, and Photo.
I started at $6.25.
$18.58 an hour started BR day to BRTL to Flow TL then quit then got reinstated after cashing in my sick and vacation time 4000 bucks, to BR TM back to BRTL/instocks then Flow TL key carrier currently 5 years 3 stores 9 different ETL LOG
APTL, $16.50 an hour to start. Low COL area. I'm sure I got bonus points for having a degree and previous AP experience. Pro-tip: Dont be afraid to negotiate for a higher salary. They sure didnt begin with an offer of $16.50.
Little over $18 an hour.
Started at $6.75
Former team lead who didnt have his pay taken away when demoted. Not sure why they didnt but I didnt say nothing! =)

I am capped now unless I get an EX or higher which I have not on my past 2 reviews but its ok with me as Target is no longer my main job and for what I do for them I wont complain.
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