Archived pay raise at our store

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Nov 29, 2014
we got a pay raise today effective .

flow team, backroom..... 10.75 the last raise was in October from 9.50 to 10 . is this nation wide or only in our district .
i am in northern CA
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California is raising the minimum wage.
Anybody in the LA area where it's supposed to be going up to 15 an hour?
What's a pay rise ? I know of a raise but a rise. Lol. And in June when hours have been cut wtf.

I am a PA and work in Pfresh and only make 10.10 per hour what kinda bull is this I do the same if not more than those in Cali our store is a 55+ million a year store

I'm not gonna even ask why your store is "out".
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Was that for everyone, or just you? For us the yearly raises from our reviews just took affect...or is is effect....too lazy to google. Maybe that's what that was? The minimum wage in California won't go to $10 until next year.
Some cities in California have had the minimum wage raised in incremental steps like LA so businesses won't be hit with $15/hr wages right away. So wages across not only the country but within the same state will vary widely.
While California has a High Cost of Living and I can see a $15/hr wage being slightly more justified (still seems ridiculously high for entry level unskilled jobs), if they tried that here in Minnesota it would be absurb (cost of living here is pretty normal).

I mean I only make about $20.00/hr working as a Helpdesk Analyst II lol. I would be upset if burger flippers started making $15/hr and I didn't make more than I do now.

Did LA really pass a $15/hr minimum?
California's minimum wage is jumping to $10/hour starting in January, I believe, so my guess is Spot's trying to get ahead or something.
While California has a High Cost of Living and I can see a $15/hr wage being slightly more justified (still seems ridiculously high for entry level unskilled jobs), if they tried that here in Minnesota it would be absurb (cost of living here is pretty normal).

I mean I only make about $20.00/hr working as a Helpdesk Analyst II lol. I would be upset if burger flippers started making $15/hr and I didn't make more than I do now.

Did LA really pass a $15/hr minimum?

IDK if LA passed 15/hour, but I know San Francisco did.
As for me, I'm against the $15/hr minimum wage when we have people who go through gruelling training regimens to become firefighters and paramedics and are lucky to get $12/hour, especially since, while I make $13.10/hour and average 35 hours a week and can't come close to affording rent in my county.
Was that for everyone, or just you? For us the yearly raises from our reviews just took affect...or is is effect....too lazy to google. Maybe that's what that was? The minimum wage in California won't go to $10 until next year.

we were told today that this raise is for our store and that the store HR requested this raise , the minimum wage in my area is 9.00 .
California's minimum wage is jumping to $10/hour starting in January, I believe, so my guess is Spot's trying to get ahead or something.

IDK if LA passed 15/hour, but I know San Francisco did.
As for me, I'm against the $15/hr minimum wage when we have people who go through gruelling training regimens to become firefighters and paramedics and are lucky to get $12/hour, especially since, while I make $13.10/hour and average 35 hours a week and can't come close to affording rent in my county.

Yeah Spot will do it a bit early so they make it look like they're the "good guys" and raising wages before it's actually law.

I'm against the insane wage hikes this country seems to be pushing for as well.... If people can't make a living working at McDonalds its time to set your sights higher 🙂

Realistically, wage hikes like this will force a lot of employers to lay off workers, and places like McDonalds you will just order off a touchscreen 😉
we were told today that this raise is for our store and that the store HR requested this raise , the minimum wage in my area is 9.00 .

Some stores do this, it's rare. I think it requires the approval of the ETLHR, STL, DTL, and possibly someone at group level.
Yeah Spot will do it a bit early so they make it look like they're the "good guys" and raising wages before it's actually law.

I'm against the insane wage hikes this country seems to be pushing for as well.... If people can't make a living working at McDonalds its time to set your sights higher 🙂

Realistically, wage hikes like this will force a lot of employers to lay off workers, and places like McDonalds you will just order off a touchscreen 😉
How many people here use Amazon or Netflix or Redbox?
last week we got another raise to 11.75 for flow . lowest wage for the store is 11.00. and this the 3rd raise in a year
last week we got another raise to 11.75 for flow . lowest wage for the store is 11.00. and this the 3rd raise in a year
Not at my store. Still 10.50 for flow and 9.00 for cashiers.
As I sit and cry 2 years and 20 months as a PA and only at 10.50, with more work load than when I first started
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Not at my store. Still 10.50 for flow and 9.00 for cashiers.
As I sit and cry 2 years and 20 months as a PA and only at 10.50, with more work load than when I first started
Not at my store. Still 10.50 for flow and 9.00 for cashiers.
As I sit and cry 2 years and 20 months as a PA and only at 10.50, with more work load than when I first started
four and a half years and I make less than you do. So please stop bitching.
i think the raise has to do with the cost of living in my area (California) , and also the high turnover
We got the same raise at our store a few months ago. I went from 9.79 to 10.75 (six or so months before that I was 8.79). I'm in the backroom. Nothing's happened to my hours, but there have been a few "little" changes: leaving in timely fashion, giving us more to do (more than we can handle in my opinion, but we have "ways" of dealing with that).

My state's minimum wage started going up a little each year in 2014, but nothing close to $10. We've had a Costco nearby for 3 years, didn't do a thing to our store's wages. I think it's a slow national (semi-national?) hike rollout in response to Walmart's, tho Target PR doesn't seem to want to go on record about it.
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While California has a High Cost of Living and I can see a $15/hr wage being slightly more justified (still seems ridiculously high for entry level unskilled jobs), if they tried that here in Minnesota it would be absurb (cost of living here is pretty normal).

I mean I only make about $20.00/hr working as a Helpdesk Analyst II lol. I would be upset if burger flippers started making $15/hr and I didn't make more than I do now.

Did LA really pass a $15/hr minimum?

Ya know as I've aged I've just become more liberal overall, but honestly... I think if rent and housing cost would go down I think things wouldn't be so ridiculous for most people. I must accept that in some markets my comrades are part of the problem... UP not out is a great quick solution to some of our wage problems. However.... much of local politics is plagued with special interest dominated by NIMBY and powerful real estate devs/corps who benefit in a weak labor market.

You don't do help desk for target do you? If you do... what are the hours for US help desk? If I have to waist time dealing with India again I'm going to just stop bothering at all. Last few times I've dealt with them they've just given me half ass no shit sherlock work around solutions that I already knew of when I was calling them to try and deal with the problem "correctly".
As for me, I'm against the $15/hr minimum wage when we have people who go through gruelling training regimens to become firefighters and paramedics and are lucky to get $12/hour, especially since, while I make $13.10/hour and average 35 hours a week and can't come close to affording rent in my county.

While California has a High Cost of Living and I can see a $15/hr wage being slightly more justified (still seems ridiculously high for entry level unskilled jobs), if they tried that here in Minnesota it would be absurb (cost of living here is pretty normal).

I mean I only make about $20.00/hr working as a Helpdesk Analyst II lol. I would be upset if burger flippers started making $15/hr and I didn't make more than I do now.

Did LA really pass a $15/hr minimum?

I wish instead of fighting each other and being upset about a $5/hr difference, we should be fighting FOR each other. We should'nt be living in poverty and/or on food stamps while simultaniously working 40 hours a week.

How about we get angry at the top 1% who is about to own over half the worlds wealth in 2016. How about we get upset at CEOs making $9,000 an hour...

Our anger is misdirected. That's exactly what they want. A bunch of infighting to take our minds off of what the real problem is.
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