Archived No More VMTL?

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Our vmtl is amazing. She has made a big impact in our store. I know she gets direction on the looks she does around the store, but I know she does her own, too. Always really impactful. The vmtl we had before wasn't nearly as good so we do have a basis for comparison.
Our vmtl is amazing. She has made a big impact in our store. I know she gets direction on the looks she does around the store, but I know she does her own, too. Always really impactful. The vmtl we had before wasn't nearly as good so we do have a basis for comparison.
We had an amazing VMTL at our store as well, but she left us for Nordstrom and we got a crappy one that didn't want to lift a finger and that didn't even last a full year before she left
We had an amazing VMTL at our store as well, but she left us for Nordstrom and we got a crappy one that didn't want to lift a finger and that didn't even last a full year before she left

On our fourth in two years. Here's another problem with them, no consistency. The good ones leave and the bad ones leave.

Does anyone have their original vmtl from 2 years ago? I know some stores just got a vmtm back in February but has anyone kept their vmtl?
So..... when I started approx 2 years ago, the position was a VML. Cool, I liked the role. And then.... a few months into the role, the STL informed me that I was now a VMTL, overseeing the Brand TMs. Okay... cool, no problem, I can lead a Team. And then..... just a few months ago, the STL informed me that the BTMs would report the the SLTL instead. Okay, no sweat, I can roll w/ the changes. Now, whether my title changes in the next few days, weeks, whatever; it won't change what I do all day long.
Now, I want to make a point to those that cannot see the impact a Visual Merchandiser can make. The "old" Target had absolutely NO NEED for a VM. None, nada, zip. Now, fast-forward.... Target is changing to stay competitive in a unforgiving market.
We are NOT like Walmart anymore. We are elevating our presence in the retail world. Every day that passes, we are closer to becoming a Department Store. We "look" like a Department Store: mannequins, specialty fixturing, new graphics/props, Home Innovation, "Beauty",etc. Target is finding it's own niche in the retail marketing world, and Guests are digging it !!!!! THIS is where a VM fits in. I know, because I have worked in the Department Store setting for years.
If the VM is doing their job correctly, they are helping "bridge" the gap between "Mass Merchandise Target" and "Department Store Target". Trust me, I've read all the posts about the ridiculous displays VMs have done in other stores, and I've seen some tacky "visual" pics on Instagram.....and NO, that is NOT what a good VM does. It's art+science= marketing.

Mass merchandise Vs. Department store? They seem the same to me.....both have separate "departments" aka "mass merchandise".

Kind of like comparing a "five and dime" store and a "discount" store.
So..... when I started approx 2 years ago, the position was a VML. Cool, I liked the role. And then.... a few months into the role, the STL informed me that I was now a VMTL, overseeing the Brand TMs. Okay... cool, no problem, I can lead a Team. And then..... just a few months ago, the STL informed me that the BTMs would report the the SLTL instead. Okay, no sweat, I can roll w/ the changes. Now, whether my title changes in the next few days, weeks, whatever; it won't change what I do all day long.
Now, I want to make a point to those that cannot see the impact a Visual Merchandiser can make. The "old" Target had absolutely NO NEED for a VM. None, nada, zip. Now, fast-forward.... Target is changing to stay competitive in a unforgiving market.
We are NOT like Walmart anymore. We are elevating our presence in the retail world. Every day that passes, we are closer to becoming a Department Store. We "look" like a Department Store: mannequins, specialty fixturing, new graphics/props, Home Innovation, "Beauty",etc. Target is finding it's own niche in the retail marketing world, and Guests are digging it !!!!! THIS is where a VM fits in. I know, because I have worked in the Department Store setting for years.
If the VM is doing their job correctly, they are helping "bridge" the gap between "Mass Merchandise Target" and "Department Store Target". Trust me, I've read all the posts about the ridiculous displays VMs have done in other stores, and I've seen some tacky "visual" pics on Instagram.....and NO, that is NOT what a good VM does. It's art+science= marketing.
No need? Honey its called market. Which is why people like @BigEyedPhish and I get so pissed about it... we merchandise the fuck out of that area but aren't good enough for a fancy vmtl job with clothes. Pffft.

We are on our second... she's lazy as fuck. Drowning in mannequins and lights with the 2.0 remodel. Hoping she's done by black Friday.
Does anyone have their original vmtl from 2 years ago? I know some stores just got a vmtm back in February but has anyone kept their vmtl?

Yea, my original is still around. When she’s doing the visual shit, you can see her impact, but... she isn’t consistent. Without the leading, she might be better able to focus on the other shit...... but I don’t think she’s gonna like it. And I think even though on paper she’s no longer a leader, they’re still gonna have her doing the sl dept assignments for the day and shit like that. She looked salty af yesterday, so I didn’t really chat her up, but I’m assuming she found out and isn’t happy about it.

But also I guess she’s not as horrible as I thought if you guys have vms that don’t ever leave softlines
Mass merchandise Vs. Department store? They seem the same to me.....both have separate "departments" aka "mass merchandise".

Kind of like comparing a "five and dime" store and a "discount" store.

You can have a Department Store w/in a Mass Merchandise Store..... but not vice/versa. Nordstrom would never have dog food or toilet paper aisles. 😵Target is finding it's own little niche in the retail world by elevating it's appearance and elevating Team-Training expectations so we can separate ourselves from the likes of Walmart.
Maybe I’m just having the crappiest experience as a VMTL at Target. Up until two weeks ago (when we phased out end to end) the main thing I did all day was push the truck. My “team” was two team members who worked in C&D. I rarely ever got to do any merchandising. The only time I’ve spent a significant amount of time in softlines is when the new brands launched. I try to go over there and work and I’m scolded and told to go back to hardlines. They were all about how fast my team could push truck, not my merchandising skills.

I thought when end to end was over, I would finally get to do the job I was hired for. All I have done for two weeks is ptm. Which I will say is an important part of merchandising, but when the former vmtl is doing your focal tables and your trend runs and your fitting room makeover, ptm’ing for two weeks really gets annoying. Oh and I still have to push truck because our flow team is slower than christmas

The old VMTL is still at my store. She is now a SRTL over hardlines or something. She never did anything and still doesn’t do anything unless it’s the “fun” merchandising. You best believe if I’ve created some kind of focal, she’ll change it within a few days.

All of my team leaders and ETLs have absolutely no respect for me. They roll their eyes when I’m addressed as a leader. They don’t listen to a word I say. I have an idea for a great focal, they laugh at it. I’ve had them call me names and say my area looks like big lots. I’ve had them curse at my team for something they had no control over. I can go on and on.

So now it seems the biggest slap in my face is getting demoted. They told me I am no longer welcome in meetings where we discuss upcoming events and important details of the store’s operations. I’m no longer allowed to have my desk area where all of my vmtl files are. I am just a team member. I will have to spend my day zoning and push the truck when needed and will probably still not be able to do the job I was hired for. And for someone who has a college degree and was told how important this job was to Target, THIS SUCKS.

I get where most everyone is frustrated with the vmtls being upset over this. Trust me, I’ve seen the work of a lazy vmtl. But just try and put yourself in our shoes and realize how embarrassing it is to be demoted when you were told how important you were to the company.
On our fourth in two years. Here's another problem with them, no consistency. The good ones leave and the bad ones leave.

Does anyone have their original vmtl from 2 years ago? I know some stores just got a vmtm back in February but has anyone kept their vmtl?
Yeah we still have our original VMTL.... she started out as a flow team member and got VMTL when they made the role.... our old ETL GE/SF tried to get rid of her but everyone she hired quit and then the ETL GE/SF quit lol
Um I actually work very hard. I was in charge of domestics, I pushed freight, zoned, hopped on the registers when needed, ran the fitting room when needed, AND did all the visual merchandising in the store.

Wish i had you in my store.. my vm literally stays in rtw and accessories complaining about how bored he is and how theres nothing else to do
On our fourth in two years. Here's another problem with them, no consistency. The good ones leave and the bad ones leave.

Does anyone have their original vmtl from 2 years ago? I know some stores just got a vmtm back in February but has anyone kept their vmtl?

My previous store does however he was promoted to SrTL and they promoted one of our GSA who was a merchandiser for Abercombie.
On our fourth in two years. Here's another problem with them, no consistency. The good ones leave and the bad ones leave.

Does anyone have their original vmtl from 2 years ago? I know some stores just got a vmtm back in February but has anyone kept their vmtl?

We are on our second because our first one moved to another store. She was ok at it and I did wonder why she had the job when an plano tm could do the adjacencies and style mannequins, but whatever right? We all see dumb stuff all the time and you tend to lose interest or you lose your mind. Then they hired out new one and wow, night and day. Her outside experience makes a ton of difference.
We still have our original VMTL. She is awesome, she helps a ton all over the store and covers lunches for other TL. She has a ton of experience from outside of Target and is an asset to the company. She hasn't said anything yet about losing her title.
Yeah we still have our original VMTL.... she started out as a flow team member and got VMTL when they made the role.... our old ETL GE/SF tried to get rid of her but everyone she hired quit and then the ETL GE/SF quit lol

Interesting They allowed you guys to promote one within. We have always been told if they don't have merchandising experience outside of Target we can't hire them.
Ours is excellent and is also a certified SB barista. He backs them up all the time. I keep saying HE needs to be the SBTL.
Actually, that's what they do - throw SB on a TL on top of what they already do.

No pay increase.
It isn't going away they just changed the title to visual merchandiser. They just want to us as VM's to focus on the store as a whole to make sure its visually appealing everywhere. I see these comments an it must be different in every store because not to be that person but I do a lot like some other VM's I know . I don't rely on anyone to do my job I treat target as if it was my own store I care that much . I been with target awhile ..I trained an met some VM's who thought they are here to just change mannequins an when in reality its more than that ..then they realised how much work it is ..they quit. So unless you're with your vm 24/7 cut them a break. I know some of my team leads are useless an just care about reshop but what are you going to do. Retail.
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Maybe I’m just having the crappiest experience as a VMTL at Target. Up until two weeks ago (when we phased out end to end) the main thing I did all day was push the truck. My “team” was two team members who worked in C&D. I rarely ever got to do any merchandising. The only time I’ve spent a significant amount of time in softlines is when the new brands launched. I try to go over there and work and I’m scolded and told to go back to hardlines. They were all about how fast my team could push truck, not my merchandising skills.

I thought when end to end was over, I would finally get to do the job I was hired for. All I have done for two weeks is ptm. Which I will say is an important part of merchandising, but when the former vmtl is doing your focal tables and your trend runs and your fitting room makeover, ptm’ing for two weeks really gets annoying. Oh and I still have to push truck because our flow team is slower than christmas

The old VMTL is still at my store. She is now a SRTL over hardlines or something. She never did anything and still doesn’t do anything unless it’s the “fun” merchandising. You best believe if I’ve created some kind of focal, she’ll change it within a few days.

All of my team leaders and ETLs have absolutely no respect for me. They roll their eyes when I’m addressed as a leader. They don’t listen to a word I say. I have an idea for a great focal, they laugh at it. I’ve had them call me names and say my area looks like big lots. I’ve had them curse at my team for something they had no control over. I can go on and on.

So now it seems the biggest slap in my face is getting demoted. They told me I am no longer welcome in meetings where we discuss upcoming events and important details of the store’s operations. I’m no longer allowed to have my desk area where all of my vmtl files are. I am just a team member. I will have to spend my day zoning and push the truck when needed and will probably still not be able to do the job I was hired for. And for someone who has a college degree and was told how important this job was to Target, THIS SUCKS.

I get where most everyone is frustrated with the vmtls being upset over this. Trust me, I’ve seen the work of a lazy vmtl. But just try and put yourself in our shoes and realize how embarrassing it is to be demoted when you were told how important you were to the company.

Ours was told the opposite. Keeps her desk and still attends the TL meetings. Similar to the PMT, has no team/can't coach, but still vital to store operations and needs to be at meetings.
Well that’s interesting. Just makes me feel even more like my ETLs are trying to get rid of me.
So..... when I started approx 2 years ago, the position was a VML. Cool, I liked the role. And then.... a few months into the role, the STL informed me that I was now a VMTL, overseeing the Brand TMs. Okay... cool, no problem, I can lead a Team. And then..... just a few months ago, the STL informed me that the BTMs would report the the SLTL instead. Okay, no sweat, I can roll w/ the changes. Now, whether my title changes in the next few days, weeks, whatever; it won't change what I do all day long.
Now, I want to make a point to those that cannot see the impact a Visual Merchandiser can make. The "old" Target had absolutely NO NEED for a VM. None, nada, zip. Now, fast-forward.... Target is changing to stay competitive in a unforgiving market.
We are NOT like Walmart anymore. We are elevating our presence in the retail world. Every day that passes, we are closer to becoming a Department Store. We "look" like a Department Store: mannequins, specialty fixturing, new graphics/props, Home Innovation, "Beauty",etc. Target is finding it's own niche in the retail marketing world, and Guests are digging it !!!!! THIS is where a VM fits in. I know, because I have worked in the Department Store setting for years.
If the VM is doing their job correctly, they are helping "bridge" the gap between "Mass Merchandise Target" and "Department Store Target". Trust me, I've read all the posts about the ridiculous displays VMs have done in other stores, and I've seen some tacky "visual" pics on Instagram.....and NO, that is NOT what a good VM does. It's art+science= marketing.

Okay real talk are you someone from corporate because the amount of corporate buzzwords I'm getting out of this is a lil ridiculous

BigEyedPhish..... wait !!! 😱 Allow me to clarify what I meant; I am not saying that a VM does the signing, graphics, props etc...... I was using those examples to show how Target is becoming a Department Store. Target is starting to look and "behave" like a Department store.
Every Department Store has some sort of VM on their payroll: JCPenney, Macy's, Nordstrom, etc. Target jumped on the bandwagon, early in it's "Department Store infancy", and hired VMs for this reason. A good VM should be a valuable resource to each store as we morph, grow, change, etc into the next phase of retail. There's already a shift in how we merchandise in A&A..... pogs and labels are no longer necessary; and more changes are on the way.

Okay but until we actually get decent clothes and break away from the illusion people have of our clothes, nothing's gonna change.

I hear so many complaints about women's clothes. Plus-size is apparently notoriously bad for just being "large and flowery"

And Target already is a department store.
It isn't going away they just changed the title to visual merchandiser. They just want to us as VM's to focus on the store as a whole to make sure its visually appealing everywhere. I see these comments an it must be different in every store because not to be that person but I do a lot like some other VM's I know . I don't rely on anyone to do my job I treat target as if it was my own store I care that much . I been with target awhile ..I trained an met some VM's who thought they are here to just change mannequins an when in reality its more than that ..then they realised how much work it is ..they quit. So unless you're with your vm 24/7 cut them a break. I know some of my team leads are useless an just care about reshop but what are you going to do. Retail.

VMs gotta get out of softlines and do some work in home. My store's VMTL had absolutely nothing to do with the Project 62 launch. Y'know, the biggest change to the Home department since Threshold.
VMs gotta get out of softlines and do some work in home. My store's VMTL had absolutely nothing to do with the Project 62 launch. Y'know, the biggest change to the Home department since Threshold.
We got a Home Brand TM with the Project 62 launch.
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