Archived No More VMTL?

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We got a Home Brand TM with the Project 62 launch.

Stores were required to have a tm for p62 launch to promote the brand to guest. This is very different from having a vm actually merchandise your home innovation section
Stores were required to have a tm for p62 launch to promote the brand to guest. This is very different from having a vm actually merchandise your home innovation section
We used the VM for that. But really she was just pushing freight all day.
Well it’s about fucking time. VMTL was a useless position that should have not existed in the first place. We are a discount retailer, not Saks Fifth Avenue. Most of our “visual merchandising” could be done by Corp and released through planograms. No need to pay someone almost twice my paycheck, plus benefits to put a bra on a mannequin. Hell its harder to take bras off than put them on.

Some of the people on here saying “Well we do a lot, we push freight, respond for backup cashiers, help zone, and blah blah blah”

Yea, so does almost the entire store. Except we don’t get paid $19 an hour and benefits to do it.
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First, let me say that we still have our first VMTL. She is good, and because of her body type and physique, can really rock the new fashion lines especially Joy Lab. I think taking away the title but keeping a pay bump is appropriate since you want someone who has been formally educated, or has experience in, fashion and/or visual merchandising.

Second, Macy's has been closing stores left and right, and Nordstrom's is on the market and can't find a buyer. To me, copying another failing retailing concept doesn't seem to me to be the best long-term business strategy.

Lastly, we are a discount store like Walmart, but now are trying to pretend we are a department store like Macy's. Unfortunately, we can't fix our pricing to be as low as Walmart because of their buying power in hardline items, or to be as high as Macy's because of the quality of our soft lines (Style) products. We are caught in the middle, and that is not a successful place to be.
My Etl ge who is running e2e thinks he is working at Nordstoms. Hello we are at Target. Now we have new fixtures, mannequins, new carpet and coming soon new fitting room. We also have carts full of reshop at fitting room, 3 days, on average of shoes to push, carts and z racks that sit for days and most importantly, not enough e2e tms to do any of this. You can put lipstick on a pig, BUT it is still a pig!
VMs gotta get out of softlines and do some work in home. My store's VMTL had absolutely nothing to do with the Project 62 launch. Y'know, the biggest change to the Home department since Threshold.
And I totally agree with you. A majority of the VM's I have met just come from clothing stores an have no idea about anything else. An it all goes back to training. Their ETL should say something about it.
Our VMTL has also always kept the trend runs, focals, and endcaps looking good in Domestics and Home. My only complaint, as an Instocks TM, is she never does a store tie when she puts new items in a location.
Up until two weeks ago (when we phased out end to end)

And for someone who has a college degree

They phased out end to end in your store? Thats interesting because without it, it doesn't make sense for AA to not be base pay...

Lots of us regular tms have degrees. Don't let having a degree be why you're angry (you have plenty of good reasons)... but I guess if it is, maybe don't say that out loud. It comes off a little condescending
And for someone who has a college degree and was told how important this job was to Target, THIS SUCKS.

I felt for you until you made this statement. I have a degree myself, as do many of my fellow tms. Most of us have no interest in a leadership position (or were a leader in the past but have since stepped down), but we're damn good workers who care about our store and do the best we can. Your superior attitude will get you nowhere.
To be fair I do not think OP intended to be condescending. I do believe he/she was saying they perceived this position to be of high value to Target and took it as a viable career path (or start), only to be seemingly misled to failure. Having a degree doesn’t make anyone better than others, but being a nice and genuine helps. Don’t be in such a rush to be defensive on the interwebs!
I think the VMTL position was the most misunderstood, unappreciated, overly evaluated, criticized, under utilized position in the Target Organization Period!!!
And I've been in Retail Management for over 20+ yrs in the field & also Corporate level.. As a General Manager to a Regional Merchandise Coordinator...
Mostly Specialty Retail & Department Store.. Target's my first Big Box Retailer.. and these previous 2yrs have been a test of my faith!!
First and foremost, most Retailers view the Visual Merchandiser as second in command next to the GM(equivalent to the STL), they know the importance of the VM role as key to successfully driving the business, because that role has a great impact on achieving an increase Sales to budget.
In most Retailers the VM is also in charge of the Presentation/Pricing & Signing Workload, there is no POG Team Leader because Presentation, Pricing, Signage and Visual Merchandising go hand in hand!!!
Until Target makes this realization the VM role will NEVER REACH IT'S FULL POTENTIAL AT TARGET!!! And Leaders in the stores will continue to assume, that all we do is play w/Mannequins.. Tuh I've worked harder longer hours, @ Target than I did when I was in charge of my own store!!! I not only update Mannequins, set VMG's, Trend Runs, but I'm also in charge of the entire Softlines Team, and I plan out their weekly work load, schedule, I lead and direct the SL's flow team, make sure the truck is processed by 9:30am and pushed to the floor with a sense of urgency.. I've had to train SL Team Members. Along with every leader in the building on how to read,set and walk a Visual Adjacency including my former STL... and now going into the 4th Qtr my workload continues to increase.. but I'm constantly told I'm in charge of SL's bcus my Salesfloor ETL GE is inexperienced along w/my Srtl Sales floorREALLY.. So for any of you whom think the VM doesn't do anything in your store, that's just an indication that you have no Retail Management Experience and perhaps you're just a little intimidated!! Ijs don't shoot the messenger!!
Speak for yourself. Our old vmtl was a lazy ditz who thought she was above backup cashiering, closing and working weekends.
Our VML is pretty good, but she really doesn’t do anything that the presentation team can’t do.
You gotta speak for yourself, momma. Don't defend every vm in the company. Defend only yourself. Defending people you haven't seen work is just crazy talk. You don't know what these people are doing with the position (based on multiple accounts on this site, seems a lot of them are doing nothing). It sounds like you're doing way too much, though, tbh. I mean based on the title and what it means to target you're doing too much and you should take that up with your leadership. Ask them why you're doing the work of the softlines tl when they've taken away your leadership role. Although maybe you don't have one since you only mentioned a sales floor ge etl? Is that one person?? And you mentioned a sales floor Sr and not sl, so I'm assuming low volume store with a dumb org chart? That's not your problem though lol. You have enough to throw on a resume and save yourself from target.

If you have a good VM, you'll see the difference, literally. Visual is in the damn name. My VM goes through ups and downs but she's fine. I see her impact in places.
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