Archived No more ETL HR?

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I have a feeling that this is how HR is in most stores.

I wonder if HRZone is blind to how disliked HR is because they have worked HR for to long.
The two ETL-HR's we've had at my store have been great. The first is actually on Maternity leave and had been scheduled to come back at the end of this month, and everyone is excited that she's coming back. Her fill in has done a good job too that everyone likes, so it's definitely not universal that HR is hated.
I was hearing from our ETL-HR that TLs won't be handling performance management of their TMs, it'll be handled directly by the ETL but I don't think that information is accurate nor does that even make sense.
From what I've seen, our ETL-HR was always involved in firings (not like they happen very often). I assumed that was standard, so it's not a great example if it's not. It still doesn't make me think it's any less strange to try and turn HR into an hourly role.
ETL HR makes sure all of the legalities are observed. I don't think I remember ever seeing one actually do the deed.
I wonder if HRZone is blind to how disliked HR is because they have worked HR for to long.
Our ETL-HR is similar to what HRZone described.
Sure, their core duty is to look out for the interests of the company but one way to do that is to prevent disasters like talking numerous TMs out of quitting, reining in over-zealous ETLs, keeping hours fair instead of giving them to the ETLs' pets, helping TMs with personal issues like food stamps, staying on top of hiring needs, etc.
Sometimes the mark of an effective person isn't so much what they DO, it's what they keep from HAPPENING - like keeping the shit from hitting the fan.
Prior to my Target internship days, I worked at a Kmart during my high school and a majority of my college years.

At Kmart, we had a store manager and three assistants; hardlines, softlines, and operations. All the HR related duties were handled by an hourly "HR lead" who mainly created the schedules, conducted interviews/orientations, maintained personnel files, maintained the break room, and assisted with the store manager with investigations, witnessed terminations, and worked with assistants on their staffing plans.

When I arrived at Target, I thought it was unusual to have a salaried HR-ETL in addition to the HRTM, especially since my store's HRTM did a majority of the HR-related functions, while the ETL-HR was basically another sales floor ETL.

While I feel bad for those jobs are on the line, I can't say that I'm surprised. Other retailers have regulated HR functions to hourly employees who function as admins while assistant managers are expected to manage their own teams. Heck, at Meijer they didn't have ANY HR functions... Just a 'store secretary' who would consult with the district HR generalist when needed.
I know as an HRTM this is a unique opportunity for me and like LUR99 I can only see my hours going up but I will say our ETL HR is going to be a huge loss.

Aside from being the store mom, she has talked numerous TMs out of quitting, told several overzealous ETLs not to have unrealistic expectation of TLs and has helped several of our TMs with personal issues (Verification for food stamps etc) she is the one who would tell me not to key that absence as a no call no show when the LOD overreacted to someone didn't call them back. She would always keep us one step ahead with hiring needs, posting an opening for a closing cashier when our crappy one was days from getting termed.

She also made it so the ETLS pets didn't get all the hours but rather made it relatively fair that everyone got hours.

Yes a TL can do a lot of those things but in some stores the ETL HR is the number two in command and so what they said carried a lot of weight.

My ETL HR is the one executive people could go to and trust she would advocate for them. Even though ETL HRS are forced to spout a lot of the company party line BS , I always felt the best ones did it with dignity and class. Gonna miss mine.
Sounds like my ETL-HR. Hope we can keep ours.
The two Sam's Clubs that I worked at had an hourly Personnel/Training Coordinator who handled 99% of the HR tasks. The Walmart that I had the misfortune of transferring to had the roles split for two associates.

I'm only doing 2 days/week right now and don't know what's up in my store.
Prior to my Target internship days, I worked at a Kmart during my high school and a majority of my college years.

At Kmart, we had a store manager and three assistants; hardlines, softlines, and operations. All the HR related duties were handled by an hourly "HR lead" who mainly created the schedules, conducted interviews/orientations, maintained personnel files, maintained the break room, and assisted with the store manager with investigations, witnessed terminations, and worked with assistants on their staffing plans.

When I arrived at Target, I thought it was unusual to have a salaried HR-ETL in addition to the HRTM, especially since my store's HRTM did a majority of the HR-related functions, while the ETL-HR was basically another sales floor ETL.

While I feel bad for those jobs are on the line, I can't say that I'm surprised. Other retailers have regulated HR functions to hourly employees who function as admins while assistant managers are expected to manage their own teams. Heck, at Meijer they didn't have ANY HR functions... Just a 'store secretary' who would consult with the district HR generalist when needed.
Same here, I worked for Kmart as well and that's how mine was. I also worked for Lowes, and they were the same way. It completely baffled me as to why we have an HR TM who's (unfairly) paid like shit, and an assistant manager of HR who is (unfairly) paid a shit-ton. Especially when the HR TM does the actual HR work and ETL-HR does LOD 2 days a week and nothing else except bitch about OT the rest.
Hate to break it to you but your HRTM can already see what you make.

And if you get a raise guess who keys it in the system?
I try not to think about it... my current hrtm spent half her training days on pinterest while the etl-hr was right there... she's not mature enough to be able to check what everyone makes while talking trash about the team.
So is it only low volume stores losing their ETL-HR? Mine's happy as a clam so I doubt she's going anywhere. We're A volume, and organization chart 4 although I'm not sure what that means.
This is also coming to my district(luckily not my store) along with project viper. Curious, does anyone know what pay the HRTL would be making? And what will their role be on the sales floor?
Hate to break it to you but your HRTM can already see what you make.

And if you get a raise guess who keys it in the system?

I am aware of what is in HRZone... My HR TMs keep to themselves. I stand by what I said.
The neighboring store in my area just hired a ETL HR.... we've been training her at my store for almost a month... now they just got the news they no longer get an ETL HR... oops.
So is it only low volume stores losing their ETL-HR? Mine's happy as a clam so I doubt she's going anywhere. We're A volume, and organization chart 4 although I'm not sure what that means.

Yeah, found out today mine is staying. Same volume and org chart as you. She told me that in the long run the larger volumes will lose their ETL HR too but they are starting with the lower volumes in our district at least.
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I am aware of what is in HRZone... My HR TMs keep to themselves. I stand by what I said.

Actually you don't know what they do but whatever makes you feel secure.

You have a right to feel the way you do but I don't think an HRTM knowing what you make is the end of the world. Confidentiality is drilled into us all during training and failing in that area is a quick route to termination.
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